Actionesse w/ Velvet Q, Bad Optics, Dining Dead
Tractor Tavern
5213 Ballard Ave NW
Seattle, WA 98107
Aug 7, 2021
8:00 PM PDT
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8pm / $10 / 21+
Tickets on sale Friday, August 2nd 2021
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Located in the heart of historic downtown Ballard, the Tractor Tavern has provided nightly entertainment for more than 30 years! The Tractor features local, national, and...
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Actionesse Biography
"It's hard to find a band that hits harder in Seattle than Actionesse. Not just because they're loud or because of the anthemic, howling vocals...What really makes the four-piece work is the beastly energy they manage to harness into each performance and recording."
Find some joy in chaos. Over the last six years, Actionesse has morphed and evolved through experimentation with genre, performance and instrumentation. With their hearts on their sleeves, they raise the banner of post-horncore. Collaboration, integrity and family are crucial - both as a recorded and live experience, Actionesse brings these values to the forefront of everything that they do.
"Actionesse puts on one of the best live shows in Seattle right now, and they don’t do it by way of wacky outfits or fancy light shows: they do it by sheer force of intensity in both their music and their deportment.”
- Seattle Music Insider
Read More- KEXP
Find some joy in chaos. Over the last six years, Actionesse has morphed and evolved through experimentation with genre, performance and instrumentation. With their hearts on their sleeves, they raise the banner of post-horncore. Collaboration, integrity and family are crucial - both as a recorded and live experience, Actionesse brings these values to the forefront of everything that they do.
"Actionesse puts on one of the best live shows in Seattle right now, and they don’t do it by way of wacky outfits or fancy light shows: they do it by sheer force of intensity in both their music and their deportment.”
- Seattle Music Insider
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