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7. September 2019
HOLY SHIT these guys were so good. I went to the bar not knowing bands played there and I saw them hooking everything up. Didn’t think much of it. When the time came for them to perform, I was pleasantly surprised. Very pleasantly. There was even a guy playing the ukulele. I play the ukulele and I never knew you could play that in an actual band lol I left inspired.
Miami, FL@Las Rosas
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7. September 2019
HOLY SHIT these guys were so good. I went to the bar not knowing bands played there and I saw them hooking everything up. Didn’t think much of it. When the time came for them to perform, I was pleasantly surprised. Very pleasantly. There was even a guy playing the ukulele. I play the ukulele and I never knew you could play that in an actual band lol I left inspired.
Miami, FL@Las Rosas
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