Fan Reviews
Amazing show and amazing venue! The whole show was great from start to finish, I just wish the performance was longer. But nonetheless, it was a great night with good vibes.
The show was very good. I would recommend to other fans. The music and voice is just as I Renner from seeing them at the Montreal Forum. Keep on Rocking!
Be their Guru everyone! What a fantastic show, merci ! I hope this is really NOT your last US Tour as you have alluded to. The Hoodoo are still Gurus and will always be !
Natalie’s concert flows so nicely. I was mesmerized by her singing and twirling around the stage. Her band is incredibly talented. She engages with her audience in such a loving and kind way.
Amazing concert as expected. These guys still look great at that age and they know how to rock. I would've wanted them to pay a little more time but they played most of their classics
We love America, we have been there at Humphreys some years ago, in another America concert,
the music and the videos with all the stories are special and beautiful.
Thank your for the music, the memories and the wonderful experience.
So heartfelt and entertaining at the same time. Every song was impactful and meaningful. Great performer and lyricist! So glad I finally got to see Trevor Hall live!
it was a wonderful show all the way around... the venue was amazing i was a little worried about it being too cool but it was not all of the workers there were very polite and helpful.
Ringo was amazing... been going to concerts since I was 17 and I'm over 70 now this rates right up with the best I have seen!
RAIN in San Diego? Humphrey's is an outdoor venue, so the show went on. And it was tremendous. Everybody in the audience was sopping wet, and it was pretty chilly (55 degrees F). The rain came down in sheets - but very few people left. The show was fantastic - the full album FLOOD performed (not in the proper order, but that's a minor complaint) along with several of their hits and of course the ones we all know and love. Horns sounded great and John F. looks no worse for the wear after his traffic accident. John L. was his usual cynical self, but we love him! Dan Miller is a great guitarist, by the way. TMBG always gives a great show. Thanks, boys!
Big Wild is amazing; the venue was beautiful and intimate. But the crowd was loud and the music wasn’t as loud as I felt it should be and was drowned out a bit by the crowd unfortunately.
Jason and the band never fail to disappoint! This is the fifth time we have seen JBLDE and this time we brought two of our kids to share the stories and history Jason shares with us. The band plays from the heart, he lived the music and they feel the music. It’s nice to be included in a part of his world for a couple hours!
a great live act! Bridget Kearney is the boss on the bass - oozes soul! super tight band, and they all back up Rachael Price's commanding vocals with perfect harmonies.
Such a great evening. He was very engaged, his band was great, sound was good! Seen him many times over the years, this by far was the best .
Great concert, fantastic band, Nick Davison is up and coming performer. Great summer evening at this exceptional venue. Colbie is a very personable artist and her songs and stories made last night the best.
Music to color my mood
Rhythm to alter my pace
Sing to change attitude
Listen for comfort and grace
This is how I feel at every music show
Thank you guys for playing Don’t Show Your Weakness & Same Hurt
The temptations were great but the sound Systagenix was not optimal and the venue was too crowded and poor and crowded restrooms with long line it is my opinion that Humphreys can not serve this many people at one time.
LOVED THEIR PERFORMANCES!!!! They were amazing!!! But the crowd Lowkey sucked HAHA just lots of people were not dancing that much. If I can hear myself singing then the crowd is not being loud enough :/ and I think the artists performing noticed too cause they tried getting the crowd rallied up so many times! I did see a lot of parents with their kids too so ig that makes sense buttt :( It was a PRETTY VENUE THO!! Right by the beach you can see all the boys on the doc and the sets were at a perfect time during sunset!!
This was a great show with a lot of great bands that I was excited to see. Annabella and Wang Chung gave terrific performances! If you’re into 80s music, I would definitely recommend going to the remaining shows in this year‘s tour.
The only thing I would ask for Is for longer sets. But I know that it’s hard to put on seven or eight bands in a night without cutting everybody back a lot. Overall totally thrilled that I went to see this and that I was able to hear all these bands.
This was a great show, and I went mostly because Annabella joined the lineup (there were a lot of great bands, but she was the highlight for me.) She gave a great, passionate and energetic performance, signing and dancing from all across the stage. Definitely want to catch her performing again and doing more songs next time!
Ps. I loved her choice of “Do you wanna hold me” for this San Diego show... (‘I wanna warn you because I’ve been to California...’)
It was such a magical experience, Darren and Lea are so funny, they had me laughing most of the time and also crying, Lea's voice is perfect, it can make you cry in seconds, they both are so talented
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