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Carnival of Flesh Tickets, Tour Dates and Concerts

Carnival of Flesh

Feb 5, 2018

8:30 PM UTC
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Carnival of Flesh Tickets, Tour Dates and Concerts
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Marena fanzin ponosno predstavlja Jedan od najznačajnijih ruskih black metal bendova ROSSOMAHAAR nastupiće premijerno u Beogradu, 5.februara 2018.godine u maloj sali Doma omladine Beograda. Bend Rossomahaar osnovan je 1995.godine. Zahvaljujući svom jedinstvenom stilu za relativno kratko vreme su uspeli da budu prepoznati i van granica svoje zemlje. Iza sebe imaju 4 studijska albuma, a poslednji album “The Reign of Terror” objavljen je 2010.godine.Članovi ovog sastava sviraju i u bendu Arkona - jednom od najvećih metal bendova iz Rusije i miljenika domaće publike. Nakon ogromnog uspeha koji je ostvarila Arkona i brojnih turneja, bend Rossomahaar je stavljen u drugi plan, nastupajući povremeno. Zbog toga je ovaj koncert jedinstvena prilika za fanove u Srbiji da vide ovaj unikatan black metal sastav. Facebook: Website: Kao domaća podrška nastupiće beogradski sympho black metalci Carnival of Flesh. Bend radi od 2002.godine i iza sebe imaju album “Stories from a Fallen World” objavljen 2015.godine. Carnival of Flesh čini ekipa iskusnih muzičara koji sviraju i u sastavima Temple of the smoke, Instead of a kill, Superhammer…Domaća publika već je imala prilike da ih čuje 2016.godine kada su u punoj sali Doma omladine prezentovali svoj prvenac. Ovo će momcima biti idealna prilika da najave svoju evropsku turneju planiranu za jesen 2018.godine. Facebook: Website: Karte se mogu kupiti u pretprodaji na svim blagajnama Eventim-a po ceni od 800 dinara, dok će na dan koncerta cena karte iznositi 1000 dinara. Pretprodaja karata će početi u drugoj polovini decembra.
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Carnival of Flesh Biography

2002 - 2008

The story of Carnival of Flesh starts in late 2002, when two guys, Dachaz and Dam, wanted to reshape the Serbian black metal scene with a sound that escapes the traditional black Metal boundaries. This sound was commonly described as a refreshing mix of heavier guitars and more mind-blowing symphonies than usual. Due to frequent personnel changes, the desired sound was not reached, and the band officially splits up in 2008.


Carnival of Flesh was rebooted as a studio project. Over the course of the year, the perfect conditions were created for recording: Some of the best songs from the past were hand-picked from the vault, their arrangements were updated, lyrics conceptually rewritten and some of the best personnel was engaged. Thus, “Stories From a Fallen World” were born.


“Stories From a Fallen World” is released both as a deluxe digipak edition and via digital distribution channels.


The band finally gets its full form again and they deliver a stunning performance on the “Storytelling” event in Belgrade.


To announce their European tour, Carnival of Flesh appear on two warmup shows in Belgrade: with Rossomahaar and with Welicoruss. The tour, labelled “Storytelling across Europe”, is set to take place in 16 European cities during October.

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Symphonic Metal
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Symphonic Black Metal
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