![Carnival of Flesh Tickets, Tour Dates and Concerts](https://photos.bandsintown.com/thumb/8800926.jpeg)
Carnival of Flesh
Storytelling Across Europe
Hudební klub Křemelka
Na Křemelce 304
Oct 9, 2018
8:00 PM GMT+2
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![Carnival of Flesh Tickets, Tour Dates and Concerts](https://photos.bandsintown.com/thumb/8800926.jpeg)
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Připravili jsme pro Vás další velmi zajímavý metalový večer, tentokrát se srbskými Carnival of Flesh kteří jedou své evropské tour a jihočeskými Desire for Sorrow !!! V obou případech se jedná o velmi kvalitní kapely a bude to tedy jízda !! Ve svém představení „Storytelling Across Europe“ přináší Carnival of Flesh temný příběh o lidské chamtivosti, oběti a utrpení. Čekejte celé debutní album „Stories From a Fallen World“ a navíc několik nepříjemných překvapení. Ustojíte chladnokrevný symfonický blackmetal? Music: https://song.link/stories Merch: http://carnivalofflesh.com/#merch Video: https://youtu.be/DWAZfZm88E0 Desire for Sorrow Desire for Sorrow je melodic-black metalová kapela, která vznikla v roce 2009 v Českých Budějovicích. Od vydání debutového alba „At Dawn Of Abysmal Ruination“ z roku 2014 se víceméně nezastavili. Hned o rok později vyrazili DfS na své první evropské turné a v roce 2016 k tomu pak přidali turné po Mexiku. V roce 2016 taktéž vstoupili do stáje MetalGate Records, kde nejprve vydali EP „The Rotten Brood“, a loni pak druhou řadovku „Visions“! Vystupovali jako support kapelám Rotting Christ, Oranssi Pazuzu, Graveworm a na festivalech sdíleli podium se SepticFlesh, Marduk, Master’s Hammer a dalšími. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oE6Owdb1_g Začínáme cca ve 20hod. Vstup 150Kč Srdečně zve Meyla.
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Carnival of Flesh Biography
2002 - 2008
The story of Carnival of Flesh starts in late 2002, when two guys, Dachaz and Dam, wanted to reshape the Serbian black metal scene with a sound that escapes the traditional black Metal boundaries. This sound was commonly described as a refreshing mix of heavier guitars and more mind-blowing symphonies than usual. Due to frequent personnel changes, the desired sound was not reached, and the band officially splits up in 2008.
Carnival of Flesh was rebooted as a studio project. Over the course of the year, the perfect conditions were created for recording: Some of the best songs from the past were hand-picked from the vault, their arrangements were updated, lyrics conceptually rewritten and some of the best personnel was engaged. Thus, “Stories From a Fallen World” were born.
“Stories From a Fallen World” is released both as a deluxe digipak edition and via digital distribution channels.
The band finally gets its full form again and they deliver a stunning performance on the “Storytelling” event in Belgrade.
To announce their European tour, Carnival of Flesh appear on two warmup shows in Belgrade: with Rossomahaar and with Welicoruss. The tour, labelled “Storytelling across Europe”, is set to take place in 16 European cities during October.
Get in touch! info@carnival-of-flesh.com
Read MoreThe story of Carnival of Flesh starts in late 2002, when two guys, Dachaz and Dam, wanted to reshape the Serbian black metal scene with a sound that escapes the traditional black Metal boundaries. This sound was commonly described as a refreshing mix of heavier guitars and more mind-blowing symphonies than usual. Due to frequent personnel changes, the desired sound was not reached, and the band officially splits up in 2008.
Carnival of Flesh was rebooted as a studio project. Over the course of the year, the perfect conditions were created for recording: Some of the best songs from the past were hand-picked from the vault, their arrangements were updated, lyrics conceptually rewritten and some of the best personnel was engaged. Thus, “Stories From a Fallen World” were born.
“Stories From a Fallen World” is released both as a deluxe digipak edition and via digital distribution channels.
The band finally gets its full form again and they deliver a stunning performance on the “Storytelling” event in Belgrade.
To announce their European tour, Carnival of Flesh appear on two warmup shows in Belgrade: with Rossomahaar and with Welicoruss. The tour, labelled “Storytelling across Europe”, is set to take place in 16 European cities during October.
Get in touch! info@carnival-of-flesh.com
Black Metal
Symphonic Black Metal
Symphonic Metal
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