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Hungry Hollow Tickets, Tour Dates and Concerts
Hungry Hollow Tickets, Tour Dates and Concerts

Hungry HollowVerifiziert

320 Follower
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Pre-recorded Live Stream!?
14. Januar 2023
Great show!
Edmonton, AB@
The Starlite Room
Pre-recorded Live Stream!?
14. November 2022
Great show! Keep em coming!
Edmonton, AB@
The Starlite Room

Über Hungry Hollow

Hailing from Edmonton Alberta, Hungry Hollow is an energetic, Alternative Rock band armed with a clearly defined sound and the heart to go with it. Influenced by great artists such as The Foo Fighters, Oasis, The Tragically Hip and Sloan, their live set not only plays off the tones of 90’s inspired rock, but truly adds warmth and belonging to any room. Throughout the years, Hungry Hollow has prided themselves on both the friendships that have formed within the band and the intertwining network they hold close to them. With their recent release, Drive, Hungry Hollow looks to push the boundaries of Alternative Rock and increase their already dedicated following in the Canadian Music Scene.

With their recently awarded FACTOR grant, Hungry Hollow recorded two singles at Velveteen Audio and are slated for a summer/fall release followed by their 3rd studio album, WALK. Hungry Hollow has big plans for 2018, with new content, new brand, new show. Hungry Hollow invites you into our living room, relax and stay awhile.
Mehr anzeigen
Pop Rock, Rock

Keine demnächst stattfindenden Shows
Schicke eine Anfrage an Hungry Hollow, in deiner Stadt aufzutreten
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Pre-recorded Live Stream!?
14. Januar 2023
Great show!
Edmonton, AB@
The Starlite Room
Pre-recorded Live Stream!?
14. November 2022
Great show! Keep em coming!
Edmonton, AB@
The Starlite Room

Über Hungry Hollow

Hailing from Edmonton Alberta, Hungry Hollow is an energetic, Alternative Rock band armed with a clearly defined sound and the heart to go with it. Influenced by great artists such as The Foo Fighters, Oasis, The Tragically Hip and Sloan, their live set not only plays off the tones of 90’s inspired rock, but truly adds warmth and belonging to any room. Throughout the years, Hungry Hollow has prided themselves on both the friendships that have formed within the band and the intertwining network they hold close to them. With their recent release, Drive, Hungry Hollow looks to push the boundaries of Alternative Rock and increase their already dedicated following in the Canadian Music Scene.

With their recently awarded FACTOR grant, Hungry Hollow recorded two singles at Velveteen Audio and are slated for a summer/fall release followed by their 3rd studio album, WALK. Hungry Hollow has big plans for 2018, with new content, new brand, new show. Hungry Hollow invites you into our living room, relax and stay awhile.
Mehr anzeigen
Pop Rock, Rock

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