Curly Strings
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Similar Artists On Tour
concerts and tour dates
Tallinn, Estonia
Russalka Memorial
I Was There
Otepää, Estonia
Pühajärve park
I Was There
Univere küla, Estonia
Urissare talu
I Was There
Käsmu, Estonia
Käsmu Külalistemaja
I Was There
Antsla Linn, Estonia
Antsla Augulava - Antsla, Estonia
I Was There
Viljandi, Estonia
Viljandi castle hill
I Was There
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Fan Reviews
About Curly Strings
EST: Curly Strings on eesti muusikamaastiku värskeim vili. Viimase aasta ajaga kõrge tähelennu teinud bänd koosneb andekatest ja mitmekülgsetest muusikutest, kelle ühine maitse on nende edu alus. Bändi loomingut naudivad nii folgiarmastajad kui popkultuuri austajad, nii noored kui vanad. Nende muusika - instrumentaallood ja laulud on ansambliliikmed loonud ise koostöös viljakate Eesti poeetide ja poetessidega - mis on kaasahaarav, võiks isegi öelda, et vaatemänguline ja ühiskondlikul tasandil tabava lüürikaga. Neis on piisavalt pärimust, piisavalt kantrit ja piisavalt siirast esitust. Curly Strings on välja andnud kaks albumit. Debüütalbum „Üle ilma" (aprill 2014) ning lühialbum „Elumäng" (juuni 2015). Debüütalbumiga tegid keerdus keeled puhta töö nii Eesti Muusikaauhindade jagamisel kui Kuldse plaadi tseremoonial. Samuti pälvisid nad looga „Kauges külas" R2 aastahiti auhinna.
ENG: Curly Strings is the freshest fruit on the Estonian music scene. The band which has reached incredible heights during the last year consists of talented and diverse musicians whose shared taste in music is the basis for their success. Their music is enjoyed by both folk and pop music fans, both young and old. Their music – instrumental tunes and songs – which have been written by the members of the band in cooperation with prolific Estonian poets, are engrossing and one could even say spectacular and their lyrics are socially relevant. There is enough heritage, country music and sincere performance in them. Curly Strings has released two albums – their debut album "Üle ilma" (April 2014) and the short album "Elumäng" (June 2015). Their debut album received several awards at the Estonian Music Awards and the Golden Disc ceremony. Furthermore, they received the R2 hit of the year award with the song "Kauges külas".
ENG: Curly Strings is the freshest fruit on the Estonian music scene. The band which has reached incredible heights during the last year consists of talented and diverse musicians whose shared taste in music is the basis for their success. Their music is enjoyed by both folk and pop music fans, both young and old. Their music – instrumental tunes and songs – which have been written by the members of the band in cooperation with prolific Estonian poets, are engrossing and one could even say spectacular and their lyrics are socially relevant. There is enough heritage, country music and sincere performance in them. Curly Strings has released two albums – their debut album "Üle ilma" (April 2014) and the short album "Elumäng" (June 2015). Their debut album received several awards at the Estonian Music Awards and the Golden Disc ceremony. Furthermore, they received the R2 hit of the year award with the song "Kauges külas".
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Folk Pop
Band Members:
Peeter Priks - acoustic guitar, Villu Talsi - mandolin, Taavet Niller - double bass, Eeva Talsi - violin
Tartu, Estonia
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Similar Artists On Tour
concerts and tour dates
Tallinn, Estonia
Russalka Memorial
I Was There
Otepää, Estonia
Pühajärve park
I Was There
Univere küla, Estonia
Urissare talu
I Was There
Käsmu, Estonia
Käsmu Külalistemaja
I Was There
Antsla Linn, Estonia
Antsla Augulava - Antsla, Estonia
I Was There
Viljandi, Estonia
Viljandi castle hill
I Was There
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Fan Reviews
About Curly Strings
EST: Curly Strings on eesti muusikamaastiku värskeim vili. Viimase aasta ajaga kõrge tähelennu teinud bänd koosneb andekatest ja mitmekülgsetest muusikutest, kelle ühine maitse on nende edu alus. Bändi loomingut naudivad nii folgiarmastajad kui popkultuuri austajad, nii noored kui vanad. Nende muusika - instrumentaallood ja laulud on ansambliliikmed loonud ise koostöös viljakate Eesti poeetide ja poetessidega - mis on kaasahaarav, võiks isegi öelda, et vaatemänguline ja ühiskondlikul tasandil tabava lüürikaga. Neis on piisavalt pärimust, piisavalt kantrit ja piisavalt siirast esitust. Curly Strings on välja andnud kaks albumit. Debüütalbum „Üle ilma" (aprill 2014) ning lühialbum „Elumäng" (juuni 2015). Debüütalbumiga tegid keerdus keeled puhta töö nii Eesti Muusikaauhindade jagamisel kui Kuldse plaadi tseremoonial. Samuti pälvisid nad looga „Kauges külas" R2 aastahiti auhinna.
ENG: Curly Strings is the freshest fruit on the Estonian music scene. The band which has reached incredible heights during the last year consists of talented and diverse musicians whose shared taste in music is the basis for their success. Their music is enjoyed by both folk and pop music fans, both young and old. Their music – instrumental tunes and songs – which have been written by the members of the band in cooperation with prolific Estonian poets, are engrossing and one could even say spectacular and their lyrics are socially relevant. There is enough heritage, country music and sincere performance in them. Curly Strings has released two albums – their debut album "Üle ilma" (April 2014) and the short album "Elumäng" (June 2015). Their debut album received several awards at the Estonian Music Awards and the Golden Disc ceremony. Furthermore, they received the R2 hit of the year award with the song "Kauges külas".
ENG: Curly Strings is the freshest fruit on the Estonian music scene. The band which has reached incredible heights during the last year consists of talented and diverse musicians whose shared taste in music is the basis for their success. Their music is enjoyed by both folk and pop music fans, both young and old. Their music – instrumental tunes and songs – which have been written by the members of the band in cooperation with prolific Estonian poets, are engrossing and one could even say spectacular and their lyrics are socially relevant. There is enough heritage, country music and sincere performance in them. Curly Strings has released two albums – their debut album "Üle ilma" (April 2014) and the short album "Elumäng" (June 2015). Their debut album received several awards at the Estonian Music Awards and the Golden Disc ceremony. Furthermore, they received the R2 hit of the year award with the song "Kauges külas".
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Folk Pop
Band Members:
Peeter Priks - acoustic guitar, Villu Talsi - mandolin, Taavet Niller - double bass, Eeva Talsi - violin
Tartu, Estonia
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