Fan Reviews
Mega- das Festival 🫵🏻 Fav Mark Foggo&seine Skasters haben mich voll überzeugt... Cool auch Skaface 💃🏻 Bad manners und JudgeDread Memorial 👌🏻👌🏻 die ältere Generation kann's!
Die Valkyrians klangen schlecht- ansonsten passt alles im Huxleys- wie immer ❤️🔥
Cathartic and hopeful, morose but liberating. Has to be experienced live to truly feel the music, the interplay and chemistry, the video art and the connection between musicians and the solemn but enraptured crowd that was present that night in Huxleys Neue Welt.
Great sound, great bands, nice venue. I came to the show for Normandie and they did an amazing performance, but Lifespark and the main act Our Last Night were also great. I had a blast!
never been to anything like this. actually unreal!!!! such a small and intimate venue for such a popular artist I couldn't believe it!
BI is an absolutely phenomenonal artist and he was super vigelent to make sure the audience was doing well and everyone was hydrated and safe.
if I could go to this again or even to any of his other concerts 100% would!!
In March, I attended a Normandie concert in Warsaw, and now in Berlin. Honestly, I hope the band plays again in one of these cities later this year because their live energy is incredible, the sound is amazing, and when Philip screams, it gives me chills!
Good show. But they played some new (which are good) and some boring old songs. They had much better old songs to play. Maybe they selected their top viewed songs and similar to other bands on the stage songs.
Show und Stimmung waren super. Stimmen sind leider nicht immer gegen die Musik angekommen. Und wieder mal war das Haus Über-ausverkauft. So dass man sich kaum noch bewegen kann. Weniger Tickets verkaufen oder Location wechseln.
Last gig of the DE tour. Great tracks in a great location, brought to life on the spot by synthy and guitar sounds, even sometimes vocals. Still vor Talent, we have been O:K"d for sure!!!
Amazing show, brilliant instrumentals and Andy's vocals were to die for, even better than the other times I've seen them. Especially love the guitar solos and their positive attitude. Fun is contagious 🤘🏼
Finally some crowd surfing aswell, I think they benefitted from the Halestorm crowd. Could see how much they appreciated it - me too guys! :D
Hope they'll come back soon this time round.
Es war einfach toll. Die Vorband hat gut aufgeheizt und die Rival Sons haben es perfekt übernommen. Die Stimmung war fantastisch und die Auswahl der gespielten Lieder ideal abgestimmt. Drummer und Gitarrist hatten ebenso ihre Solomomente, wie der Sänger mit seiner umwerfend intensiven Stimme. Immer wieder eine klare Besuchsempfehlung!
The event was great! The warm up DJ was...a but out of place but the opener Bec and the main artist were incredible!
Very thankful for the air conditioning too
Very Very recommended!!
PW mit Saxophonist, Keyboarder und 2 Schlagzeugern zusätzlich neben Gitarristen und Bass.
Spielte einen Style Council-Hit, aber nichts von The Jam. Gut: Pop-Songs mit 60iger Soul Hintergrund. Nicht so gut: Psychedelic Rock mit Saxophon. Insgesamt viele verschiedene Stile von den vielen Solo-Platten seit den Neunzigerjahren.
Def the best concert I’ve been to so far this year. Daniel is such an amazing artist, the audience is also crazy nice, the atmosphere is incredible, I couldn’t stop smiling and almost cried because of the happiness. Comparing to other quite few concerts I’ve been to so far this year, def the best!!
Excellent show. dEUS have a very characteristic live sound, which their recordings do not quite capture. Their decades of playing together are showing.
The venue was perfect, one of the best ones in Berlin. Good sound.
Ich liebe diese Bonbons, sie sind live großartig, sehr sympathisch und spielfreudig. Hätten sie im Huxleys
die volle Amp-Leistung gehabt, so wie die Black Angels wäre der Saal explodiert. Leider oft das Schicksal der supports. Freue mich auf das nächste Konzert 👍👍🚀✌️
Absolut geile Show, starke Auftritt, dafür hat sich die Karte gelohnt. Hoffe ich muss nicht so lange auf den nächsten Besuch warten.
Immer wieder gerne, vielleicht auch mal innerer Heimat.
Steht noch auf der toodoo Liste Amorphis in Finland Live
5 x🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘
Wenn große Bands in kleinen Sälen spielen, geht meist die Post ab. Das war der Fall
Von 0 auf 100
Der Sound war übersteuert oder meine Ohren bringen es nicht mehr 😜
Great live band! I didn't know Adrianne was that shy, but only between one song and another. Because her performance was powerful as expected. You can feel how band members support each other, and they put a lot of passion in what they do. Love them!!
Really nice. It was like a rock n roll concert in term of sounds. This guy is gifted. No doubts about that.
And I looked at him and I felt like the world was kind and peaceful. I liked that feeling.
Brilliant show by John, he rocked the house on his own as his drummer was sick on the day. Hope that Grant gets well soon and that the trio makes it back to Berlin for a full show.
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