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City Hall Tickets, Tour Dates and Concerts
City Hall Tickets, Tour Dates and Concerts

City Hall

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Never miss another City Hall concert. Get alerts about tour announcements, concert tickets, and shows near you with a free Bandsintown account.
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Über City Hall

City Hall is a five-piece alternative rock band from Lawrence, Kansas. The band sprouted from jam sessions in the garage of their college house in 2022. With inspirations stemming from post-hardcore, grunge, and new wave, the band draws from the powerful guitar riffs of Title Fight and the aggressive bass tones of The Garden. They got their start in DIY venues around the University of Kansas where their loyal fanbase of City Hallers followed them to the crevices of numerous basements.The basements soon progressed to stages and the iphone demo recordings advanced to working with a local producer to create their first EP. The band’s second single, Radio comes out on March 22nd, 2024.
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Alternative, College Rock, Midwestern Rock
Lawrence, Kansas

Keine demnächst stattfindenden Shows
Schicke eine Anfrage an City Hall, in deiner Stadt aufzutreten
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concerts and tour dates

Über City Hall

City Hall is a five-piece alternative rock band from Lawrence, Kansas. The band sprouted from jam sessions in the garage of their college house in 2022. With inspirations stemming from post-hardcore, grunge, and new wave, the band draws from the powerful guitar riffs of Title Fight and the aggressive bass tones of The Garden. They got their start in DIY venues around the University of Kansas where their loyal fanbase of City Hallers followed them to the crevices of numerous basements.The basements soon progressed to stages and the iphone demo recordings advanced to working with a local producer to create their first EP. The band’s second single, Radio comes out on March 22nd, 2024.
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Alternative, College Rock, Midwestern Rock
Lawrence, Kansas

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