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From Ashes to New
2 months ago
🎄Looking for new FATN merch for that one person who has it on their wishlist…Or maybe you just want to give yourself a gift? Check out these super limited designs we just added to our store!

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From Ashes to New merch
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From Ashes to New - Crazy - Official ...
From Ashes To New - Face - Official M...
From Ashes to New - Crazy - Official ...
From Ashes to New - Crazy - Official ...
From Ashes To New - Face - Official M...
From Ashes to New - Crazy - Official ...
Womens From Ashes To New - Face - Off...
From Ashes to New - Crazy - Official ...
From Ashes To New - Face - Official M...
From Ashes To New - Face - Official M...
From Ashes To New - Face - Official M...
From Ashes To New - Face - Official M...
From Ashes To New - Face - Official M...
From Ashes to New - Crazy - Official ...
From Ashes to New - Crazy - Official ...
From Ashes to New - Crazy - Official ...
Day One
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From Ashes to New's tour

Live Photos of From Ashes to New

From Ashes to New at Little Rock, AR in The Hall 2024
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Fan Reviews

December 20th 2024
Once was never going to be enough!! I went to the Melbourne Sideshow FATN and did the VIP thing - and it was beyond amazing! I couldn't believe that this band who have had all this success in the USA, especially since dropping the album Blackout - struggled to sell out 2 small room venues - with shitty sound and crappy lighting. So after being at this first Australian show in Melbourne - and there were still tickets for their Sydney sideshow - I jumped at the opportunity to go and see them before they flew out of Australia to home for the holidays. I had never been to the "Crowbar" before, so that was new for me. The stage was small. The band were yet again - amazing and the VIP was again, they were gracious with their time, the Q&A, having photos with their fans, signing things for their fans and they were kind and they were exhausted after the travelling to Australia - but doing the 3 festival shows in 3 different states over 3 days - is a lot of hanging around in airports - waiting for terrible domestic services here and then going to the venue - sound checking - playing their sets - back to the airport. There is a "home time" rivalry" for Melbourne and Sydney. Always has been, always will be. Matt B went on to say that this show in Sydney was "top 3" of his career - so that was exciting to be part of. They had technical difficulties, sound issues, they were melting on the tiny stage but still performed like motherfo's!! They have promised to come back in 2025 and grow their Australian fan base - and I can't wait for them to return to our shores! If you get an opportunity to see these guys - anywhere - don't miss it!! They are dynamic, fierce, friendly and wat to have a great time with the crowd!! Hurry back to Oz guys!! We miss you and thank you so much for the long haul travel to Australia... I value and appreciate the bands that do this - it's a long way for them to come!
Leichhardt, Australia@
Crowbar Sydney
December 11th 2024
It was absolutely Epic!! I was so excited when then announced they were going to do a "side show" separate to the Festival they had travelled to Australia to perform at. I wasn't interested in any of the bands playing at Good Things so when FATN announced they would be doing 2 "side shows" - one in Melbourne and one in Sydney. Well I went to both!! I had VIP Experience in both Melbourne and Sydney. This band who have had so much success in the US especially with the release of Blackout - and their fabulous Barely Breathing - I would have thought that their Australian fans would be all over these 2 separate performances. The room they played in Melbourne was small - the stage was really small and nothing to what FATN have become more accustomed playing at - the lighting was terrible, the sound kept kicking in and out but the guys played their hearts out... the fans who were there went nuts - it was super special to be part of history. First show in Australia - and it kicked the shit out of the place it was held in. They were fun - so involved with the fans who just couldn't get enough of the FATN set!! I'm certain that anyone who buys a ticket to see them anywhere - will have an exceptionally fantastic night. They are down-to-earth. They were happy to mingle and chat with their fans, do selfies and sign things. I love them!! I can't wait for them to come back hopefully as a headliner in 2025. I know how far and how long the journey is to get here from the US and other parts of the world. We feel a little ripped off in Australia - we don't get the Festival tours like in the US and Europe & the UK... so when a band you love says - we are on our way... fans should just show up. I couldn't believe that even after they had played at Good Things Festival 3 days in a row - that their Sydney side show would have sold out - but it hadn't.... I still don't understand that!! FATN are GOLD!!
Brunswick, Australia@
Stay Gold
October 30th 2024
Best concert in my life. I've seen 100+. It was awesome!!!! Something I'll never forget. The small concert hall is intimate of what makes it so great. Bigger venues aren't as good. I've been backstage and met bands the experience just hearing how they performed sound as good live as the record.100% recommend. You won't see anyone better. Love from ashes to new!
Worcester, MA@
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Help From Ashes to New keep making the music you love.

About From Ashes to New

Lancaster, Pennsylvania is one of a hundred similar American towns; in fact, there are places just like it all over the world: post-industrial but still largely working class, and generally offering bleak prospects for the kids who grow up there. Suburban boredom, broken families, substance abuse, limited opportunity – this is an environment in which authentic, compelling creativity can thrive, if it’s accompanied by a burning desire, unstoppable drive, and complete lack of any backup plan. There have always been powerful voices that rise above the din of mediocrity and monotony. The voice of From Ashes to New founder and frontman Matt Brandyberry is one of those that is forcing itself to be heard.

Matt’s lifelong interest in music progressed along a wide-ranging path: he was ardent hip-hop fan who wrote rhymes while in junior high, then learned piano and guitar. He pursued music with a passion, ignoring warnings from naysayers around him who shook their fingers in disapproval, asserting that he was doomed to fail and would never amount to anything.
His early musical efforts were straight-up rap, and he couldn’t get anything happening with it. "People would say, 'You aren’t a rapper. You are white. Just quit. Just get a real job.’ And I eventually thought I would be that regular 9 to 5 guy."

To make matters worse, Matt was making bad choices. "Most of what I have done has been a failure," he admits with an unsettling candor. "Things I fell into. Things I believed. I was pretty damn good at baseball, but I made bad choices. I ruined it. I fell into a bad crowd, getting in trouble, and partying too much. I was doing things I shouldn't have been doing instead of following what could have been a career choice."

Matt found a steady job as a cable TV installer, and had to relegate writing and performing to his off hours and weekends. Rap gave way to joining local rock bands, but his creative contributions ended up being frustratingly limited.

He was making good money doing the 9 to 5, but he didn’t have an outlet for the powerful music he was starting to hear in his head, and the voices of people who discouraged him grew louder and almost caused Matt to lose his focus.

This roadblock seemed insurmountable. Matt realized that he himself possessed the power to overcome the negativity and spitefulness he felt around him. Confidence was something that was totally under his control. An internal voice told him to press forward with his own creativity.

By pushing past the negativity with From Ashes to New, a rock band with a point of view, Matt found his voice, performing powerful songs that speak of redemption, liberation, and personal salvation.

Matt used money from a workers compensation settlement to begin the FATN journey. At the time, it seemed like yet another questionable choice. Investing his life savings into what amounted to an underground studio-only project, Matt did so in order to generate the quality recordings which eventually got the band some attention.

Negativity threatened to derail From Ashes To New’s dreams once again when several band members jumped ship after the band signed to Better Noise Records. But this became another opportunity, as the band evolved a tighter unit, most recently adding guitarist Lance Dowdle, formerly of hard rock band Emphatic, who adds his own passion and energy. “The current lineup reflects the true spirit of the band,” Matt says, “and we can’t wait to play for fans all over the world”

“Through It All,” the band’s breakthrough first single, has launched their sound onto the radio and created multiple touring opportunities. Matt recounts, “There's always someone involved in our lives that in the end seems to change us. A friend, a family member, a significant other, sometimes we're left to wonder if it was for better or for worse. Often times we don't know what we have until it is gone.”

“Lost And Alone is a song about feeling lost and hopeless in today’s society. No matter how many times it feels like we have something to hold onto, that something always seems to find a way to escape us. It paints the picture of the bitter reality that we have to take matters into our own hands and not rely on the world to save us,” Matt explains.

Ultimately, From Ashes to New’s message is true to life, raw, and genuine. Their music is a testament to positive inspiration for the people of the world that they, too, can take risks and not settle into an expected life of mediocrity.

"We are only regular if we make ourselves regular. We are what we tell ourselves we are," Matt says. "Some of our fans tell us they feel things are hopeless and I tell them, 'You have to believe in yourself before anyone else can.'"
Formed barely two years ago by vocalist, programmer and creative mastermind Matt Brandyberry, the sextet consists of the cream of Lancaster’s underground scene. “We have all played with each other in old bands and other projects,” explains Brandyberry. “And when those things stalled or fell apart, the guys who wanted to take things a little more seriously began to gravitate toward FATN. It all came together incredibly organically and we clicked almost instantaneously. It was a real ‘Aha!’ moment, like this was the band we should have been in all along.”

For Brandyberry in particular, FATN represents a creative endeavor a long time in the making. As a young kid obsessed by world-changing flows of Tupac and Biggie as well as the local Philadelphia Hip Hop scene that surrounded him, writing rhymes became a natural pastime. “It was until my late teens that my interest in hard rock music properly developed,” explains the frontman “slowly but surely I got into things like Sevendust and it all snowballed from there.”

Before long, Brandyberry was obsessively playing guitar and piano and, most importantly, penning his own music to go with the raps he had been developing since junior high. “I decided I was going to put everything I had inside of me into doing music, it became everything to me. I was like a sponge - I wanted to learn every technique, every skill so that I had what I needed to out the ideas that I had in my head on paper and eventually turn them into records.”

And turn those ideas into records is exactly what he did. With the assistance of producer Grant McFarland, FATN set about molding their rap/rock hybrid into a sky-scrapingly monolithic proposition.

“We always wanted our songs to sound huge,” admits co-vocalist and melodic linchpin Chris Musser. “Our ambition is to throw as much as we can into them and give the listener the most connecting experience possible. We vent a lot of emotion, a lot of frustrations, a lot of angst through our songs, but we always want them to have a craft to them - something which shines through.”

And if recent four-track EP Downfall was a glistening opening gambit, then the forthcoming full-length album will radiate with the fire of a thousand suns. A fearsome mix of contemporary metalcore crunch and soul-searching rap, the band are already punching with a heavyweight strength that belies their so far brief career. It’s a potent approach galvanized further by the background from which the band all come from.

“When we were recording the album, we were all holding down full time jobs,” explains Musser. “I work fixing up body panels for airplanes. I’d start work at 6, finish at 4 then go straight to the studio to work until 2 in the morning. That has been my life for the past year and the discontentment of working in a dead-end job has filtered through onto this album massively. We go through the same things that everyone else who has to wake up in the morning and go do something they hate.”

“To put it bluntly, there’s a lot of ‘Fuck you’ on this album,” laughs Brandyberry. “A lot of stuff about shitty relationships, about working hard for something and people telling you can’t do it, about never accepting that things are just ‘beyond you’. We’re not the cool band from LA or New York or any of those places, we’re six regular guys from a regular place but that is in our favor, not against us. We understand what it’s like.”

Yet with major tours with the likes of Hollywood Undead under their belts,and a record deal that puts them among some of the best known commercial rock bands already signed, FATN look set to take their message to a bigger stage than they could ever previously have imagined.

Blessed with honesty, integrity, grit, determination and, most vitally, a genuinely devastating arsenal of gut-mangling tunes – FROM ASHES TO NEW have got all the ingredients to turn your world, and the entire scene, on its head.
Show More
Numetal, Alternative Metal, Hard Rock, Metalcore, Rock, Hip Hop, Rap, Rap-rock
Band Members:
Mat Madiro (Drums), Matt Brandyberry (Vocals/Guitar/Keys/Programming), Danny Case (Vocals), Lance Dowdle (Guitar)
Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Help From Ashes to New keep making the music you love.

concerts and tour dates


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From Ashes to New
2 months ago
🎄Looking for new FATN merch for that one person who has it on their wishlist…Or maybe you just want to give yourself a gift? Check out these super limited designs we just added to our store!

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Live Photos of From Ashes to New

From Ashes to New at Little Rock, AR in The Hall 2024
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From Ashes to New merch
amazonview store

From Ashes to New - Crazy - Official ...
From Ashes To New - Face - Official M...
From Ashes to New - Crazy - Official ...
From Ashes to New - Crazy - Official ...
From Ashes To New - Face - Official M...
From Ashes to New - Crazy - Official ...
Womens From Ashes To New - Face - Off...
From Ashes to New - Crazy - Official ...
From Ashes To New - Face - Official M...
From Ashes To New - Face - Official M...
From Ashes To New - Face - Official M...
From Ashes To New - Face - Official M...
From Ashes To New - Face - Official M...
From Ashes to New - Crazy - Official ...
From Ashes to New - Crazy - Official ...
From Ashes to New - Crazy - Official ...
Day One
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From Ashes to New's tour

Fan Reviews

December 20th 2024
Once was never going to be enough!! I went to the Melbourne Sideshow FATN and did the VIP thing - and it was beyond amazing! I couldn't believe that this band who have had all this success in the USA, especially since dropping the album Blackout - struggled to sell out 2 small room venues - with shitty sound and crappy lighting. So after being at this first Australian show in Melbourne - and there were still tickets for their Sydney sideshow - I jumped at the opportunity to go and see them before they flew out of Australia to home for the holidays. I had never been to the "Crowbar" before, so that was new for me. The stage was small. The band were yet again - amazing and the VIP was again, they were gracious with their time, the Q&A, having photos with their fans, signing things for their fans and they were kind and they were exhausted after the travelling to Australia - but doing the 3 festival shows in 3 different states over 3 days - is a lot of hanging around in airports - waiting for terrible domestic services here and then going to the venue - sound checking - playing their sets - back to the airport. There is a "home time" rivalry" for Melbourne and Sydney. Always has been, always will be. Matt B went on to say that this show in Sydney was "top 3" of his career - so that was exciting to be part of. They had technical difficulties, sound issues, they were melting on the tiny stage but still performed like motherfo's!! They have promised to come back in 2025 and grow their Australian fan base - and I can't wait for them to return to our shores! If you get an opportunity to see these guys - anywhere - don't miss it!! They are dynamic, fierce, friendly and wat to have a great time with the crowd!! Hurry back to Oz guys!! We miss you and thank you so much for the long haul travel to Australia... I value and appreciate the bands that do this - it's a long way for them to come!
Leichhardt, Australia@
Crowbar Sydney
December 11th 2024
It was absolutely Epic!! I was so excited when then announced they were going to do a "side show" separate to the Festival they had travelled to Australia to perform at. I wasn't interested in any of the bands playing at Good Things so when FATN announced they would be doing 2 "side shows" - one in Melbourne and one in Sydney. Well I went to both!! I had VIP Experience in both Melbourne and Sydney. This band who have had so much success in the US especially with the release of Blackout - and their fabulous Barely Breathing - I would have thought that their Australian fans would be all over these 2 separate performances. The room they played in Melbourne was small - the stage was really small and nothing to what FATN have become more accustomed playing at - the lighting was terrible, the sound kept kicking in and out but the guys played their hearts out... the fans who were there went nuts - it was super special to be part of history. First show in Australia - and it kicked the shit out of the place it was held in. They were fun - so involved with the fans who just couldn't get enough of the FATN set!! I'm certain that anyone who buys a ticket to see them anywhere - will have an exceptionally fantastic night. They are down-to-earth. They were happy to mingle and chat with their fans, do selfies and sign things. I love them!! I can't wait for them to come back hopefully as a headliner in 2025. I know how far and how long the journey is to get here from the US and other parts of the world. We feel a little ripped off in Australia - we don't get the Festival tours like in the US and Europe & the UK... so when a band you love says - we are on our way... fans should just show up. I couldn't believe that even after they had played at Good Things Festival 3 days in a row - that their Sydney side show would have sold out - but it hadn't.... I still don't understand that!! FATN are GOLD!!
Brunswick, Australia@
Stay Gold
October 30th 2024
Best concert in my life. I've seen 100+. It was awesome!!!! Something I'll never forget. The small concert hall is intimate of what makes it so great. Bigger venues aren't as good. I've been backstage and met bands the experience just hearing how they performed sound as good live as the record.100% recommend. You won't see anyone better. Love from ashes to new!
Worcester, MA@
View More Fan Reviews

About From Ashes to New

Lancaster, Pennsylvania is one of a hundred similar American towns; in fact, there are places just like it all over the world: post-industrial but still largely working class, and generally offering bleak prospects for the kids who grow up there. Suburban boredom, broken families, substance abuse, limited opportunity – this is an environment in which authentic, compelling creativity can thrive, if it’s accompanied by a burning desire, unstoppable drive, and complete lack of any backup plan. There have always been powerful voices that rise above the din of mediocrity and monotony. The voice of From Ashes to New founder and frontman Matt Brandyberry is one of those that is forcing itself to be heard.

Matt’s lifelong interest in music progressed along a wide-ranging path: he was ardent hip-hop fan who wrote rhymes while in junior high, then learned piano and guitar. He pursued music with a passion, ignoring warnings from naysayers around him who shook their fingers in disapproval, asserting that he was doomed to fail and would never amount to anything.
His early musical efforts were straight-up rap, and he couldn’t get anything happening with it. "People would say, 'You aren’t a rapper. You are white. Just quit. Just get a real job.’ And I eventually thought I would be that regular 9 to 5 guy."

To make matters worse, Matt was making bad choices. "Most of what I have done has been a failure," he admits with an unsettling candor. "Things I fell into. Things I believed. I was pretty damn good at baseball, but I made bad choices. I ruined it. I fell into a bad crowd, getting in trouble, and partying too much. I was doing things I shouldn't have been doing instead of following what could have been a career choice."

Matt found a steady job as a cable TV installer, and had to relegate writing and performing to his off hours and weekends. Rap gave way to joining local rock bands, but his creative contributions ended up being frustratingly limited.

He was making good money doing the 9 to 5, but he didn’t have an outlet for the powerful music he was starting to hear in his head, and the voices of people who discouraged him grew louder and almost caused Matt to lose his focus.

This roadblock seemed insurmountable. Matt realized that he himself possessed the power to overcome the negativity and spitefulness he felt around him. Confidence was something that was totally under his control. An internal voice told him to press forward with his own creativity.

By pushing past the negativity with From Ashes to New, a rock band with a point of view, Matt found his voice, performing powerful songs that speak of redemption, liberation, and personal salvation.

Matt used money from a workers compensation settlement to begin the FATN journey. At the time, it seemed like yet another questionable choice. Investing his life savings into what amounted to an underground studio-only project, Matt did so in order to generate the quality recordings which eventually got the band some attention.

Negativity threatened to derail From Ashes To New’s dreams once again when several band members jumped ship after the band signed to Better Noise Records. But this became another opportunity, as the band evolved a tighter unit, most recently adding guitarist Lance Dowdle, formerly of hard rock band Emphatic, who adds his own passion and energy. “The current lineup reflects the true spirit of the band,” Matt says, “and we can’t wait to play for fans all over the world”

“Through It All,” the band’s breakthrough first single, has launched their sound onto the radio and created multiple touring opportunities. Matt recounts, “There's always someone involved in our lives that in the end seems to change us. A friend, a family member, a significant other, sometimes we're left to wonder if it was for better or for worse. Often times we don't know what we have until it is gone.”

“Lost And Alone is a song about feeling lost and hopeless in today’s society. No matter how many times it feels like we have something to hold onto, that something always seems to find a way to escape us. It paints the picture of the bitter reality that we have to take matters into our own hands and not rely on the world to save us,” Matt explains.

Ultimately, From Ashes to New’s message is true to life, raw, and genuine. Their music is a testament to positive inspiration for the people of the world that they, too, can take risks and not settle into an expected life of mediocrity.

"We are only regular if we make ourselves regular. We are what we tell ourselves we are," Matt says. "Some of our fans tell us they feel things are hopeless and I tell them, 'You have to believe in yourself before anyone else can.'"
Formed barely two years ago by vocalist, programmer and creative mastermind Matt Brandyberry, the sextet consists of the cream of Lancaster’s underground scene. “We have all played with each other in old bands and other projects,” explains Brandyberry. “And when those things stalled or fell apart, the guys who wanted to take things a little more seriously began to gravitate toward FATN. It all came together incredibly organically and we clicked almost instantaneously. It was a real ‘Aha!’ moment, like this was the band we should have been in all along.”

For Brandyberry in particular, FATN represents a creative endeavor a long time in the making. As a young kid obsessed by world-changing flows of Tupac and Biggie as well as the local Philadelphia Hip Hop scene that surrounded him, writing rhymes became a natural pastime. “It was until my late teens that my interest in hard rock music properly developed,” explains the frontman “slowly but surely I got into things like Sevendust and it all snowballed from there.”

Before long, Brandyberry was obsessively playing guitar and piano and, most importantly, penning his own music to go with the raps he had been developing since junior high. “I decided I was going to put everything I had inside of me into doing music, it became everything to me. I was like a sponge - I wanted to learn every technique, every skill so that I had what I needed to out the ideas that I had in my head on paper and eventually turn them into records.”

And turn those ideas into records is exactly what he did. With the assistance of producer Grant McFarland, FATN set about molding their rap/rock hybrid into a sky-scrapingly monolithic proposition.

“We always wanted our songs to sound huge,” admits co-vocalist and melodic linchpin Chris Musser. “Our ambition is to throw as much as we can into them and give the listener the most connecting experience possible. We vent a lot of emotion, a lot of frustrations, a lot of angst through our songs, but we always want them to have a craft to them - something which shines through.”

And if recent four-track EP Downfall was a glistening opening gambit, then the forthcoming full-length album will radiate with the fire of a thousand suns. A fearsome mix of contemporary metalcore crunch and soul-searching rap, the band are already punching with a heavyweight strength that belies their so far brief career. It’s a potent approach galvanized further by the background from which the band all come from.

“When we were recording the album, we were all holding down full time jobs,” explains Musser. “I work fixing up body panels for airplanes. I’d start work at 6, finish at 4 then go straight to the studio to work until 2 in the morning. That has been my life for the past year and the discontentment of working in a dead-end job has filtered through onto this album massively. We go through the same things that everyone else who has to wake up in the morning and go do something they hate.”

“To put it bluntly, there’s a lot of ‘Fuck you’ on this album,” laughs Brandyberry. “A lot of stuff about shitty relationships, about working hard for something and people telling you can’t do it, about never accepting that things are just ‘beyond you’. We’re not the cool band from LA or New York or any of those places, we’re six regular guys from a regular place but that is in our favor, not against us. We understand what it’s like.”

Yet with major tours with the likes of Hollywood Undead under their belts,and a record deal that puts them among some of the best known commercial rock bands already signed, FATN look set to take their message to a bigger stage than they could ever previously have imagined.

Blessed with honesty, integrity, grit, determination and, most vitally, a genuinely devastating arsenal of gut-mangling tunes – FROM ASHES TO NEW have got all the ingredients to turn your world, and the entire scene, on its head.
Show More
Numetal, Alternative Metal, Hard Rock, Metalcore, Rock, Hip Hop, Rap, Rap-rock
Band Members:
Mat Madiro (Drums), Matt Brandyberry (Vocals/Guitar/Keys/Programming), Danny Case (Vocals), Lance Dowdle (Guitar)
Lancaster, Pennsylvania

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