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Nyahbingi Sound Tickets, Tour Dates and Concerts
Nyahbingi Sound Tickets, Tour Dates and Concerts

Nyahbingi SoundVerifiziert

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Über Nyahbingi Sound

Nyahbingi Sound, established in 1999. From Barcelona to the world.
Always in touch with jamaican and urban music, Nyahbingi Sound was one of the first spanish “sounds” that crossed the borders of their country to play at different european and latam clubs and festivals, sharing stage with artists like Alton Ellis, Bitty McLean, Johnny Osbourne, Agent Sasco or U-Brown. Founders, organizers and resident djs of some of the best urban clubs in Spain such as BoomBastic Club, Whine Urban Club, Dancehall vs Reggaeton or Dancehall vs Afrobeats, this catalan crew, based in Barcelona, is formed by Pep Cool Steady, Leggo, Rochisteady, Ras Zohen, and Chalsbwoy. Do the reggae!
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Urban, Reggae Dancehall
Ras Zohen, Pep Cool Steady, Rochi, Leggo, Chalsbwoy
Barcelona, Spain

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Über Nyahbingi Sound

Nyahbingi Sound, established in 1999. From Barcelona to the world.
Always in touch with jamaican and urban music, Nyahbingi Sound was one of the first spanish “sounds” that crossed the borders of their country to play at different european and latam clubs and festivals, sharing stage with artists like Alton Ellis, Bitty McLean, Johnny Osbourne, Agent Sasco or U-Brown. Founders, organizers and resident djs of some of the best urban clubs in Spain such as BoomBastic Club, Whine Urban Club, Dancehall vs Reggaeton or Dancehall vs Afrobeats, this catalan crew, based in Barcelona, is formed by Pep Cool Steady, Leggo, Rochisteady, Ras Zohen, and Chalsbwoy. Do the reggae!
Mehr anzeigen
Urban, Reggae Dancehall
Ras Zohen, Pep Cool Steady, Rochi, Leggo, Chalsbwoy
Barcelona, Spain

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