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A double bill from two of the jazz-world’s best. An artist with little need for introduction, Elliot Galvin is a long-time trailblazer with four solo albums that have seen him top album of the year lists at the likes of Downbeat and Jazzwise, as well as being a member of the Mercury nominated Laura Jurd’s Dinosaur. Elliot Galvin Piano and synths Mandhira de Saram Violin Ruth Goller Bass and voice Sebastian Rochford Drums “A virtuosic, risk-embracing one-off” – John Fordham, The Guardian One of the most distinctive voices in jazz and improvised music today, Laura Jurd’s unique approach to the trumpet is celebrated in the work that she creates. In the past couple of years, her love of traditional music has deepened, having played alongside the likes of Irish fiddle player Ultan O’Brien and English accordionist Martin Green (one third of super-group Lau). Tonight’s performance sees Laura join Martin in a one-off duo setting, exploring music from Laura’s recently recorded album. Laura Jurd Trumpet Martin Green Accordion Presented in partnership with JazzLeeds.
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