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vypsaná fiXa Biography
Vypsaná fiXa (formed 1994 in Pardubice, Czech Republic) is a Czech-singing punk pop group. Their diverse audience often apprecieates the surrealist lyrics written by the band's frontman Márdi.
They're often labeled as punk, punk rock, etc., the presumably more appropriate "punk pop" genre description comes from themselves (mentioned on their official web site).
Current lineup:
* Márdi – Voice, guitar
* Mejla – guitar
* Mejn – bass-guitar
* Pítrs – drums
Read MoreThey're often labeled as punk, punk rock, etc., the presumably more appropriate "punk pop" genre description comes from themselves (mentioned on their official web site).
Current lineup:
* Márdi – Voice, guitar
* Mejla – guitar
* Mejn – bass-guitar
* Pítrs – drums
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