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Wodan Boys Biography
Let's be honest. You don't need another list of bands we all like nor a bunch of metaphors
that make us look cool. High energy loudmouth rockmusic, that’s basically what it's about.
Balancing on a tin line between chaotic violent guitars and cheeky melodic hooks. The
third EP is better than the previous two we think. Yet we feel the first two are pretty cool as
well. Wow. Godspeed, Tommy, Mikkie B, Olly and Timo.
Read Morethat make us look cool. High energy loudmouth rockmusic, that’s basically what it's about.
Balancing on a tin line between chaotic violent guitars and cheeky melodic hooks. The
third EP is better than the previous two we think. Yet we feel the first two are pretty cool as
well. Wow. Godspeed, Tommy, Mikkie B, Olly and Timo.
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