Czar Nicholas III
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About Czar Nicholas III
The Czar, a mashup artist hailing from Baltimore, MD, knew he wanted to create mashups since the first time he heard Girl Talk in 2006. He finally learned how and it’s been the greatest marriage of anything ever since milk and cookies. To him, mashup music is a true genre just like rock, rap, or pop. Lots of people wouldn't consider it to be a genre because it's "not the artist's own work." It is though. The beauty of mashup music is that the Mashup Artist can make anything their own. A hardcore rap song can turn into a soft melodic RnB song. A classic rock song can transform into a modern day fist pumper. Mashup music can be whatever the artist wants it to be and that's the Czar's mission: to prove to the world that mashup music is a true genre. He can put as much of his feelings and emotions into making a song as John Mayer can. All he asks of his fans is to help him spread the good word. Who knows...maybe one day there'll be a Grammy for "Mashup Album of the Year". He also idealizes JD from Scrubs and truly believes Star Wars exists. Official Facebook Page of Czar Nicholas III http://czarnicholasiii.com Twitter: @czarnicholas3rd Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/czar-nicholas-iii
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Baltimore, Maryland
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About Czar Nicholas III
The Czar, a mashup artist hailing from Baltimore, MD, knew he wanted to create mashups since the first time he heard Girl Talk in 2006. He finally learned how and it’s been the greatest marriage of anything ever since milk and cookies. To him, mashup music is a true genre just like rock, rap, or pop. Lots of people wouldn't consider it to be a genre because it's "not the artist's own work." It is though. The beauty of mashup music is that the Mashup Artist can make anything their own. A hardcore rap song can turn into a soft melodic RnB song. A classic rock song can transform into a modern day fist pumper. Mashup music can be whatever the artist wants it to be and that's the Czar's mission: to prove to the world that mashup music is a true genre. He can put as much of his feelings and emotions into making a song as John Mayer can. All he asks of his fans is to help him spread the good word. Who knows...maybe one day there'll be a Grammy for "Mashup Album of the Year". He also idealizes JD from Scrubs and truly believes Star Wars exists. Official Facebook Page of Czar Nicholas III http://czarnicholasiii.com Twitter: @czarnicholas3rd Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/czar-nicholas-iii
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Baltimore, Maryland
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