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Fanfare Ciocărlia Tickets, Tour Dates and Concerts

Fanfare Ciocărlia

Le Trianon
80 Boulevard Rochechouart

Oct 9, 2025

8:00 PM GMT+2
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Fanfare Ciocărlia Tickets, Tour Dates and Concerts
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About this concert
Fanfare Ciocarlia est l'un des meilleurs groupes de scène au monde, dont l'énergie et l'ingéniosité lui ont valu des fans de Melbourne à Memphis, de Tokyo à Toulouse. Ayant appris leur métier aux pieds de leurs pères et de leurs grands-pères, les membres de la Fanfare abordent fièrement chaque concert comme un défi pour divertir le public et maintenir vivant le véritable esprit de la musique tsigane. Lorsque la Fanfare Ciocarlia - l'orchestre de cuivres du village « caché » de Zece Prajini, dans le nord-est de la Roumanie - monte sur scène, le public reçoit de la musique tzigane à 100 %.
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October 25th 2024
Unglaublich lebendige und mitreißende Musik, leidenschaftliche Brassband vermischt osteuropäische Folklore mit Ohrwürmern der Jazz- und Popmusik.
Hamburg, Germany@
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Fanfare Ciocărlia Biography

Fanfare Ciocarlia are a 24-legged brass beast whose eastern funk groove has torn up halls and festivals across the planet. Their energy and ingenuity having won them fans from Melbourne to Memphis, Tokyo to Toulouse. Having learnt their craft at the feet of their fathers and grandfathers Fanfare's members proudly approach every concert as a challenge to both entertain audiences and keep the true spirit of Gypsy music alive. Fanfare Ciocarlia went on to conquer the USA, Europe, Asia and Australia. The Gypsies may only have spoken their local Romany dialect but their music spoke an international language and audiences responded to their fierce Balkan funk by turning concerts into parties. What Fanfare Ciocarlia played was something new. The Times of London described it as "a heavy, heavy monster sound" and Fanfare's recordings have taken their eerie Balkan groove into dance clubs across the planet.
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Balkan Beat
Balkan Brass
Brass Music
Gypsy Brass Band
Eastern European
World Fusion
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