Fan Reviews
Great concert overall, they played their old songs plus new ones from their 2012 album. I was impressed with their musicianship, but the vocals were not what they used to be. Anywho, they had fun, everyone had fun, and they were nice enough to talk about the fires and give credit to all the firefighters working to stop them.
Not the band I came to see, but I truly enjoyed their set. High-powered rock'n roll, delivered with intensity and style. A mix of originals and some pop hits from the 80's. They finished with a blistering version of Search & Destroy! Yesterday I had never heard of them. Today I am a fan.
Sebastian has a Solid Band , he blew everybody away !!! He gave EVERYTHING and more !!!! Looking forward to seeing him again , it’s an instant ticket to a Happy , High Energy place where there is no room for BS or Fakeness, Only good vibes . He hasn’t missed a beat . Keep it up Sebastian !!!! 10/10
It was an awesome and totally KICK ASS show. They played all of the hits and some of the new album's singles. And at the iconic legendary venue The Whiskey a Go-Go. And my friend Bart introduced me to them. Totally laid back and cool to chill with. Can't wait to see them again. 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘
I went to the show just to see Otep.
All I can say about the show is HOLY SHIT that was incredible.
The music was on point, clean, hard, groovy and just simply better than I even expected.
Otep absolutely commanded that stage from the moment she arrived upstairs until the very last word she uttered.
I could see in her eyes this almost physical intensity that just ERUPTED and you knew she meant every fucking word that came out of her mouth.
My first time seeing this incredible musician live and in person has left me only wanting more from her. I’m definitely addicted.
Show with Cultus Black was awesome, a little short but they only get a few minutes to play because guessing not too many songs in there library so it's a young band that is up and coming. This would be the second time I catch them playing out here in The West Coast in L.A., but to me this band is going places so enjoy them now while you still can before they hit even bigger leagues because they put on an amazing show.
This was my first time seeing Led Zepagin and my first time in the Whisky a Go Go. Overrall, it was absolutely great. Such an awesome experience. The venue is iconic! The band was superb - totally Zep Zeplin! Anthony on lead guitar is out of this world! I will definitely return the Whisky and will see Led Zepagin again! Awesome performance and experience!!!
Last night, I went and saw Otep Shamaya for the first time since 2011.
Before I got to the show, I got stuck a loop of - I don't know how I'm going to get on with it because of my evolution as of... Forever. I'm not the same person as I was when I saw Otep the last time - I'm going to let it be what it is. I love Otep, and a metal show is the exact prescription that I'm looking for.
Always divinely orchestrated - especially considering that I didn't even have to look for this one. I opened up Facebook yesterday and the show was staring me in the face!
Arriving to West Hollywood to catch the last two songs of the previous band before Otep, the Whisky-a-Go-Go appeared right in front of me as I deboarded transit - welcoming me as if arms were reaching out - "come in! We've been waiting for you!"
This night was a tsunami. Otep came on with her electronic producer, who resembled a Mortal Kombat character, as he got down behind his barrier of electronic creation. "Satanic" imagery draped in red and black adorned the live electronic set-up. I felt my inner "evil" start to smile. Having not seen Otep since 2011 - I was surprised because there was no DJ back then. I said to myself, "where's the band?" I always enter artistic spaces with an open mind though.
Otep came out in red and black (two of my favorite colors, by the way), dressed like the Goddess of Hel (I'm talking Norse mythology here). It took a while for me to get into it, probably because I was expecting something different based on previous experiences - and I was looking for a metal show, not a rave. Eventually, something clicked, and the set turned into something of a breakcore, metal-driven, Bass music-laced wrath of God. I felt like I was at a PRSPECT/European night - and I "lost myself" in the frequencies.
Soon enough, my human form had turned into a headbanging mass of relentless chaotic energy. Bringer of Death and Goddess of Destruction now present.
Having been transmuting life and shedding the chains of dread that San Francisco had put upon me - I stood at the corner of the floor, awkward and alone at the end of the set, deciding to feel into it anyway - and be with it. When everyone around you is conversing and you're the only one by yourself, sometimes it gets kind of weird, especially for someone who's extremely sociable most of the time.
There was one point that I was going to leave because I thought that was the end of the show.
Luckily, I was wrong, and I changed my mind just as the drums were being brought out. I took a deep breath and I geared myself up for what was about to come - what I came for.
Otep came out in another transformation. This time as the badass that (s)he always is - that badass that would punch you in the mouth if she had to but loves ya all in the same.
Cinematics as usual. Otep flare as usual. Raging legions of Shadow Soldiers - thrashing myself into a breakneck frenzy and going into catharsis - while screaming out all of the discordant remnants of past life frequencies - I had been initiated by Sekhmet in an invocation previous to showing up last night. So the raging kitty was indeed present!
Opening up with the raging anthem, Battle Ready, the war was on. The set was a cavalcade of old school anthems that made my spirit maniacally jubilant - TRIC, Blood pig, Eet the Children, My Confession, Menocide, Filthee - Equal Rights, Equal Lefts unleashed another raging demon inside of me. Apex Predator - another headbanger on the favorites list. Of course Smash the Control Machine was present as the anthem against the ones who try to hold society down, something Otep hides nothing in spreading on.
In the end, for me - this was RAPTURE and the shattering of everything I've ever been taught/programmed with that wasn't ME - only small bits remained as I walked out onto Sunset Blvd.
The evolution has been completed that seemed like a life journey through Hades.
Thank you Otep! I salute you!
(Also, who was your bassist last night, and is there anywhere I can listen to or connect with her? She's a badass!)
(I also haven't written a review like this in forever. Something tells me I should start again!)
The show was amazing!! Randy Jackson was on spot with his guitar and vocals! Guy was amazing, especially during his solo. Felix always sets the tone with bass and his back up vocals. Randy even gave us a shout out, saying Colorado was there.
The first album debut is as good as it gets!
I loved the performances. Such badassery displayed from all bands listed. Too bad I couldn't watch the end of the show, due to needing to catch the nearest subway, but it was hella fun! Jeff Becerra looked great, and he sounded amazing! However, due to the small size of the venue, I can't regard it as any means a comfortable area to headbang. Then again, it at least smelled nice, and the staff were really friendly.
First time at the Whiskey a Go Go and first time seeing Led ZepAgain in person.
The show was fantastic!
For half the show, I simply closed my eyes and listened to the music. They sounded as if I was listening to an actual Led Zeppelin album. Everyone was great, but Scott on the drums had so much energy and he WAS Bonham. The whole experience was great and it was even more awesome to see them at the historic "Whiskey"
Always amazing but tonight was better than ever! I see LA Guns 3-5 times a year for many years and they just get better and better. Love the new guitar “jam session” with Tracy Guns, Ace and Johnny. Like seeing more of Ace Von Johnson as he is also very talented guitar player and fun to watch. They switch up the show often so it’s always new and exciting! Phil’s voice is incredible and he looks hot as ever!! Can’t wait till next time!
They put on an awesome set. Over 1000 people live and on line saw them play at The Whisky.
Trivia Question: What does Manuel The Band have in common with Lynyrd Skynyrd, Buffalo Springfield, Alice Cooper, Linda Rondstadt, Canned Heat and Spirit? They all opened for Strawberry Alarm Clock.
Every O-Town show is an Experience that you will not forget!! These 4 Incredibly Talented, Amazing guys put their heart and soul into every single show and performance!! If you have not been to an O-Town live show, you are seriously missing out on a real treat!! These guys Own every stage that they step on!! ❤❤❤❤🔥🔥🔥🔥
The electricity went out right before Stryper came on,go figure...but they were troopers and decided to do a set with their practice amps that were not very loud at all but at least it gave a little music to the songs.Without the loud music you could really hear the clarity and vocal range of Michael Sweet so clear and his voice is as amazing as ever.I have been a Stryper fan since summer of 1984 when I was 16 and I am almost 55. I never thought I would still be going to Stryper concerts at this age and that they would still be as amazing as ever!
So awesome! Great band, high energy performance and great music! Music was heavy but pretty, great harmonies!! Awesome drummer and all great singers! Surprising and exciting!! Love their style! Such cool girls! Loved every minute of the show! Can’t wait to see them again!
If you love good old fashion Rock n Roll then this is the band for you. They are three of the most talented teenagers I have ever seen. North American Tour starts in a few months. If you have a chance to see them you will not be disappointed! 🤘⚡️
Well, concert was great but the guy working there and the people complaining our friend was in the way and had to sit down. We paid a lot of money to have a table at the rail. They could have just stood up too instead of complaining. We were all mad.
Absolutely amazing it was like a middle school dream come true seeing them live. They played new songs as well as some classic old songs that I grew up with. I started a mosh pit when they played Face Down and it was absolutely amazing everyone was super nice and had a great fun time
The first show was amazing ! Schenker played non-stop for almost 3 years !
It was great to see Graham Bonnet and Robin McCauley and Gary Barden belting out the classic hits and Dougie the new material. Bodo did an awesome job on the skins filling the shoes for Ted McKenna (RIP) . Chris and Steve were right on the money . It was a great night of Rock!
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