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Adieu Gary Cooper Biography
Back to business for Adieu Gary Cooper - after a moment of chosen silence and day jobs - with a new release "Toute sortie est définitive".
While they had already predicted the collapse on "Outsiders", the group always expects worse. The tone is calmer and more resigned than ever but there is a smirk in these abstractly honest texts: a sneer mocking a tired and tiring post-modern society.
An organic fusion of guitars and synthesizers, their sound continues its evolution/exploration between Heartland Rock and KrautPop, between Springsteen and Eno, between a beating heart and a meticulous production.
Read MoreWhile they had already predicted the collapse on "Outsiders", the group always expects worse. The tone is calmer and more resigned than ever but there is a smirk in these abstractly honest texts: a sneer mocking a tired and tiring post-modern society.
An organic fusion of guitars and synthesizers, their sound continues its evolution/exploration between Heartland Rock and KrautPop, between Springsteen and Eno, between a beating heart and a meticulous production.
French Pop
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