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Perpetuum Jazzile

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Perpetuum Jazzile Biography

XL vokalna skupina Perpetuum Jazzile je največja slovenska pop in jazz vokalna zasedba. Ustanovljena je bila leta 1983 pod vodstvom Marka Tirana, takrat še pod imenom Gaudeamus. Repertoar Perpetuum Jazzile predstavlja atraktivni izbor vokalne jazzovske in popularne glasbe. Večinoma a cappella, občasno pa tudi s spremljavo vrhunskih jazz instrumentalistov, se repertoar Perpetuum Jazzile razteza od brazilske bossa nove, swinga, close harmony stila vse do (z jazzom bolj posredno povezanih) funka, gospela in popa. Poslušalcu ponuja privlačen splet vokalnih jazzovskih harmonij in izrednih ritmov, dotakne pa se jih tudi z odličnimi solisti, sproščenostjo in mladostnim žarom. Glasba Perpetuum Jazzile, ki jo najbolje predstavlja na svojem zadnjem albumu »Africa«, poslušalca neizogibno napolni z vokalno ekstazo. Album je bil v prvem tednu februarja 2010 po meritvi radia Val 202 in revije Stop najbolje prodajani CD album v Sloveniji, naslovna skladba pa je v živi izvedbi v letu 2009 poskrbela za izjemen mednarodni preboj skupine in je absolutni rekorder po gledanosti slovenskih videov na svetovnem spletu. Zanjo smo marca 2010 prejeli Viktorja za posebne medijske dosežke. Glasbeni mentor: Peder Karlsson ===================== The XL vocal group Perpetuum Jazzile is currently the biggest Slovenian pop and jazz vocal ensemble. It has been established by the name of Gaudeamus in 1983, under the leadership of Marko Tiran. The repertoire offers an attractive selection of vocal jazz and pop, Brazilian bossa nova, gospel, close harmony style and funk and is mostly sung a cappella, yet sometimes also accompanied by remarkable jazz instrumentalists. The listener is given an alluring combination of vocal jazz harmonies and extraordinary rhythms, and touches them with spectacular soloists, ease and glowing youth. The music of Perpetuum Jazzile, best presented on their latest album “Africa”, inevitably fills the listener with vocal ecstasy. According to the Slovenian radio broadcaster Val 202 and magazine Stop, the album reached first place as the best–selling album in Slovenia in the first week after its release. The live version of the title song made an immense international breakthrough of the group in 2009 and has become the absolute record holder of all Slovenian clips ever being uploaded to the Internet. As a result, we've received an award for special media achievements in March 2010. Artistic mentor: Peder Karlsson SUBSCRIBE to our Youtube channel here:
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