Fan Reviews
The show was excellent. Even though it was crowded, we did not experience chaos while entering and exiting the venue. There was also the option of leaving your coat/jacket in the guardrobe of the venue, but 4 euro for each coat seems a little expensive. Motionless In White performed amazingly for 1.5 hours and the sound of the venue was of high quality. All in all, it was a great experience and I am glad I travelled all the way from Thessaloniki, Greece to attend this show.
Amazing show! It was the first time in Italy, great musicianship and enchanting voice, after show very friendly for photos and signs. Wish them the best for their career.
What can you say about Starset, it is not a concert but an "DEMONSTRATION" as disclaimed by the band itself. There is so much to see and to experience with all the lights, background movie on huge screen, storytelling, and the holographic propeller display in the front of the stage and of course the music. You really get it all in one magic package and it very well might show the future of rock concerts. The band is playing perfect and the sound system is well done, even the "sound" of the 8 propeller seems to become part of the whole. The singer is doing all to shine and especially the ladies in the audience are thrilled. The audience knows all the songs and hence sings all along the refrain and screams > "Fuck the East" which i big part of the storytelling. It is difficult to get into a live concert mood because of so much disruption and breaks between the songs but again this makes it truly special. Well done and looking forward to see what else the will bring, musically as well as visually.
Meeting the band as a VIP treatment later made it even more special and all lads and girls were super friendly, talked to the fans about whatever they were asked and signed 1000 objects.
See you again - lor
Gli IDLES sono una delle band (se non la band) migliori attualmente attive. Dal vivo sono davvero fenomenali, una botta di energia senza pari. Gli IDLES sono una band politica, non hanno paura di schierarsi a sostegno delle cause in cui credono ed è bellissimo vedere artisti impegnati utilizzare la propria visibilità per questo. Quella che si crea ad un loro concerto è una vera comunità ed io sono onorata di farne parte. Hard rock for softies!
The organisation of the event was pretty awful: too many people in a too small venue, there was a lot of confusion with the queue, water wasn’t provided when needed. Nonetheless, Bad Omens are incredible and the Milan show in particular was outstanding. I had the chance to be really really close to them and I will never forget it! These guys means the world to me and they deserve all the success they are receiving 🖤
The boys have delivered one hell of a show. I was so busy vibing to Artificial Suicide that I didn't notice that they weren't the real ones, but they tricked us. That was so fun and cool.
Perfect visuals, perfect sounds, everything. Noah's voice is from another planet, Folio is a sick drummer and Jolly and Ruffilo are badass musicians. Can't wait to see them again soon.
At the venue before the show starts there was a confusion about the VIP line. When the stuff finally decided where the VIP line was, I had left my position only to find out later that the first line I was waiting to was the right one. So I missed the opportunity to get barricade even though I was early there. Also some of the stuff didn't understand English so it was difficult to communicate. That's the only thing that was not perfect at yesterday's show. Everything else was excellent. The bar, the people in the merch table and of course Poppy and Bad Omens. They were phenomenal. I'm starting to save money for Bad Omens next European tour.
they butchered all the old songs to make them sound like the new album (whish is gorgeous but it so different than the older albums that the reault sounded awful)
Concerto fantastico bellissimo emozionante indimenticabile, Lzzy Hale è veramente incredibile la migliore cantante rock del pianeta e gli Halestorm sono un gruppo estremamente coinvolgente, li ho visti diverse volte e questo è stato il miglior concerto perfetto e con un pubblico molto caldo e appassionato. Il gruppo è stato molto carino anche all'uscita dall'alcatraz a fine concerto restando a chiacchiere e fare foto coi fans in un vero e proprio meet and greet. Serata eccezionale e concerto bellissimo
ABSOLUTELY FIRE!!! It was my first concert and the experience has been super positive! Everything was amazing, from the sound to the people to the atmosphere in general! Sadly I wasn’t able to see much when Lorna Shore came in as I am quite short (even though I was wearing platform shoes lol) but I got glimpses here and there anyway 🤘 I will always remember and hold dearly in my heart that day ❤️
Uno dei concerti più belli dell'anno, Distant ed Ingested non li conoscevo ma da soli valevano il prezzo del biglietto, Rivera of Nihil mi sembravano un po' distanti stilisticamente dal resto della line up ma comunque molto validi, per quando riguarda i Lorna Shore beh, che dire.. assolutamente perfetti musicalmente, Will assolutamente su un altro livello e probabilmente anche meglio live che non in studio, forse il miglior vocalist deathcore in circolazione
Very good!! Great show/performance of the band, the sound was awesome, the crowd participated a lot and overall a fun experience! Small problem was me being too short…but WILL IS THE GOAT🔥🔥 🔥Would definitely recommend to anyone who doesn’t know the band or hasn’t seen them live to go and check them out, they’re awesome artists!!!
Great gig
Although they play a rock defined as traditional, their music is very, very personal and doesn't resemble any other band in the genre. They are really worth seeing.
Gli obituary sono stati pazzeschi! Precisi e pesanti come sempre. Grande capacità di intrattenimento e.. Una cosa che mi é piaciuta molto è che si vedeva che si stavano divertendo. Davvero una bella sensazione
5 stelle per i Verdena ❤️
1 stella per l’Alcatraz: possibile che nonostante tutti i soldi che spillano ai loro clienti rifilandogli della heineken per 8€ non siano in grado di investirne una parte per cambiare quell’inpianto audio al limite del ridicolo?
The pretty reckless arrived at 9pm and at 10pm said goodbye and left.
But the crowd didn't move so they came back and did two songs and said goodbye to us definitively.
Beautiful both pre concert and concert but lasted very little especially with the price it has.
They have so many albums and it could go on for hours.
Taylor's voice was prerecorded (you could see that he didn't sing/put his mouth on the microphone but I could hear his voice from the speakers).
Sorry for the mistakes i used Google translate
This concert was absolutely amazing!
Aurora is a wonderful human, so gentle and welcoming... there was a magic atmosphere, a unique vibe, and I felt home among hundreds of people.
The energy she spread is something indescribable!
The venue was nice too, spacious and easy to reach, the sound and lights were super cool and the staff was very kind.
Thank you so so much!
One of the Aurora's most powerful, emotional, addictive, perfect concerts in her The Gods We Can Touch tour 🔥
She made to us a great gift 🎁
What a wonderful artist ❤
Thanks to Alcatraz hoping Aurora comes in Milan again next Tour.
Another Outstanding performance by Tremonti! An amazing venue and Italian fans know how to ROCK! I’ve seen Mark and the guys numerous times over the years and this was the Best performance. They played for almost two hours.
Amazing!!! ❤️ the combination of classical instruments, drums, keyboard, and then his voice plus graphics and lights… incredible !!😍😍 I would go again and again if I could 🤩
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