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BLISK Tickets, Tour Dates and Concerts
BLISK Tickets, Tour Dates and Concerts


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A polyphonic Eastern European vocal experience backed by hypnotic percussion and dance

A synthesis of polyphonic Eastern European song, dance, and movement backed by hypnotic percussion, Blisk is a musical journey through Ukraine, Poland, Russia, the Balkans – and beyond. Described as “beauty – in the voices, the look, and the sounds,” by Roots Music Canada, the Toronto-based, all-female quartet was brought together by a deep love and respect for the ancient songs and dances of these regions, bringing the tunes to life for our modern world through unique original compositions, storytelling, dance, and distinctive arrangements of traditional folk music.

The band’s original compositions are inspired by the places from which the members hail – Ukraine, Poland, Russia/Kazakhstan, and Canada – seamlessly intertwined and paired with traditional Eastern European repertoire that crosses cultural borders. Improvised modern choreographies inspired by the dance traditions of these regions adds another layer to the texture of the overall show, while storytelling also plays an essential role: The band is committed to sharing the stories of the ancient rituals and folklore from which the songs originate, particularly given the rich history and often magical context from which the music comes.
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Folk, Vocal Music, World Fusion
Toronto, Canada

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A polyphonic Eastern European vocal experience backed by hypnotic percussion and dance

A synthesis of polyphonic Eastern European song, dance, and movement backed by hypnotic percussion, Blisk is a musical journey through Ukraine, Poland, Russia, the Balkans – and beyond. Described as “beauty – in the voices, the look, and the sounds,” by Roots Music Canada, the Toronto-based, all-female quartet was brought together by a deep love and respect for the ancient songs and dances of these regions, bringing the tunes to life for our modern world through unique original compositions, storytelling, dance, and distinctive arrangements of traditional folk music.

The band’s original compositions are inspired by the places from which the members hail – Ukraine, Poland, Russia/Kazakhstan, and Canada – seamlessly intertwined and paired with traditional Eastern European repertoire that crosses cultural borders. Improvised modern choreographies inspired by the dance traditions of these regions adds another layer to the texture of the overall show, while storytelling also plays an essential role: The band is committed to sharing the stories of the ancient rituals and folklore from which the songs originate, particularly given the rich history and often magical context from which the music comes.
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Folk, Vocal Music, World Fusion
Toronto, Canada

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