Fan Reviews
This was a great show at a great venue. I have seen them around 10 times over the past 20 years and this may have been the best show of theirs I have seen. They were enjoying the hell out of the show themselves and it showed. Such a great live show I never get tired of seeing them perform.
I can think of a very good example to compare The Scratch to. Normally I pass over opening bands. Arriving to see the main event. In this case....Dropkick Murphy's. But for whatever reason I was right on time. And I'm glad I was. Those boys put on a great show! I was pulled right in. And for the hour and a half drive home I played they're music on repeat. There's many different shades of a genre and this was one that I would say was totally enjoyable. Sometimes hard...... Sometimes melodic. Highly recommend. And the example? Van Halen when they were opening!
It was my 19th Collective Soul show and they only got better somehow!! After the best meet and greet of my life (they are always so supportive of me and LOVED the banner I made for Ed) they rocked out a whopping 19 song setlist with many new songs, many hits and many underrated tunes from their catalog like "She Said" and "Compliment"! After seeing them for 19 times you'd think that I would get bored but that NEVER happens! They entertain so well and Ed is a fabulous front man who loves to dance and tell you quick but cool stories! He is 61 but acts 50! For sure go check them out at least once in your life so you don't regret it!
TX2 was a fun band to watch live. We Came as Romans was full energy and had the crowd moving and singing good. Enjoyed there set a lot. In This Moment was a band I went to see for my daughter’s first concert, and we both had the best time. In This Moment is an excellent band to see live. Not much for moshing so much if that’s your thing, but great to sit back, sing and watch a great show.
I would go see them again.
This is the single greatest show I've ever seen. I didn't know what to expect but I did have high expectations and they weren't missed. I've been going to concerts and rock shows for 3 decades. Hands down, this is the new standard! I can't wait for part 2 next year. We'll definitely be going.
Words cannot express the emotions and feelings that I was overcome with during the Static X set of the Machine Killer tour in Grand Rapids MI. Lines Of Loyalty, Dope, and SevenDust were all amazing and 100% on point with great sets and killer vibes. But the Static X set was something more! It truly felt like Wayne was there with us and made for an unforgettable evil disco experience. The Xero meet and greet Q&A after the show was equally extraordinary and unforgettable with several extra special VIPs in attendance, and many great Wayne stories were shared. This experience will truly carry a special place in soul for eternity. THANK YOU
I'm honestly devastated I couldn't mosh. Everyone was committing suck punches to the back of head.
Zip ties were being make shifted into shivs.
Women were being personally assaulted by MANY MANY MANY HUGE MEN.
Guys I have seen many shows, even crowd killing shows.
That was attempted murder, from everyone in the pit AND AROUND IT I SAW YOU.
L Venue, massive L, more security stopping crowd killing.
Taking a big look around, the whole venue is looking at the pit like wtf, nobodies stopping this fr?
In-between every single song I believed I was gonna hear about a death.
Please address crowdkilling. Devastating, absolutely ruined the vibe, the show, the crowd hated it too.
Meshuggahs reputation was stained at this show. Everyone knows it.
I blame the People of Grand Rapids. Every time I mosh there I get seriously hurt within minutes. But can mosh all set in what you call "hardcore Detroit" no L crowdkilling tik tok brains. Grand Rapids is not ever gonna be as cool as Detroit, because your ego hurt because your not Detroit. Don't act like you are, what you aren't.
I promise you, you sucker punch me, you're dead. Like not a joke, I got very close to seriously having to hurt someone.
So much trampeling, like 5 crowdkillers would grapple the back of someone, hook them 5 times until they collapse face first. Then trampel them onto the next target.
I'm ending their lives if they pull that, many people agree with me on that, that's not mosh pit etiquette. You die trying that BS, don't play like that. You don't know people like that, you don't want to find out. Real shit.
Well, since this is the 4th time I've seen them in concert, I think it would be fair to say that they put on a show worth seeing again and again. They always perform like they are rocking a full stadium, and I love that. They are always engaging with fans and seem to genuinely enjoy performing, no matter the venue. I will be watching every show that comes near me. I highly recommend seeing their performances.
This was my second time seeing Motionless, and man, they know how to go above and beyond. When you see a show they put on, you will not be disappointed.
The only thing I was disappointed about was that I didn't get to the show early enough to get closer. I'm 5'1", and needless to say, my phone had a better view of the stage than I did lol
Amazing show, nice, intimate venue, they gave a hell of a performance and really connected with audience...venue PA was a bit rough, though, they may need to replace some speakers or something, staff was very nice and made us feel comfy and at home...but the GA section was solid concrete, which made standing uncomfortable...but the show was so good, we didn't care!!!!
Well, since this is the 4th time I've seen them in concert, I think it would be fair to say that they put on a show worth seeing again and again. They always perform like they are rocking a full stadium, and I love that. They are always engaging with fans and seem to genuinely enjoy performing, no matter the venue. I will be watching every show that comes near me. I highly recommend seeing their performances.
Awesome as always. This was our 12th time seeing them and they never disappoint. At the end Justin said he'd be at the merch table signing whatever anyone wanted. Actually it was Justin and Ryan because they are thick as thieves. LOL the line had hundreds and we were around 3/4's of the way back and they both had smiles, acted like you were the only one in the room when you stepped up to the table. Class act all the way.
Plus, it was our first time at 20 Monroe, nice place, everyone working there were friendly and willing to help with anything.
Totally amazing show from start to finish. Bones Owens did a superb job as the opening act. Followed by my favorite band...KALEO!
My son and I had a fantastic night. The guys put on such a great show, from the singing, lyrics, the backup singers, the opening act, the instrument playing...perfect in every way!
Thank you Kaleo for an incredible night, making great life long memories with my adult son.
Best show I've seen by far. I was blown away by Motionless In White, the fact that they had such a stressful day, showed up an hour late because their bus broke down and still put on the best show with the best vibes.
They never cease to amaze me.
As far as the show goes, bands were amazing and did a phenomenal job however logistics struggled a bit. Merch line was insanely long which should have been somewhat expected with the lineup and accommodations made. Same thing with doors, like I get there was a delay but redeploy staff as needed. Also seemed like venue was a bit oversold based on previous experience with sold out shows at same venue.
The show was amazing but the venue made me buy 3 separate tickets because they did not communicate properly what the tickets provided. The staff was amazing just not well informed. Motionless in white and ice nine kills gave amazing performances though and I will definitely pay to see them again, just not at that venue.
First time seeing badflower and they were amazing. They really put on an incredible show. The opening band dead poet society did great as well but teenage wrist wasnt that good. They didnt really belong with these bands, too pop punkish, slow ballad-like tunes and just not rocking enough. The crowd was bored by them but as soon as badflower came out they got the whole place jumping again. And they came out for an encore and played one of my favorite songs (my funreal) that i always thought would be great live with the crowd but never thought id it live lol highly recommend seeing badflower, i will see them everytime they come near from now on.
I hadn't seen Robin since 1975 Masonic temple in Detroit Michigan and believe me he didn't miss a step. I could go on and on and on about how truly remarkable the show was. But anyone who has seen him already knows there is none better. He had the entire crowd mesmerised like only he can do. Thank you for a fantastic show and I promise not to wait so long before I see you again.
Well, due to Johnny's illness they canceled the show here but I was able to make the Detroit show and still have the VIP packages my friend and I bought for he grand Rapids show
We just had to buy separate tickets to the venue in Detroit. The staff at 20 monroe live was amazing and answered all questions and assisted me in every way possible.
Excellent Show! This app only lets me rate 4.5 but I give the band ⭐️ 5 STARS ⭐️
It was my first time seeing Seether & my son’s first time seeing them as well. I would recommend seeing them again! (venue needs to cut people off that have had too much alcohol though) Some of the people were out of control drunk & it was an all ages show...FYI 👏🏻🙌🏻
Thank you 😊 😍
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