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Entradas, fechas de la gira y Conciertos de Small Town Habit

Small Town Habit

17 may 2024

20:00 GMT-5
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Entradas, fechas de la gira y Conciertos de Small Town Habit

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Small Town Habit Biography

Small Town Habit has a unique country sound based on their love for harmony vocals, and Texas Country Music fronted by the Husband and Wife duo of Charlie and Krystal Franklin. Filling out the band's roster is Fabian Vela on Lead Guitar, Stephen Villela on the Bass Guitar, and Kyle Schneider on Drums. The band recently released their first album in which all songs were written by Charlie and Krystal Franklin, and was Produced by James Hertless of Hertlocker Studio. The album "Now That You're Here" is available for purchase on music outlets such as iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, and YouTube.
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Texas Country
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