Fan Reviews
Megaschöner Abend; Support schon richtig guuut; Headliner einfach nur mega.... echter, straighter Rock mit guter Stimme und guter Laune! So muss Rock sein...Gerne wieder!!!
Overall, it was an awesome concert an The Interruptors performed a great show.
Sadly, there was no extra Song and for me the end was a little abrupt.
Best concert everrr. I mean it. I love Mother Mother & their music is amazing and the vibe/feeling at the concert was so awesome. I’ve met lovely people; everyone there was soooo cool and friendly.
Moncrieff as an opening act was amazing too. His music made us all sob because it was just so true and honest feelings put into art.
Overall it was amazing!!
Sehr rockig, schrammelig.. Zuviele Lieder von der neuen Platte, die kaum einer gut Kante. schlechter Sound, der war in der Markthalle besser vor 2 Jahren!
Klasse Show, sehr viel Stimmung und das Publikum war noch besser als die Band. Singen, Tanzen bis zum Umfallen!
All the artists were good! In order: Mothica, Black Veil Brides, Halestorm.
I was at the BVB meet and greet, which was unfortunately a bit unspectacular (you could "only" have a quick photo taken with the band behind you and that was it). But they were all nice, including the crew! I noticed that a few of the guys were probably at the door with the fans before the show and I met Jinxx afterwards because I had bought his vest beforehand. That was great! He signed it really cool and me and my companion were both able to take photos with him. He is very nice. I just thought it was a bit of a shame that they disappeared from the stage so quickly after their performance.
As far as the location is concerned, the toilets were okay (the hallway with the mirrors down there is cool and was a good place for me to retreat for a moment) but what didn't work out well was the timing with the cloakroom. Even the VIPs, who were in earlier, could only leave their things there after general admission had already begun, so you had to give up your place at the stage to go downstairs. It was smaller there than expected, at first quite fresh due to the direct access from outside and later quite warm in the tightly packed crowd.
What a great Band! They came as Support for Larkin Poe but were the same level and made Party on stage. Wanna see them again to Party! And they really look like coming out of a time machine with their appearance. ;) LOVE it!
amazing show! girls are hella talented and I enjoyed it sooo much 💙 live shows are the best! thanks a bunch!!
Einfach der Hammer. (Fast) nur die alten Songs, ein sehr guter Sound und eine Riesenstimmung. Eines der besten Konzerte von SAGA, die ich bisher gesehen habe. Ich hoffe, sie bleiben noch lange fit 🤘
Perfection…. He was amazing!!! Can’t wait to see him live again. He played his “old” hits and some new songs. I really do hope he’s coming back soon for more shows!
Amazing show. Played all the hits, but also songs from the new album, which came out a few weeks ago.
Hopefully he will come back to germany as he promised in the show.
Kip Moore was amazing. One of the best live performers I have ever seen. He packed so many songs into the 1 and a half hours that he was on stage & had a great presence.
Sehr schöner Auftritt, super Stimmung. Geile Performance. Leider viel zu voll der Laden. Gedränge und Geschiebe. Kein Durchkommen zur Toilette oder zum Tresen.
Es war toll! Ihre Stimme und Ausstrahlung nehmen einen völlig ein und in den Arm. Es war, als wenn sie bei mir im Wohnzimmer spielt, was sowohl an der Location Große Freiheit 36 als auch der Art von Stephanie Heinzmann und dem Umgang zwischen ihr und ihrer Band lag 😊
Großartige Show, fetter Sound und zwei saugeile Bands die echt abgeliefert haben. Immer wieder IN THIS MOMENT und HALESTORM. Und sooooooooooo mega sexy, unfassbar 😎🤘
Leider viel zu kurz der Auftritt bei schlechter Akustik. Stimmung der Fans war unter den Umständen super.
Warum startet die Band 19:45 wenn 20:00 auf der Eintrittskarte steht?
Das neue Album ist so grandios, gemessen daran war die Show eine Enttäuschung.
Super Concert !
Comme d'habitude, Welshly Arms a donné plein d'énergie.
Un très grand groupe de Rock pour une salle intimiste : que rêver de mieux ?
From the opening act to the lights, the band and Mac himself were perfect! Definitely a night to remember :D
Beyond the Black und auch die Vorgruppe "Mister Misery" waren sehr gut. Die Lokation war ausverkauft und damit leider etwas zu voll. Aber dennoch ein prima Event. 🤘🏻😎🤘🏻
Support band Puppy, better than expected. Monster Magnet where not as good but mainly due to sound, but only drums and vocals we’re clear, bass and guitar often came over as just droning noise, except when quieter e.g intro or breaks.
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