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HOLY SHiRE Tickets, Tour Dates and Concerts


Malpaga Folk & Metal Fest 2024

Malpaga Castle
Via Guglielmo Marconi


20:00 GMT+2
HOLY SHiRE Tickets, Tour Dates and Concerts
About this concert
MALPAGA FOLK & METAL FEST 2024 – 11° edizione comunicato-stampa Anche quest’anno dopo svariate notti insonni e lunghe attese per le conferme seppure con un po’ di ritardo siamo arrivati al bill completo delle prossime tre date del Metal Fest 2024. Tre giorni distinti per i soliti problemi di natura burocratica ma con band al di sopra di ogni aspettativa. Si comincia VENERDI’ 26 LUGLIO con l’apertura affidata alla vecchia conoscenza degli HOLY SHIRE capitanati dalla nostra amica Erika, seguiranno, per la prima volta a Malpaga, i NOCTURNA che hanno come front-woman Grace Darkling e Rehn Stillnight. In uscita ad aprile il nuovo lavoro per la Scarlet Records. Inseguiti per diverso tempo e finalmente catturati gli spagnoli CELTIBEERIAN, autentiche star della cornamusa e del violino in Spagna con il loro Folk Fucking Metal. Dopo 10 anni di attività sarà la loro prima volta in Italia; merito di Malpaga ovviamente !!! A sorpresa ritornano i SIRENIA che l’anno scorso non poterono esibirsi pienamente per via del solito acquazzone estivo. Ci hanno chiesto espressamente di ritornare per non lasciare il lavoro a metà; li abbiamo accontentati. Seconda serata SABATO 27 LUGLIO, si comincia presto con le nostre beniamine HELLFOX, band tutta al femminile, cattive quanto basta ma nel loro metal convivono armonia ed equilibrio. TOL MORWEN da Modena, festeggiano quest’anno i 10 anni di attività. Seguiranno i notissimi ULVEDHARR che presenteranno a sorpresa la nuova formazione dopo la dipartita del fondatore Ark per ragioni familiari. Dalla Danimarca la numerosa band dei VANSIND molto legati alle mitologie nordiche e norrene; per la prima volta in Italia. Il clou della serata sarà rappresentato dall’esclusiva presenza italiana dei MOONSORROW, unico contatto estivo con il nostro paese e la sola occasione per vedere i temutissimi finlandesi all’opera con il loro folk-viking di Jumalten aika (Il Tempo degli Dei). La terza serata GIOVEDI’ 1 AGOSTO sarà una festa unica per i nostri amici faroesi ormai di casa al Castello, i TYR tornano a grandissima richiesta dopo avere incendiato il palco di Malpaga per altre due volte. Sarà un 𝐓Ý𝐑–𝐝a𝐲, una serata tutta dedicata a loro e alla presentazione del nuovo Battle Ballads (Metal Blade) in uscita proprio nei giorni del festival anticipato dal video di Axes. Arriveranno dopo due mesi passati in tour in USA e Canadà e porteranno … music rooted in the epic past weaving powerful melodic inspiration for the modern Viking spirit ; parola di Heri, Gunnar, Hans e Tadeusz. Anche per loro sarà l’unica data in Italia. Il palco sarà riscaldato dalla programmazione musicale di “Mario Psycho12 metal-set” Ingresso alle serate sempre gratuito, vi aspettiamo e … spargete la voce …
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フォロワー数 8.88万
フォロワー数 2240
フォロワー数 2090
フォロワー数 799

What fans are saying

Cassano D'adda, Italy@
The One


HOLY SHiRE Biography

The band was founded by Maxx (drummer) in October 2009 with the aim of writing and performing original metal music with a symphonic and epic inspiration and fantasy lyrics.
In the summer of 2010 we added female backing vocals and flute to the initial line up of five elements (vocals, drums, bass, guitar and keyboard), essential addition to give our music a taste of magic and fantasy, and then we recorded the first demo of 6 tracks. In autumn we played at Celtic New Year’s Fest in Milan (an important Italian folk festival - “Capodanno Celtico”). In January 2011 we recorded the last song we composed, "Holy Shire", included in the compilation distributed with “Rock Hard” Magazine in May 2011 with the interview of the band. Among the several shows done, a very intense and unique one was the concert for the inmates of the Jail of Milan Bollate, in March 2011. Shortly after we added a second guitar to the line up, that became of 8 members . On July 11 we got back to the studio to record an EP, “Pegasus”, which is freely downloadable from FB and two videos, "Moonrise" and the cover of the traditional song "Greensleeves", available on YouTube. After composing 7 new songs, in May 2012 we recorded our first album “Midgard”. On July 2012 we were selected with "Greensleeves" for the new version of the unsigned bands contest Rock (r) Evolution by Vasco Rossi. Unfortunately the competition was suspended. At the beginning of 2013 we changed some members and a new bassist and an Argentinian opera lady singer joined the band. On April 2013 we shot the new video used to launch the single "Winter is coming", loosely based on Game of Thrones’ fantasy saga. In March 2014 we signed with Bakerteam Records for the distribution of our debut album "Midgard" and planned its launch with video and important concerts such as the Masters of Rock in Czech Republic, Metal for Emergency playing as opening act to Mago de Oz, Unicorn Fantasy Festival in Vinci (Tuscany) and Lucca Comics & Games. We shot a second video for the song "Bewitched (My Words are Power)" from "Midgard" inspired by the character of the red witch Melisandre (Game of Thrones). At the end of 2014 we joined the roster of Bagana Rock Agency and announced that a new singer joined the band following the departure of former vocalist, as well as our former flutist, replaced by a new lady flutist in 2015. In 2016 we continued the live promotion of “Midgard” in clubs and festivals.
In May 2017 we started recording the second album, with the production of 3 songs by Masha Mysmane (Exilia), shot the new video of the future first single “Danse Macabre”. End of September we mastered the album @ Finnvox Studio and start chasing for a new label contract. The new album will be named “The Legendary Shepherds of the Forest”, contains 10 new songs inspired by fantasy themes but also by historical suggestions, and there are 4 guest lady singers duetting with Aeon. At the beginning of 2018 Claudia Beltrame joined as Unicorn vocals.
In March 2018 we signed the digital distribution contract with Heavy Metal Records
(Revolver Records, UK). The new album will be released on 26th October 2018 with promotion and press office by Bagana Rock Agency, anticipated by the lyric video of “the Legendary Shepherds of the Forest” and the video of “Danse Macabre”.
Fantasy Metal