Fan Reviews
Superb concert. Venue was great, it was made sure that everyone can see what was going on at the stage even when sitting at the edges (there were extra stage projections for that).
The band delivered as always, but somehow surpassed themselves this time.
Sharon was absolutely amazing, the sound was also good. However, unfortunately I was disappointed because the atmosphere was not good. The rest of the band was rather static and not very enthusiastic and so was the crowd. They did not sing along, move or headbang. They even failed to sing along the melody of Mother Earth, when Sharon engaged them. Felt like they did not know the band :(
Best concert I’ve ever been to. The guys were sooooo amazing, they were really nice to everyone and made sure everyone was feeling good. Due to the hot weather and not enough space at the venue, a lot of people felt bad and some fainted so therefore bad organisation, also at the entrance the amount of people were a mess and nobody controlled it, people did what they wanted to. Other than that the guys performed breathtaking!!!
A great show! Fletcher sounds amazing live and she has the best stage presence. I loved the interactions with her band and with the fans! I would attend another of her shows in a heartbeat.
Die Jahrhunderthalle ist einfach eine tolle Location. Helge Schneider war… Helge Schneider! Musikalisch versiert, ein halbes Dutzend Instrumente gespielt, mit absurden Geschichten einige Lacher hingekriegt (besonders die Frau hinter mir hat sich bei der kleinsten Regung auf der Bühne nicht mehr eingekriegt, und zwar das KOMPLETTE KONZERT lang). Helges Absurdität wurde nur noch von seinen Mitstreitern getoppt: „Catweazle“, der seine Yogaübungen dargeboten hat, der Teeanreicher mit einem skurrilen Job und die Combo, bei der der Kontrabass einen leicht abwesenden Eindruck hinterlassen hat. Trotzdem - oder gerade deswegen - hatte die Musik einen herrlichen Groove. Nach der Pause hat merklich Energie gefehlt, war immer noch unterhaltsam aber deutlich weniger Drive. Trotz des Rausschmeißers direkt zum Schluß (Licht an), kam Helge nochmal raus und hat noch einen kleinen Digestif abgeliefert. War auf jeden Fall ein Erlebnis. Könnte mir vorstellen, dass es in einer Club-Atmosphäre besser rüberkommt.
These guys never disappoint! A perfect balance between new songs and old songs. I had the time of my life at that concert and the way they engage with fans is a plus. Can’t wait to see them again! ❤️
Ich war das erste mal in der Jahrhunderthalle und schon die Location ist richtig stark. Alles ziemlich offen und geräumig, die Stehplätze vor der Bühne sind eher breit als langgezogen, wodurch man überall ziemlich nah an der Bühne ist und sogar die Sitzplätze näher dran sind, als die hintersten Stehplätzen in vielen Locations. Der einzige negative Punkt ist, dass sie nur sehr wenige Toiletten haben, was bei 5.000 Leuten durchaus ein Problem darstellen kann. Die Schlange hat sich zwischenzeitlich einmal quer durchs Foyer gezogen...
Die erste Vorband, Sleep Token, kannte ich vorher nicht, war aber richtig stark. Sehr melodisch und mit einem epischen Touch, was ich persönlich immer feiere. Die zweite Vorband, Northlane, war eher nicht so mein Ding. Es war laut und wild, aber ich habe kein einziges Wort der Texte verstanden und für mich hat sich alles ziemlich gleich angehört...
Dann haben Architects die Bühne betreten und meine Fresse, ich wusste nicht, dass 5.000 Leute so laut sein können! Die Band hat von der ersten Sekunde an alles gegeben und der gute Sound in der Location, inkl. starkem Bass, hat zusätzlich seinen Teil getan. Ich bin Fan davon, wenn Bands live so klingen wie auf den Aufnahmen und das ist bei Architects der Fall. Die sind live sogar noch deutlich geiler!
Jedes einzelne Lied war super performt und die emotionale Rede von Sam im zweiten Drittel war krass. Das Finale mit "Animals" hat dann vollends abgerissen und ich bin sicher, dass da nicht jeder ohne Hörschaden rausgekommen ist ;)
Wenn die Jungs das nächste Mal wieder in Frankfurt sind, bin ich auf jeden Fall am Start!
Das geilste Live-Erlebnis, was ich seit langem erlebt habe: Mit Sleep Token (kannte ich bisher nicht) und Northlane zum Auftakt super Vorbands und dann haben Architects über 2h mit 24 Songs Vollgas gegeben ❤️😁🤘🏼
5sos absolutely killed it and i loved the opening act aswell!! the venue could’ve planned queuing better but its so worth it seeing 5sos live. they were meant to be a live band fr so so amazing
Leider fehlte David Kuckhermann aber dafür.eine gute Mischung aus alten und aktuellen Songs. Lisa war sogar mal bereit, mehr als sonst, freundlich und fröhlich zu wirken trotz nur halbvollen Hauses. Schöner Abend.
i enjoyed this concert so much 🥺 i’m really glad i got to go, i love her so much🥺❤️ the concert was super amazing and i’ve been DREAMING of going to one of her concerts since the first ‘Crybaby’ tour. i’ve been a fan of her since the first time she came on The Voice and became even more interested in her when ‘Dollhouse’ came out in 2014, she instantly became my favorite artist. I really enjoyed the visuals of the concert while she sang all of her songs and the way everything looked. I really enjoyed everything and i’m still shocked i got to see her LIVE. i also loved when the singer (Naaz) came out and sang a bunch of amazing and beautiful songs before Melanie came out, it was amazing but i was in tears when Melanie came out because i was so happy i saw her and heard her beautiful voice in real life. it was definitely the best day of my life and i really hope i get to see her live again because that was truly the best time of my life 🥺
War mega schön, das Problem war nur dass ich kaum etwas gesehen habe und die Pausen zwischen den Songs haben sich auch immer in die Länge gezogen, aber ansonsten super Kontert :3
This was my first concert ever! I’ve been listening to Halsey for about 4 yers now, yesterday I finally got to see her live! I loved her energy and her talking bits!With “Nightmare” she established an amazing atmosphere right away, in which you can just sing along to the lyrics and jump up and down without having to worry about other people judging you!
In an nutshell: It was an amazing experience and I’m looking forward to attending a Halsey Concert in the future!
(I also loved the opening act of pale waves, I’m listening to their songs on repeat!)
AWESOME! The show was great! The best songs ever! Halsey was/is awesome! I LOVE HER SO MUCH! It was my first Halsey concert and my dream since 4 years and this was one of the best concerts I’ve ever been to! And Halsey, if you’ll ever read this: You don’t talk too much! I love your talks, don’t stop talking! I love you!💛
Hey Halsey.
At first: You don't talk to much and even If you would, I would be happy cause everything you say is such a meaningful message!
Your concert was just insane. This is how a concert has to be like.
The stage, the performances, those vocals and also the variety of different kind of songs was just perfect.
For me it was the first time to saw you live on stage.
And I really don't regret it!
Have fun on the rest of the tour ❤️
P.S: And just be yourself, you are a wonderfull, talented person with a rare personality (of course in a good way)
Fucking insane:) THE ENGERY THE AESTHETICS HOLY CRAP, it’s so inspiring, it makes you wanna dance all night and forget about everything. Ashley you’re amazing, your voice is beyond beautiful and the way you move is sickening, so thrilling. The dude on Bandsintown was right, you actually never fucking stop talking xD but I fucking love it! And yeah we re absolutely right when we say "Ashley you gotta promise us that you won't die
'Cause we need you" yeah we do, we need
you. thank you for going through your pain over and over again and understanding it and writing about it. It’s a damn cheat code that we re so thankful for. I can’t wait to see you again💜💗 💙💜🌿🍃💗🦋💙💜🌿💗 🦋🦋and also.. you owe us the cool story;)
It was amazing my sister and I couldn’t always see her because we were not really in the crowd(we didn’t want any of us to have a panic attack) but we could dance and lift our pride flag. I screamed at the top of my lungs it was amazing
I LOVE HER! It was the first concert I‘ve ever been to, but definitely not the last one. The show was awesome!! The atmosphere was great, the songs were so fucking good and I loved her talks, because it gave me the feeling that she is a real human being and not some celebrity on the screen. This feeling made me realize that I‘ve really met her and it’s so overwhelming. Igot so many good memories of the show and would really like to go to another Halsey concert!!❤️
So fucking mental! Way better live than on the Radio!! And he‘s the best comedian, loved his jokes and had a massive laugh. Afterwards he came out and took a few minutes to chat, hug and give autographs. Such a humble man and totally lovely. He‘s also really witty so expect a smart ass comeback when saying something to him, but don’t take things seriously cause he‘s just making fun and having a good time!
It was super cool and Khalid sang great live! Raye was also there and she was so cute and ...🥰 I don’t have words for that. The dancers were great but I couldn’t see everything because there were four big guys in front of me but that’s the risk if you don’t have a seat. At the and of the day I just enjoyed it and I was very happy because I love Khalid & Raye!!!
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