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Patterns Biography
Patterns are Benjamin Riedl, Daniel Mertens and Patrick Hohlweck. They got together to play tunes in the summer of 2006, when Daniel returned from a 10 month hot air balloon tour of the UK, while Benjamin and Patrick where living together in a mouldy house in Cologne. The three of them had met through shows they had set up for each other’s respective former bands, and shared a common enthusiasm for American Fighter with Michael Dudikoff and improvisational dance.
Patterns (also PTTRNS) play angular and rhythmic punk rock songs, which are sung by all. Their first releases were a quickly sold out self titled cassette on their own Ursa Minor Musik label, as well as their vinyl debut; seven inches of plastic, possibly partly about people they adore, called ‘People I Adore’, on UMM and Altin Village & Mine.
Read MorePatterns (also PTTRNS) play angular and rhythmic punk rock songs, which are sung by all. Their first releases were a quickly sold out self titled cassette on their own Ursa Minor Musik label, as well as their vinyl debut; seven inches of plastic, possibly partly about people they adore, called ‘People I Adore’, on UMM and Altin Village & Mine.
Electro Pop
New Wave Alternative
Synth Pop
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