Devin Townsend
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Devolution Series #1 - Acoustically I...

Order Of Magnitude: Empath Live Volum...


Ziltoid the Omniscient

Ocean Machine

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Devin Townsend's tour
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Devin Townsend
4 months ago
A message from Devin Townsend about 'PowerNerd':
Hey all =)
Through the storm of the last few years and the unexpected upheaval of much of my life during the making ofmore
Hey all =)
Through the storm of the last few years and the unexpected upheaval of much of my life during the making ofmore

Fan Reviews

November 15th 2023
The reason we bought tickets was to see Dream Theater. However, although they put on a great show(no doubt). Devin stole the show. I have been a fan of his since the early 90's. And when I saw he was on the same bill, I was all that more excited. The four of us all felt the same way. I had the most fun when he was up there. BRING HIM BACK
Phoenix, AZ@Arizona Financial Theatre

José Antonio
March 19th 2023
El concierto más flojo que he visto de Devin Townsend.
El bajo no se escuchaba, y si restamos el tiempo que Devin estuvo hablando, tocó una hora y 20 minutos, tiempo que se antoja a todas luces escaso.
En cualquier caso, me encantó escuchar antiguos clásicos como The Fluke, Deadhead, Bad Devil, Deep Peace y Love?, muy superiores a lo que ha estado haciendo últimamente.
¿Quizá es la hora de volver a reunir a la Devin Townsend Band?
Madrid, Spain@Sala La Riviera

March 7th 2023
Superbe soirée merci Le Splendid 🌟
DT : le roi de la soirée, accueilli comme il se doit dès les 1ères secondes de son hit Kingdom. Son énorme et limpide, et jeux de lights réussis. Le set qui a alterné entre émotion et humour comprenait le sublime Deadhead, ... frissons garantis. Quant à l'album Lightwork j'étais agréablement surpris moi qui avais peu accroché à l'album. Ça sonne bien !!
En bonus Mike Keneally aux claviers et guitares excusez du peu !!!
Le set se termina sur le titre Love, avec une bonne prestation du batteur Darby Todd peu habitué je crois à ce déluge de double grosse caisse (d'ailleurs il "simplifia" un peu).
Ptit bémol, un bassiste qui s'ennuyait ferme et un concert trooooop court. Il manquait clairement des incontournables. Mais bon 🤗
Klone : concert magistral avec le nouveau titre Elusive en ouverture suivi de leur carton Rocket Smoke. Autre nouveau titre, Bystander rend très bien aussi en live. J'ai adoré et le public était bien présent !
Un set court mais tout en énergie et en nuances avec un super son. A revoir en tête d'affiche et BRAVO notamment au batteur Jelly du groupe Adagio.
1ere partie : j'étais absent désolé pour Fixation
Lille, France@Le Splendid
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About Devin Townsend
Devin Townsend’s career is one of many distinct eras. He’s been the leader of Strapping Young Lad, the lynchpin of the Devin Townsend Project and the co-architect of country duo Casualties of Cool, all while maintaining his prolific and lauded solo project. Now, the polymath’s newest era starts with PowerNerd: a succinct but still progressive record that pulls from its mastermind’s childhood love of vintage rock.
From the moment the title track ignites the record with a roar of “PowerNerd!”, Devin’s 28th studio project is a gallop of melody, noise and emotion. The opener and “Knuckledragger” are all-out, high-speed rampages, their impact intensified by their central figure’s signature ‘wall of sound’ production style. However, that aggression is far from the only thing to come from Powernerd’s 11 episodic tracks. “Dreams of Light”, by comparison, is an evocative and dynamic four-minute ballad. “Younger Lover” calms down from an explosive opening to lush verses of synths and singing, whereas “Falling Apart” and “Jainism” add texture after texture on top of dulcet, acoustic introductions. With each song also having an irresistible hook at its heart, Devin has undeniably crafted a soulful instant classic of a rock record.
From the moment the title track ignites the record with a roar of “PowerNerd!”, Devin’s 28th studio project is a gallop of melody, noise and emotion. The opener and “Knuckledragger” are all-out, high-speed rampages, their impact intensified by their central figure’s signature ‘wall of sound’ production style. However, that aggression is far from the only thing to come from Powernerd’s 11 episodic tracks. “Dreams of Light”, by comparison, is an evocative and dynamic four-minute ballad. “Younger Lover” calms down from an explosive opening to lush verses of synths and singing, whereas “Falling Apart” and “Jainism” add texture after texture on top of dulcet, acoustic introductions. With each song also having an irresistible hook at its heart, Devin has undeniably crafted a soulful instant classic of a rock record.
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Ambient, Country, Canada, Death Metal, Heavy Metal, Technical Metal, Vancouver, Hard Rock, Metal, Prog-rock, Progressive Metal, Progressive Rock
Band Members:
Devin Townsend
Vancouver, Canada
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Devin Townsend
4 months ago
A message from Devin Townsend about 'PowerNerd':
Hey all =)
Through the storm of the last few years and the unexpected upheaval of much of my life during the making ofmore
Hey all =)
Through the storm of the last few years and the unexpected upheaval of much of my life during the making ofmore

Devin Townsend merch


Devolution Series #1 - Acoustically I...

Order Of Magnitude: Empath Live Volum...


Ziltoid the Omniscient

Ocean Machine

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Devin Townsend's tour
Fan Reviews

November 15th 2023
The reason we bought tickets was to see Dream Theater. However, although they put on a great show(no doubt). Devin stole the show. I have been a fan of his since the early 90's. And when I saw he was on the same bill, I was all that more excited. The four of us all felt the same way. I had the most fun when he was up there. BRING HIM BACK
Phoenix, AZ@Arizona Financial Theatre

José Antonio
March 19th 2023
El concierto más flojo que he visto de Devin Townsend.
El bajo no se escuchaba, y si restamos el tiempo que Devin estuvo hablando, tocó una hora y 20 minutos, tiempo que se antoja a todas luces escaso.
En cualquier caso, me encantó escuchar antiguos clásicos como The Fluke, Deadhead, Bad Devil, Deep Peace y Love?, muy superiores a lo que ha estado haciendo últimamente.
¿Quizá es la hora de volver a reunir a la Devin Townsend Band?
Madrid, Spain@Sala La Riviera

March 7th 2023
Superbe soirée merci Le Splendid 🌟
DT : le roi de la soirée, accueilli comme il se doit dès les 1ères secondes de son hit Kingdom. Son énorme et limpide, et jeux de lights réussis. Le set qui a alterné entre émotion et humour comprenait le sublime Deadhead, ... frissons garantis. Quant à l'album Lightwork j'étais agréablement surpris moi qui avais peu accroché à l'album. Ça sonne bien !!
En bonus Mike Keneally aux claviers et guitares excusez du peu !!!
Le set se termina sur le titre Love, avec une bonne prestation du batteur Darby Todd peu habitué je crois à ce déluge de double grosse caisse (d'ailleurs il "simplifia" un peu).
Ptit bémol, un bassiste qui s'ennuyait ferme et un concert trooooop court. Il manquait clairement des incontournables. Mais bon 🤗
Klone : concert magistral avec le nouveau titre Elusive en ouverture suivi de leur carton Rocket Smoke. Autre nouveau titre, Bystander rend très bien aussi en live. J'ai adoré et le public était bien présent !
Un set court mais tout en énergie et en nuances avec un super son. A revoir en tête d'affiche et BRAVO notamment au batteur Jelly du groupe Adagio.
1ere partie : j'étais absent désolé pour Fixation
Lille, France@Le Splendid
View More Fan Reviews
About Devin Townsend
Devin Townsend’s career is one of many distinct eras. He’s been the leader of Strapping Young Lad, the lynchpin of the Devin Townsend Project and the co-architect of country duo Casualties of Cool, all while maintaining his prolific and lauded solo project. Now, the polymath’s newest era starts with PowerNerd: a succinct but still progressive record that pulls from its mastermind’s childhood love of vintage rock.
From the moment the title track ignites the record with a roar of “PowerNerd!”, Devin’s 28th studio project is a gallop of melody, noise and emotion. The opener and “Knuckledragger” are all-out, high-speed rampages, their impact intensified by their central figure’s signature ‘wall of sound’ production style. However, that aggression is far from the only thing to come from Powernerd’s 11 episodic tracks. “Dreams of Light”, by comparison, is an evocative and dynamic four-minute ballad. “Younger Lover” calms down from an explosive opening to lush verses of synths and singing, whereas “Falling Apart” and “Jainism” add texture after texture on top of dulcet, acoustic introductions. With each song also having an irresistible hook at its heart, Devin has undeniably crafted a soulful instant classic of a rock record.
From the moment the title track ignites the record with a roar of “PowerNerd!”, Devin’s 28th studio project is a gallop of melody, noise and emotion. The opener and “Knuckledragger” are all-out, high-speed rampages, their impact intensified by their central figure’s signature ‘wall of sound’ production style. However, that aggression is far from the only thing to come from Powernerd’s 11 episodic tracks. “Dreams of Light”, by comparison, is an evocative and dynamic four-minute ballad. “Younger Lover” calms down from an explosive opening to lush verses of synths and singing, whereas “Falling Apart” and “Jainism” add texture after texture on top of dulcet, acoustic introductions. With each song also having an irresistible hook at its heart, Devin has undeniably crafted a soulful instant classic of a rock record.
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Ambient, Country, Canada, Death Metal, Heavy Metal, Technical Metal, Vancouver, Hard Rock, Metal, Prog-rock, Progressive Metal, Progressive Rock
Band Members:
Devin Townsend
Vancouver, Canada
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