GREEN TODAY - A tribute to Green Day
GREEN DAY, RHCP, Pearl Jam, & Weezer tributes - All ages show in OC
12762 Main St
Garden Grove, CA 92840
About this concert
An all ages rock show with tributes to Green Day (GREEN TODAY), Red Hot Chili Peppers (Red Hot Cholo Peppers), Pearl Jam (Jeremy the Wicked), Weezer (Something Blue), and your favorite cover songs from Your Mom leading off the night. All ages, doors at 4pm, full bar and food available
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GREEN TODAY - A tribute to Green Day Biography
GREEN TODAY, a tribute to GREEN DAY, was founded on three basic ideas: The need to rock, our love for Green Day, and most importantly, so many others love of Green Day too! With this in mind, GREEN TODAY has created a high energy live Green Day Tribute show with the songs, look, harmonies, and hooks that Green Day fans deserve.
On stage, the members of GREEN TODAY genuinely project an appreciation and enthusiasm for Green Day that is contagious and will surely infect all who are in attendance. With a span of over 20 years of hit music from Green Day, generations of fans will appreciate the sounds and experiences that come alive as presented by GREEN TODAY.
From the early years of 39/Smooth (1990), Kerplunk (1992), and the worldwide commercially successful Dookie (1994), through Insomniac (1995), Nimrod (1997), Warning(2000), the Grammy award-winning American Idiot (2004), 21st Century Breakdown (2009), their trilogy of albums: ¡Uno!, ¡Dos!, and ¡Tre! (2012), and their latest record Revolution Radio (2016), GREEN TODAY plays all the Green Day hits and favorites. GREEN TODAY is locked and loaded – pointed right at you.
Read MoreOn stage, the members of GREEN TODAY genuinely project an appreciation and enthusiasm for Green Day that is contagious and will surely infect all who are in attendance. With a span of over 20 years of hit music from Green Day, generations of fans will appreciate the sounds and experiences that come alive as presented by GREEN TODAY.
From the early years of 39/Smooth (1990), Kerplunk (1992), and the worldwide commercially successful Dookie (1994), through Insomniac (1995), Nimrod (1997), Warning(2000), the Grammy award-winning American Idiot (2004), 21st Century Breakdown (2009), their trilogy of albums: ¡Uno!, ¡Dos!, and ¡Tre! (2012), and their latest record Revolution Radio (2016), GREEN TODAY plays all the Green Day hits and favorites. GREEN TODAY is locked and loaded – pointed right at you.
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