Billy Barman
PKO Čierny orol
Hlavná 2967/50

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Billy Barman a Korben Dallas vytvorili netradičnú rodinu.
“Je to manželstvo z rozumu, aj vášne,” hovorí spevák skupiny Korben Dallas Juraj Benetin o spojení s Billy Barman, s ktorými na jar 2025 vyrážajú na spoločné turné s názvom Netradičná rodina.
Na koncertoch kapely odohrajú svoje najväčšie hity, ale odznejú aj hudobné spolupráce, vrátane nových pesničiek, na ktorých práve pracujú.
Kapely sa roky stretávajú na festivaloch a koncertoch, a ich publiká majú veľký prienik, na druhej strane majú aj odlišné pohľady na tvorbu a rokenrolový životný štýl. „Práve tak vznikol názov netradičná rodina – je to narážka na to, že nás ako muzikantov mnohé spája a mnohé odlišuje. Zároveň je to aj postoj k veciam, ktoré sa dejú okolo nás,“ potvrdil Podmanický z Barmanov.
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Billy Barman Biography
Billy Barman was formed in 2008 by the duo Juraj Podmanický and Jozef Vrabel and is one of the most popular Slovak bands.
So far they have released four studio albums and also a popular live recording Potichu.
The band from Bratislava holds the record for the number of Radio_Head Awards from public radio broadcaster Rádio_FM, when it successively won 7 awards in several categories, starting with newcomer and at the same time concert band of the year, up to awards for songs and albums of the year.
The group's leader, singer and guitarist Juraj Podmanický, is also known as a co-founder and head of program of Grape festival.
Billy Barman's latest studio album is titled Galéria duševného zdravia.
Read MoreSo far they have released four studio albums and also a popular live recording Potichu.
The band from Bratislava holds the record for the number of Radio_Head Awards from public radio broadcaster Rádio_FM, when it successively won 7 awards in several categories, starting with newcomer and at the same time concert band of the year, up to awards for songs and albums of the year.
The group's leader, singer and guitarist Juraj Podmanický, is also known as a co-founder and head of program of Grape festival.
Billy Barman's latest studio album is titled Galéria duševného zdravia.
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