About this concert
Efter fem års larmende fravær, vender Infernal tilbage til de danske festivalscener med et helt nyt show, der ifølge bandet selv – som altid – er en heftigt spændt knytnæve af et hitspækket show.
Den visuelle side er som altid genopfundet og redefineret, ligesom de to festekvilibrister Paw Lagermann og Lina Rafn igen har lagt sig i selen for at kombinere nyere og gamle hits på en måde, så ingen Infernalfan føler sig snydt og samtidig garanterer de en koncertoplevelse, som vil føles relevant for enhver med hang til EDM og solidt produceret elektronisk musik generelt.
Det bliver en tour de force af stærke sange og energieksplosioner garneret med Paw & Linas sædvanlige, veloplagte nærvær og vilje til at smadre deres festivalpublikum igennem på den måde, som kun Infernal kan gøre det.
Fraværet har duoen blandt brugt på at udgive det anmelderroste album ’Hormesis’ sidste år – bandets første album i 12 år og så har Infernal fejret deres solide 25 år i musikbranchen under paraplyen 25 Years of Fire. Med udgivelsen af en perlerække af collabs med stærke, nyere danske navne – herunder Branco, Jimillian, Josie Amadonna, Boye&Sigvardt, Laura, Sonic Girl m.fl., har bandet manifesteret deres fortsatte lyst til at forny sig selv og forblive en urkraft på deres felt.
Selv siger de, at den både tvungne og tiltrængte pause fra landevejen, har givet dem rum til at være i studiet og fokusere på udgivelser, men at NU er de igen blevet sultne på at rive de danske festivalgængere rundt – og vi glæder os mindst lige så meget, som de gør.
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Infernal Biography
Infernal is formed by Lina Rafn and Paw Lagermann both from Copenhagen, Denmark. Lina and Paw met through mutual friends in the early 90ies and were both into club music long before they were old enough to actually get into a club. Music making went from being a fun pass time to becoming the essence of their lives and in 1997 Infernal released their first banger.
25 years have gone by and so far the duo has released more than 30 singles and 4 albums. Countless times they’ve topped charts both nationally and internationally but most importantly Infernal are known to grow and evolve - they never stagnate and you never know what to expect - except that you can count on high energy, hi-end productions and tracks that will take your weekend to the next level. Lina and Paw are famous for creating live performances unlike any other and throughout their career they have sharpened their skills as writers and producers - not only for Infernal, but in relation to other constellations as well - and they are indeed better than ever.
Read More25 years have gone by and so far the duo has released more than 30 singles and 4 albums. Countless times they’ve topped charts both nationally and internationally but most importantly Infernal are known to grow and evolve - they never stagnate and you never know what to expect - except that you can count on high energy, hi-end productions and tracks that will take your weekend to the next level. Lina and Paw are famous for creating live performances unlike any other and throughout their career they have sharpened their skills as writers and producers - not only for Infernal, but in relation to other constellations as well - and they are indeed better than ever.
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