Fan Reviews
Sean held an awesome inspiring praise and worship concert in Port St. Lucie, FL. the spirit of the Lord moved through the audience, that was well attended and Clover Park was the perfect venue. The evening was capped off with a New Years fireworks show. Kudos the Let us Worship there were not many NYE events for Christians in South Florida
River Park, FL@Let us Worship New Year's Eve Florida - Clover Park
It was great! The Holy Spirit was present! Thank you so much, Sean, for coming. We needed this. As soon as we did communion I felt a shift in the atmosphere. I loved that you did that early on, declaring the blood of Jesus is the foundational changing power for all of us
Raleigh, NC@North Carolina State Capitol
We were at the Friday nite Feb 2 one on Maui. It was powerful, anointed, encouraging and we knew Jesus was there. The worship songs and singers were wonderful and we felt so blessed to be there. We can’t thank Sean enough for giving Maui this special blessing. “Up from the ashes we will arise…”. AMEN
Honolulu, HI@Hawaii State Capitol
Phoenix, AZ@Dream City Church - Phoenix
September 12th 2023
Nothing is more beautiful than praises and intercession of the anointed of God. Calgary is blessed with a revival spirit from Sean and his team. It was such a fun and worthwhile time to proclaim freedom over Calgary.
Calgary, AB@Olympic Plaza
The “show” was great! It always is when God brings His anointing to the event. Sean’s music team was excellent. His sharing was very timely and encouraging. The whole atmosphere was electric, and the effect on many was life changing.
Coquitlam, BC@Amphitheater at the TD Community Plaza,
Sean Feucht is truly anointed! It was a beautiful evening at a beautiful place. His message is powerful and he is living out his mission.
I highly encourage you go to one of his worship services! God is moving!!
Des Moines, IA@Iowa State Capitol
It was exciting to see the young coming forward. I made my way down to the floor with my shofar and blew it many times as the Holy Spirit move through out the crowd. Our church has been praying for revival in the youth for many years. Nice venue clean air
Spokane, WA@Pavilion at Riverfront
We attended Sean’s event at Lion of Judah jn Boston on July 13th and it was an incredible night watching his documentary, Superspreader! We are so grateful for Sean and his wife’s bravery, boldness, and steadfastness in the face of danger and darkness! You all are our heroes and great examples of what Jesus’ disciples are called to do! Thank you for inspiring us, worshipping with us and spreading Jesus’s love and light to expel the darkness and drive Satan out! We are grateful! Please come visit us at the birthplace of Religious liberty and freedom delivered by God through his Pilgrims in Plymouth, MA! You compelled us to be bold, but we humbly ask you come worship with us at New Hope Chapel and kick off revival at the heartland of hope and our celebrate our Forefather’s great sacrifice and God’s glory! Sincerely, Ann Charbonneau! 🙏❤️🙏
Providence, RI@Bishop McVinney Auditorium
I really enjoy the Concert at the War Memorial in Trenton NJ. I feel Trenton NJ really benefitted from Sean Feucht and his Praise team coming here. Trenton NJ Needs So Much Prayer & Blessings. I believe in the power of Prayer as Christians gather together. Thank You So Much Sean & Your Entire “Let Us Worship” Team! Please Come To Trenton NJ Again Soon! May God Bless You As You Spread JOY across the USA! 💪❤️🇺🇸🙏✌️
Trenton, NJ@New Jersey State Capitol
Thankful to be a voice of prayer for the State of Delaware. Great healing took place for the body of Christ and pulling down strongholds in the State of Delaware! Thank you so much for taking the time to stop in Delaware. The rain came the next day cleansing this land! Amen!
Dover, DE@Legislative Hall: The State Capitol
What a powerful time of worship and prayer for our state! Kneeling to take communion together at the Bell Tower and having the bell ring as he raised the bread let us know God was with us. We prayed for a turning back to God in our capital with fervor. Next we went to a local church to pray for revival. Sean sensed what I have for sometime now. It’s already happening. We prayed deliverance over people and witnessed a powerful move of God. THIS IS WHAT WE DO AS THE CHURCH! God bless Sean and his team for their loyal service to Him.
South Richmond, VA@Capitol Building
I saw him at my church, Clover Hill Church. Awesome. God moved much more than a concert but the music was great. Many folks were prayed for and delivered from various issues. I highly recommend “Let us worship” if Sean ever comes your way
South Richmond, VA@Capitol Building
“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. I will be found by you,” says the Lord. “I will end your captivity and restore your fortunes. I will gather you out of the nations where I sent you and will bring you home again to your own land.””
Jeremiah 29:11-14 NLT
God is Faithful! What a powerful night of prayer! Wisconsin is a right to Life state… a state with hope and a future! Thank You, Jesus for the Blood applied!
It was a great night of healing, power, spiritual warfare, and Love in the Name of Jesus! So powerful to stand with brothers and sisters in Christ in the Victory we have in Jesus! Amen.
So glad you all came!
Madison, WI@Wisconsin State Capitol
It was wonderful! Honoring to God, convicting, encouraging. So glad we could be there. May revival spread across Austin, the rest of Texas, and the US.
Father God, please protect, prosper, and bless Sean Feucht and his team in every way.
Austin, TX@Congress ave.
Glory to God! 3,500 people attended the Kingdom to the Capitol event on Sunday, April 2 at the Missouri State Capitol in Jefferson City, MO.
Sean Feutch led in worship. It was a joy to give praise and worship to God and declare Jesus is Lord on the lawn of the Missouri State capitol! The presence of God was evident.
Sean is obeying a mandate from God to hold prayer and worship events at all 50 state capitols.
Thousands are being born again, rededicating their lives, and getting set free from bondages.
Sean, Missouri Sen. Carter, Sen. Sparks, and multiple pastors led in prayer for Missouri, our legislators, and our nation.
Sen. Sparks got down on his knees and prayed on the capitol steps for our state.
3,500 Believers kneeled on the lawn of the Missouri State Capitol beseeching God on behalf of the children of Missouri! It was a powerful movement of humility and a heartfelt cry to God, acknowledging He is the only one who can save our state and nation.
The effectual and fervent prayer of a righteous man or woman makes tremendous power available!
I believe! I believe God's people are rising up and declaring the name of Jesus across this great state. I believe there has been a shift in the spirit! God is moving! Many will see His power and know He is Lord.
Jefferson City, MO@Missouri State Capitol
Amazing concert. I was so blessed beyond measure. Sean Feucht donated all the offering made from the concert to the City View church who faced the enemy attacks (vandalism and graffiti etc before the concert) but kudos to the pastor of City view church, we didn't notice any of that, I feel safe and sound and anyway we must fear not as it's repeated in the bible 365 times. The presence of the Holy Spirit was so strong that night. The name of Jesus is magnified. Glory to God. I thank Jesus for a man like Sean Feucht, let rise up church and go back to our first love for Jesus!
East San Diego, CA@8404 Phyllis Pl
Beyond Words! I have followed Sean & Jay
For 3 years and can’t even imagine all the treasures from Heaven that have been distributed thru these mighty men of the most High God!
They are seriously chasing after God’s Heart!
SHEEP NATIONS all Capitals from the 50 States to the Far lands in the World. “Where you go, I go,
Says the LORD! Mobile rescue team, Jesus Anointed & Appointed us for this hour!
Yes, CALIFORNIA belongs to Christ our MESSIAH!
🐻🇮🇱🇺🇸 The Best of 2023! In less than 24 hours!
I love you in Christ,
Ruth Juarez
East San Diego, CA@8404 Phyllis Pl
It was awesome! The presence of God was amazing! I applaud you and your family and crew for courageously pushing through the spiritual darkness with prayer and worship to awaken people to the "Glorious Light" and for helping others to step out and do the same. God Bless!
Philadelphia, PA@Autopark at Independence Mall
First Let Us Worship event in Spokane / eastern Washington. Close to Idaho panhandle so Christians from both states met at the Pavillion at Riverside Park to worship together and pray for the fire of the Holy Spirit to invade our states and our nation. The Lord met us there.
Spokane, WA@Pavilion at Riverfront
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