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The Grasshopper Lies Heavy Biography
The Grasshopper Lies Heavy is louder than fuck. Call it “Post-Hardcore”, “Artcore”, “Post-Metal”, “Amp Worship”, call it whatever you like. The amorphous musical giant known as The Grasshopper Lies Heavy defy typical categorization. The band has released seven albums in five years, all exploring varying musical territories while maintaining a common thread: crushingly heavy wall-of-sound music; sometimes melodic, sometimes atonal, speaker shredding, enigmatic, and emotive. Pushing air and decibel levels into the physical realm and performing almost always on the floor, The Grasshopper Lies Heavy demands all of the audience’s senses, participation, experience, and presence. Founded in 2005 by James Woodard, the band was signed to Forgotten Empire Records after releasing their debut self-titled EP and garnering some critical praise. Forgotten Empire released two of their albums; the experimental and droney Soft Noise and the critically lauded GUN, before dissolving in 2009. The band, left without a label and with an album in the can, decided to release their long-awaited follow-up to GUN, Every Man For Himself and God Against All, themselves in January 2010 (A live version of the album has also been released, recorded live on KSYM 90.1 radio). Their most recent releases are a series of two cassette splits; one with San Antonio bretheren Sohns (entitled Werewolf), and a second with Atlanta, GA’s Hawks (entitled Fluffer). Werewolf was also released on CD format by Mt. Hope Revival Records. The Grasshopper Lies Heavy has shared the stage with Torche, Russian Circles, YOB, Coliseum, Clouds, Nebula, Lightning Bolt, Tera Melos, Genghis Tron, This Will Destroy You, Jucifer, Dark Castle, Totimoshi, Black Cobra, The Entrance Band, Sightings, Rwake, City of Ships, By The End Of Tonight, Constants, The Dead See, Suplecs, U2, Nickelback, and many others. HEARTS OF FIRE HEARTS OF TERROR HEARTS OF GLASS THE KNOT TIGHTENS THE GRASSHOPPER LIES HEAVY LIES LIES LIES
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Obnoxious Rock And Roll
Sludge Metal
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