Fan Reviews
This concert was lit AF, Slug and Ant destroyed the venue with an amazing performance along with sage Francis Mr dibbs and icon the mic god with Hebl with his scratches and mixing. Thank you guys for the best concert ever. Best birthday gift I ever received. Atmosphere sage and Mr dibbs forever.
Amazing performance. Sage killed the Brooklyn bowl concert along with atmosphere and icon the mic god and Mr dibbs. Would love to relive this concert again. Thank you atmosphere and sage Francis. Meeting you was a pleasure. Strange famous records and rhymesayers forever.
"Amayo" at the Brooklyn Bowl, was on FIRE... SIZZLING Music! With his band of top musicians, they performed material from his new breakthrough CD Release the "Lion Awakes".
Nigerian "AfroBeat" music, has found a new vibe and joy in "Amayo's" music... everyone was on their feet dancing... the whole night by the vibes of this fresh "AfroBeat" music!
"Amayo" and his band of good trouble music makers... "Not To Be Missed"
The crowd happily stood, danced, sang along, and cheered. The band was terrific. The venue with the flashing lights and video screens was fun and the sound system was clear and strong.
KNOWER brought everything the fans wanted and more! Tons of special guests and played almost every single one of my favorites. It was an epic show that will be remembered by all who attended. Brooklyn Bowl is a great venue for KNOWER and I bet they will come back in future tours. I am excited to check out each of the artists on their solo tours.
I enjoyed this show quite a bit. It was a real plus to see The Mother Hips open up for Midnight North. They’re a west coast band and you do not get the opportunity to catch them out east very much. They played a good set. When Midnight North hit the stage you sensed right away the band was missing Elliott Peck and wishing her a speedy recovery but that did not take away from their performance. they rocked from the start. The crowd was lighter than I expected so it was easy to get right up to the front and it was very loose up there. But the real treat of the night was the surprise guest, the one and only Phil Lesh joining the band. A fantastic treat. Made it a wonderful night indeed.
I always love going to the Brooklyn Bowl to see a show. The Frank White Experience was AWESOME! I loved the energy and the way they engage the audience.
The band was phenomenal great energy very tight and the singer has a beautiful voice and command. Only issue is they went on stage after 10:30 and we had to endure the opening act for over an hour.
Had a great time at the Brooklyn Bowl Philadelphia (my first!) Will definitely return.
Trouble No More has great potential as an Allman Brothers tribute band IF they incorporate more Allman tunes into their repertoire AND pull back a little on the mindless masturbatory electric guitar shredding IMO. Dickey and the Allmans put those notes and lyrics in there for a reason. Yes, they were a jam band but they never lost the integrity of the song while going off on flights of fancy.
Great band, appeals to all audiences - young hipsters, old rockers and everyone in between. Went to see them a Brooklyn Bowl with some friends who are followers. Had a great time!! If you have the opportunity to see them, GO!
She was a phenomenal performer, bring a spirit and liveliness to the stage not often seen. Her sheer talent and dynamic musicality as a guitarist and singer made her set a thrill to watch. Not a single person stood still on the dance floor while Diawara and her world-class band made Brooklyn come alive. Not only her own singing and dancing, but powerful messages of worldwide unity, activism on behalf of Malian women denouncing FGM, and advocacy of African people as rich in their own right made the concert a night of inspiration and positivity. People will remember the name Fatoumata Diawara and Diawara should know she has done her country and culture exquisitely proud.
Killer fucking show. Klever and Wolf murdered it. Fuck brooklyn bowl tho, their mics kept fucking up and they wouldn’t let his kids in almost and gave him shit about it
It was a fantastic concert. Soul Farm was an awesome opening band, and Matisyahu and his band were mesmerizing. We loved the lighting and sound, and it was wonderful to see his older son perform and the younger ones come out and have fun too. Loved the disco dreidel and the menorah lighting too. This is a good venue to see a show if you are okay with standing for a long time. The only complaint I have is about the audience because after the show, there were plastic cups all over the floor, which was a trip hazard. Maybe the venue could make an announcement and/or put up a sign about picking them up. This shouldn’t be necessary, but it seems unfortunately it is.
Innov Gnawa was absolutely amazing.
Antibalas played a fantastic set. I liked the new material that they played so the next album is one to look forward to. Felt different though without Amayo.
This was the best show I’ve seen , maybe ever! Stellar musicians on that stage, each and everyone one of them!!! I’ll be riding on this high for days!!! Thanks Scott and friends!!!!!
Not bad pretty sick event had a good time those guys that hosted really know how to hype it up could be a tiny bit more entertaining like bringing in bands or something like that but ultimately it’s good
Soulfarm has such incredible musicians. Beautiful melodies and superb musical energy. Moshav band is such a treat too. They have a unique sound, beautiful message and excellent stage presence. The leader Yehuda Solomon is real fun and knows how to work up a crowd.
Amazing show, from the opening set to the end of the show. Great music, fun venue, and a whole crowd of fun and happy people all grooving. Can’t wait for the next show. Thanks to the artists and to the Brooklyn Bowl!
Off the F’n charts !! Think there’s a scoorch make on the earth like a meteor landing there that nite! Thank Joe,Tom , Dave , Marco , and Scott! Have a happy safe And blessed holiday!!
This was the best show I’ve seen , maybe ever! Stellar musicians on that stage, each and everyone one of them!!! I’ll be riding on this high for days!!! Thanks Scott and friends!!!!!
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