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Über Fotoform
Seattle post-punk dark wave shoe gaze. Dreamy, dynamic and loud.
Their self-released debut was a KEXP listener's 90.3 albums of the year for 2017.
"This Seattle band’s second album is a well-crafted blend of post-punk and dream-pop with atmospheric guitars and synths, driving rhythms, ethereal vocals, hypnotic song hooks and lyrics of grief, love and loss." – KEXP
"Holy [insert expletive]! One of our greatest American Anglo-esque bands" - Jack Rabid (The Big Takeover)
Kim and Geoff used to be in C'est la Mort; Michael was in Death Cab for Cutie and the Long Winters.
Their self-released debut was a KEXP listener's 90.3 albums of the year for 2017.
"This Seattle band’s second album is a well-crafted blend of post-punk and dream-pop with atmospheric guitars and synths, driving rhythms, ethereal vocals, hypnotic song hooks and lyrics of grief, love and loss." – KEXP
"Holy [insert expletive]! One of our greatest American Anglo-esque bands" - Jack Rabid (The Big Takeover)
Kim and Geoff used to be in C'est la Mort; Michael was in Death Cab for Cutie and the Long Winters.
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Darkwave, Dream Punk, Shoegaze, Gothic, Indie, Post-punk, Dream Pop
Kim, Michael, Geoff
Seattle, Washington
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Über Fotoform
Seattle post-punk dark wave shoe gaze. Dreamy, dynamic and loud.
Their self-released debut was a KEXP listener's 90.3 albums of the year for 2017.
"This Seattle band’s second album is a well-crafted blend of post-punk and dream-pop with atmospheric guitars and synths, driving rhythms, ethereal vocals, hypnotic song hooks and lyrics of grief, love and loss." – KEXP
"Holy [insert expletive]! One of our greatest American Anglo-esque bands" - Jack Rabid (The Big Takeover)
Kim and Geoff used to be in C'est la Mort; Michael was in Death Cab for Cutie and the Long Winters.
Their self-released debut was a KEXP listener's 90.3 albums of the year for 2017.
"This Seattle band’s second album is a well-crafted blend of post-punk and dream-pop with atmospheric guitars and synths, driving rhythms, ethereal vocals, hypnotic song hooks and lyrics of grief, love and loss." – KEXP
"Holy [insert expletive]! One of our greatest American Anglo-esque bands" - Jack Rabid (The Big Takeover)
Kim and Geoff used to be in C'est la Mort; Michael was in Death Cab for Cutie and the Long Winters.
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Darkwave, Dream Punk, Shoegaze, Gothic, Indie, Post-punk, Dream Pop
Kim, Michael, Geoff
Seattle, Washington
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