Fan Reviews
Kygo, his piano playing and his hosts were awesome! The show, sound, lights were great. Also the whole event organisation was perfectly managed.
Thank you fot the great unforgettable experience.
Loved it, Kygo was amazing and a lot of singers joined him, which was pretty cool. Also the acts before (Klangkarussel and Sophie Tucker) were also really great.
The sound of singer’s microphone and instruments weren’t set perfectly, but otherwise an awesome concert!
Nickelback was amazing, a night I will remember for the rest of my life. Thank you Nickelback❤️❤️❤️❤️
What an amazing show!
It was the first time I had the chance to see Alice Cooper and his fantastic band live and I was just blown away!
So much energy and passion. Simply overwhelming.
Thank you for the fantastic evening and I really hope that I'll get more oportunities to see you live.
Easiest would be in Vienna. ;-)
The show was wow! Great! Amazing! And when he came dowm from the stage ang walked down the aisle we run there to see him better and I touched her right shoulder! Sorry Hauser, maybe it was not nice but I could not stand it! Thank you for great time time with you and your orchester, you everybody were amazing! We were on this show last year in Prague and this year in Vienna.
See you next year - In Prague or Vienna, we will come anywhere!:-)
Absolutely amazing! One of the best artist and shows I’ve ever seen in my life. Would see it again immediately - I hope there will be a video of the shot to buy or stream once it’s over.
Ewig darauf gefreut aber leider konnte Avril nicht abliefern. Viel Playback, wenig Power von ihr. Wie wenn sie krank oder Restfett war.
The opening band was so bad omg. Why would avril choose such a mediocre artist?
Es war der Hammer, nach 3 Jahren endlich zum Konzert zu kommen. Und dann auch noch Front of Stage 🤩🤩🤩
Great show! Avril's voice was a little worn out so she didn't the most difficult parts of some songs but she was still amazing.
You can find playist of my videos from the concert on my channel on youtube. My tag is kripolik and channel name is BIGBANG dug a hole and BTS threw me into it.
It was everything I ever imagine 🥹🥹🥹 the voice, the band, the lights, everything was just perfect.
I had so much fun...
Always wanted to see them in person and I really don't regret it 🙂
It was absolutely amazing! My expectations got surpassed. Bryan filled the hall with insane positive energy and great vibes. I love how he interacts with the audience and radiates joy! It’s so heartwarming to see someone love what they are doing!! <3
it was so much fun i loved every second of it they performed everything so well I love them all so much everything was perfect and nothing went twin temple are amazing I love them mwah
zuerst die vorbands: bad wolves haben überraschend stark und imposant gestartet. unfassbar geniale band, die ich vorher noch nicht kannte. dass die band stylistisch eng mit 5fdp verwoben ist, ist allerdings deutlich hörbar.
megadeth war eine enttäuschung. aber sind ja auch nicht mehr die jüngsten und der zum glück besiegte kehlkopfkrebs forderte wohl ebenfalls seinen tribut.
5fdp haben das kleine tief jedoch mehr als nur hochgezogen. die halle war förmlich am brennen. zuletzt sah ich sie 2010 bei rock am ring, aber dort konnte die performance nicht einmal ansatzweise die in der stadthalle erreichen. moody läuft zu alter form auf und das spürt man. zehn sterne!
thank you so much to all who helped out with the breathin rainbow project :)) lots of love ❤️❤️❤️
Die Stimmung war einfach krass!!❤️
Die ganze Show war mega und mein Idol endlich live zu treffen ist sowieso unbeschreiblich!! 💥❤️
Never cried so much as I did yesterday. Beautiful production. So much emotion. Shawn never fails to make me fall in love with him over and over again. Thank you 🌹💙
Amazing I got to stand at the barrier and I loved each second of it 😜💜
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