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Khalil Suleman Tickets, Tour Dates and Concerts

Khalil Suleman

Fresh Coffee Bar
Alameda Cidade da Costa da Caparica

25 de mai. de 2024

17:00 GMT+1
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Khalil Suleman Tickets, Tour Dates and Concerts
About this concert
“Portugal é um jardim à beira mar plantado”. Swell music got inspired by this quote for the first open air of the year. The chosen location (Our Garden) is the urban park of Costa da Caparica facing the sea. With a distance of around 50m from CDS beach, turns this location to the perfect place for an electronic picnic with a breeze of summer. To make you dance, we invited our guest Khalil Suleman, not a stranger in the Portuguese electronic scene. You can also count with the DJs that you already know from Swell Music - Benalex, GVII and Gonzaga. But for now, CHECK THE FORECAST
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Khalil Suleman Biography

Khalil Suleman is a Portuguese DJ of Indian and African descent, born in the late 80's, whose love for electronic music led him from an early age to be consumed by "soulful" music, heavily based on synthesizers and drum machines, becoming fascinated by the more experimental and melodic side of techno.

A cultural vertex whose collision of ethnic influences results in a unique perspective on the music he chooses to bring with him, providing a very unique set of cadences and references throughout your sets
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