Dance With Dirt
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About Dance With Dirt
:::ENGLISH::: The debut album “We Are Dance With Dirt” hit the streets in February of 2013, and already by the 8th week of that year German chose it as “album of the week”. In March/April the new national Danish youth-channel, DR3, broadcasted the series “KarriereKanonen”, consisting of 8 episodes. The series follows the winners of KarriereKanonen 2012 – Djämes Braun, Kaliber and Dance With Dirt – and their individual musical journeys post-winning and their struggles to break through on the Danish music scene. Since the victory of KarriereKanonen and the release of their debut album, Dance With Dirt has toured both home and abroad, playing such festivals as Canadian Music Week, Rock For People, Smukfest, Tallinn Music Week, and most recently SPOT Festival in Aarhus, where they secured a record deal with AEM Records. Besides touring the band has worked hard on a follow up to their debut album. First came the single “Coming Home” in the spring of 2014, followed by the single “Snow Machine” in autumn of that same year, and finally the latest single “Heartcase” from September 2015. The 2nd album "Marathon" will be out February 26th, along with the single "Let Your Fingers Do The Y". (AEM Records / Sony Denmark). :::DANSK::: Debutalbummet ”We Are Dance With Dirt” udkom februar 2013, og allerede i uge 8 valgte tyske at udnævne albummet som ugens album. I marts/april 2013, sendte Danmarks nye ungdomskanal, DR3, serien ”Karriere Kanonen” på i alt 8 afsnit. Serien omhandler de 3 vindere af KarriereKanonen 2012, Djämes Braun, Kaliber og Dance With Dirt – og deres individuelle musiske rejse ovenpå kåringen, samt kampen for at bryde igennem på den danske musikscene. Siden har Dance With Dirt turneret både indland og udland, spillet festivaler som Canadian Music Week, Rock For People, Smukfest, Tallinn Music Week og for nyligt SPOT Festival i Aarhus hvor et samarbejde med danske AEM kom i stand. Undervejs har bandet arbejdet intenst på at skabe en opfølger til debuten, som først udmundede sig i singlen "Coming Home" i foråret 2014, dernæst "Snow Machine" i efteråret, og nu starter indtoget for alvor mod udgivelsen af den ventede 2'er, ”Marathon”, som er på gaden d. 26. februar 2016 på AEM / Sony. Dette album vil stå som en stor milepæl for Dance With Dirt, da de 3 års skabelse har medført bla. et håndklæde i ringen og en hvileløs faren rundt i forskellige studier i en søgen efter den rigtige lyd af Dance With Dirt anno nu. Denne lyd blev forår og efterår prøvet af live på bla. Train, Stengade, Radar og et væld af de danske efterskoler, og alt tyder på at i hvert fald Danmark er klar til at modtage og indtage denne forfriskende sound fra de 4 herrer. Seneste single "Heartcase", blev udgivet den 4. september, som en hyldest til det forgangne år på landevejen - se videoen for at fange dette: Future shows: 27.01 Aarhus Efterskole, Aarhus 04.03 KB18, Cph 05.03 Von Hatten, Randers Previous shows: #2016# 16.12 HeadQuarters, Aarhus #2015# 15.12 EFS, Malling 09.09 HU, Himmerland 08.09 Ranum Efterskole 27.08 ØU, Himmerland 22.08 Fatter Eskil, Aarhus ("Heartcase" single release) 05.06 Radar, Aarhus 01.05 SPOT Festival, Aarhus 17.04 STARS, Vordingborg 10.04 Stengade, CPH 06.03 Upcome @Rampelys, Silkeborg 26.02 Walthers, Skanderborg 24.01 Train, Aarhus #2014# 04.11 HeadQuarters, Aarhus 22-30.10 Efterskole Tour 19.09 Single Release @ VinDK, Aarhus 18.09 Single Release @ Zeppelin Bar, Cph 14.09 Mejlgade For Mangfoldighed 23.08 Vibstock Festival, Viborg 02.08 Egholm Festival, Aalborg 06.06 Odder Højskole, Odder 17.05 Sustain Festival @ Radar, Aarhus 10.05 Canadian Music Week @ Cherry Cola's, Toronto 02.05 Islandkids @ SPOT Festival 02.05 SPOT Festival, Aarhus 02.05 Levis Store, Cph 19.04 1000fryd, Aalborg 18.04 Backstage, Aarhus 05.04 Huset-Kbh / Tune In Festival, Cph 04.04 Hal 12, Roskilde 14.03 Kansas City, Odense 07.03 BETA, Cph 23.01 Train pres. at HeadQuarters, Aarhus #2013# 29.11 Odder Højskole, Odder (DK) 08.11 Tolstrup-Stenum Friskole (DK) 05.11 Aarhus Efterskole, Aarhus (DK) 01.11 Spillestedet Pandrup, Pandrup (DK) 31.10 Himmerlands Ungdomsskole (DK) 10.10 Kulturhuset Islands Brygge, Cph (DK) 13.09 Konfus, Esbjerg (DK) 12.09 ROSA E-TUR/Hammerum Efterskole (DK) 11.09 ROSA E-TUR/Femmøller Efterskole (DK) 10.09 ROSA E-TUR/Efterskolen for Scenekunst (DK) 09.09 ROSA E-TUR/Østhimmerlands Ungdomsskole (DK) 07.09 Studenterhuset, Aalborg (DK) 03.09 ROSA E-TUR/Klejtrup Musikefterskole (DK) 02.09 ROSA E-TUR/Vejstrup Efterskole (DK) 31.08 Von Hatten, Randers (DK) 29.08 ROSA E-TUR/Vrigsted Efterskole (DK) 28.08 ROSA E-TUR/Efterskolen ved Nyborg (DK) 27.08 ROSA E-TUR/Galtrup Musik- og Idtrætsefterskole (DK) 26.08 ROSA E-TUR/Ranum Efterskole (DK) 24.08 Christianias Børneteate, Cph (DK) 10.08 BETA (Amager Bio), Cph (DK) 09.08 Smukfest (Skanderborg Festival) P3 Scenen (DK) 01.08 Danmarks Grimmeste Festival, Aarhus (DK) 04.07 Rock For People (CZ) 03.07 Nibe Festival (DK) 27.06 Vesthimmerlands Gymnasium og HF, Aars (DK) 27.05 Skovbo Efterskole, Ringsted (DK) 25.05 Nordic Noise Festival/Pumpehuset, Cph (DK) 23.05 Aftryk Festival (DK) 21.05 Roskilde Katedralskole (DK) 12.05 Live Live Festival, Roskilde (DK) 10.05 Vesterbro Festival, Cph (DK) 04.05 Backstage /ESM OFF SPOT, Aarhus (DK) 03.05 Tribunen, Haderslev (DK) 03.05 On Granpa Hardys truck outside SPOT Festival (DK) 20.04 Fatter Eskil, Aarhus (DK) 18.04 Aarhus Efterskole (DK) 06.04 Woodstock, Tallinn (EE) 29.03 White Trash Fast Food, Berlin (DE) 28.03 Pooca Bar, Hamburg (DE) 27.03 Marias Ballroom, Hamburg (DE) 22.02 1000fryd, Aalborg (DK) 16.02 Ambassaden, Aarhus (DK) 15.02 BETA (Amager Bio), Cph (DK) #2012# 30.11 Gimle, Roskilde (DK) 30.10 Walthers Musikcafé, Skanderborg (DK) 27.10 Skråen (supporting Turboweekend), Aalborg (DK) 24.10 HeadQuarters, Aarhus (DK) 20.10 Christianshavns Beboerhus, Cph (DK) 28.09 Studenterhuset, Aalborg (DK) 06.08 Smukfest (Skanderborg Festival) Live Camp (DK) 03.08 Ofelia Beach, Cph (DK) 29.06 Skråen, Aalborg (DK) 20.06 Bisnapgård Efterskole (DK) 09.06 HeadQuarters, Aarhus (DK) 04.05 SPOT Festival, Aarhus (DK) 06.04 Viva La Revolution, Aalborg (DK) 03.04 HeadQuarters, Aarhus (DK) 31.03 Store VEGA - supporting Kashmir, Cph (DK) 24.03 Backstage, Aarhus (DK) 23.03 V58 KarriereKanonen showcase, Aarhus (DK) 23.02 Studenterhuset, Aalborg (DK) #2011# 11.11 Rust, Cph (DK) 10.11 Fatter Eskild, Aarhus (DK) 07.10 Skråen, Aalborg (DK) 06.10 Musikcaféen, Aarhus (DK) 27.08 Aarhus Festuge (DK) 28.07 HeadQuarters, Aarhus (DK) 04.06 Studenterhuset, Aalborg (DK) 13.05 1000fryd, Aalborg (DK) 26.03 1000fryd, Aalborg (DK) 12.03 Studenterhuset, Aalborg (DK) 18.02 Det Gule Pakhus, Horsens (DK) #2010# 29.10 Rock Caféen, Aalborg (DK) 14.10 ORA School Rocks/Toftegårdsskolen w. Pinboys (DK) 08.10 ORA School Rocks/Sønderbro Skole w. SuperShine (DK) 06.10 ORA School Rocks/Messecenter Aars w. Thee Attacks (DK) 02.10 Skråen, Aalborg (DK) Before this....shit, we can't remember, but sure was good times! :) "We are a fucking popband, and proud to be so" - Dance With Dirt.
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Rock, Popsongs With An Organic Rocksound
Band Members:
Kristoffer Veirum guitar and vocals, Mikkel Frej Eriksen drums, Jonathan Lyby bass and vocals, Magnus Jacobsen vocals and guitar
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About Dance With Dirt
:::ENGLISH::: The debut album “We Are Dance With Dirt” hit the streets in February of 2013, and already by the 8th week of that year German chose it as “album of the week”. In March/April the new national Danish youth-channel, DR3, broadcasted the series “KarriereKanonen”, consisting of 8 episodes. The series follows the winners of KarriereKanonen 2012 – Djämes Braun, Kaliber and Dance With Dirt – and their individual musical journeys post-winning and their struggles to break through on the Danish music scene. Since the victory of KarriereKanonen and the release of their debut album, Dance With Dirt has toured both home and abroad, playing such festivals as Canadian Music Week, Rock For People, Smukfest, Tallinn Music Week, and most recently SPOT Festival in Aarhus, where they secured a record deal with AEM Records. Besides touring the band has worked hard on a follow up to their debut album. First came the single “Coming Home” in the spring of 2014, followed by the single “Snow Machine” in autumn of that same year, and finally the latest single “Heartcase” from September 2015. The 2nd album "Marathon" will be out February 26th, along with the single "Let Your Fingers Do The Y". (AEM Records / Sony Denmark). :::DANSK::: Debutalbummet ”We Are Dance With Dirt” udkom februar 2013, og allerede i uge 8 valgte tyske at udnævne albummet som ugens album. I marts/april 2013, sendte Danmarks nye ungdomskanal, DR3, serien ”Karriere Kanonen” på i alt 8 afsnit. Serien omhandler de 3 vindere af KarriereKanonen 2012, Djämes Braun, Kaliber og Dance With Dirt – og deres individuelle musiske rejse ovenpå kåringen, samt kampen for at bryde igennem på den danske musikscene. Siden har Dance With Dirt turneret både indland og udland, spillet festivaler som Canadian Music Week, Rock For People, Smukfest, Tallinn Music Week og for nyligt SPOT Festival i Aarhus hvor et samarbejde med danske AEM kom i stand. Undervejs har bandet arbejdet intenst på at skabe en opfølger til debuten, som først udmundede sig i singlen "Coming Home" i foråret 2014, dernæst "Snow Machine" i efteråret, og nu starter indtoget for alvor mod udgivelsen af den ventede 2'er, ”Marathon”, som er på gaden d. 26. februar 2016 på AEM / Sony. Dette album vil stå som en stor milepæl for Dance With Dirt, da de 3 års skabelse har medført bla. et håndklæde i ringen og en hvileløs faren rundt i forskellige studier i en søgen efter den rigtige lyd af Dance With Dirt anno nu. Denne lyd blev forår og efterår prøvet af live på bla. Train, Stengade, Radar og et væld af de danske efterskoler, og alt tyder på at i hvert fald Danmark er klar til at modtage og indtage denne forfriskende sound fra de 4 herrer. Seneste single "Heartcase", blev udgivet den 4. september, som en hyldest til det forgangne år på landevejen - se videoen for at fange dette: Future shows: 27.01 Aarhus Efterskole, Aarhus 04.03 KB18, Cph 05.03 Von Hatten, Randers Previous shows: #2016# 16.12 HeadQuarters, Aarhus #2015# 15.12 EFS, Malling 09.09 HU, Himmerland 08.09 Ranum Efterskole 27.08 ØU, Himmerland 22.08 Fatter Eskil, Aarhus ("Heartcase" single release) 05.06 Radar, Aarhus 01.05 SPOT Festival, Aarhus 17.04 STARS, Vordingborg 10.04 Stengade, CPH 06.03 Upcome @Rampelys, Silkeborg 26.02 Walthers, Skanderborg 24.01 Train, Aarhus #2014# 04.11 HeadQuarters, Aarhus 22-30.10 Efterskole Tour 19.09 Single Release @ VinDK, Aarhus 18.09 Single Release @ Zeppelin Bar, Cph 14.09 Mejlgade For Mangfoldighed 23.08 Vibstock Festival, Viborg 02.08 Egholm Festival, Aalborg 06.06 Odder Højskole, Odder 17.05 Sustain Festival @ Radar, Aarhus 10.05 Canadian Music Week @ Cherry Cola's, Toronto 02.05 Islandkids @ SPOT Festival 02.05 SPOT Festival, Aarhus 02.05 Levis Store, Cph 19.04 1000fryd, Aalborg 18.04 Backstage, Aarhus 05.04 Huset-Kbh / Tune In Festival, Cph 04.04 Hal 12, Roskilde 14.03 Kansas City, Odense 07.03 BETA, Cph 23.01 Train pres. at HeadQuarters, Aarhus #2013# 29.11 Odder Højskole, Odder (DK) 08.11 Tolstrup-Stenum Friskole (DK) 05.11 Aarhus Efterskole, Aarhus (DK) 01.11 Spillestedet Pandrup, Pandrup (DK) 31.10 Himmerlands Ungdomsskole (DK) 10.10 Kulturhuset Islands Brygge, Cph (DK) 13.09 Konfus, Esbjerg (DK) 12.09 ROSA E-TUR/Hammerum Efterskole (DK) 11.09 ROSA E-TUR/Femmøller Efterskole (DK) 10.09 ROSA E-TUR/Efterskolen for Scenekunst (DK) 09.09 ROSA E-TUR/Østhimmerlands Ungdomsskole (DK) 07.09 Studenterhuset, Aalborg (DK) 03.09 ROSA E-TUR/Klejtrup Musikefterskole (DK) 02.09 ROSA E-TUR/Vejstrup Efterskole (DK) 31.08 Von Hatten, Randers (DK) 29.08 ROSA E-TUR/Vrigsted Efterskole (DK) 28.08 ROSA E-TUR/Efterskolen ved Nyborg (DK) 27.08 ROSA E-TUR/Galtrup Musik- og Idtrætsefterskole (DK) 26.08 ROSA E-TUR/Ranum Efterskole (DK) 24.08 Christianias Børneteate, Cph (DK) 10.08 BETA (Amager Bio), Cph (DK) 09.08 Smukfest (Skanderborg Festival) P3 Scenen (DK) 01.08 Danmarks Grimmeste Festival, Aarhus (DK) 04.07 Rock For People (CZ) 03.07 Nibe Festival (DK) 27.06 Vesthimmerlands Gymnasium og HF, Aars (DK) 27.05 Skovbo Efterskole, Ringsted (DK) 25.05 Nordic Noise Festival/Pumpehuset, Cph (DK) 23.05 Aftryk Festival (DK) 21.05 Roskilde Katedralskole (DK) 12.05 Live Live Festival, Roskilde (DK) 10.05 Vesterbro Festival, Cph (DK) 04.05 Backstage /ESM OFF SPOT, Aarhus (DK) 03.05 Tribunen, Haderslev (DK) 03.05 On Granpa Hardys truck outside SPOT Festival (DK) 20.04 Fatter Eskil, Aarhus (DK) 18.04 Aarhus Efterskole (DK) 06.04 Woodstock, Tallinn (EE) 29.03 White Trash Fast Food, Berlin (DE) 28.03 Pooca Bar, Hamburg (DE) 27.03 Marias Ballroom, Hamburg (DE) 22.02 1000fryd, Aalborg (DK) 16.02 Ambassaden, Aarhus (DK) 15.02 BETA (Amager Bio), Cph (DK) #2012# 30.11 Gimle, Roskilde (DK) 30.10 Walthers Musikcafé, Skanderborg (DK) 27.10 Skråen (supporting Turboweekend), Aalborg (DK) 24.10 HeadQuarters, Aarhus (DK) 20.10 Christianshavns Beboerhus, Cph (DK) 28.09 Studenterhuset, Aalborg (DK) 06.08 Smukfest (Skanderborg Festival) Live Camp (DK) 03.08 Ofelia Beach, Cph (DK) 29.06 Skråen, Aalborg (DK) 20.06 Bisnapgård Efterskole (DK) 09.06 HeadQuarters, Aarhus (DK) 04.05 SPOT Festival, Aarhus (DK) 06.04 Viva La Revolution, Aalborg (DK) 03.04 HeadQuarters, Aarhus (DK) 31.03 Store VEGA - supporting Kashmir, Cph (DK) 24.03 Backstage, Aarhus (DK) 23.03 V58 KarriereKanonen showcase, Aarhus (DK) 23.02 Studenterhuset, Aalborg (DK) #2011# 11.11 Rust, Cph (DK) 10.11 Fatter Eskild, Aarhus (DK) 07.10 Skråen, Aalborg (DK) 06.10 Musikcaféen, Aarhus (DK) 27.08 Aarhus Festuge (DK) 28.07 HeadQuarters, Aarhus (DK) 04.06 Studenterhuset, Aalborg (DK) 13.05 1000fryd, Aalborg (DK) 26.03 1000fryd, Aalborg (DK) 12.03 Studenterhuset, Aalborg (DK) 18.02 Det Gule Pakhus, Horsens (DK) #2010# 29.10 Rock Caféen, Aalborg (DK) 14.10 ORA School Rocks/Toftegårdsskolen w. Pinboys (DK) 08.10 ORA School Rocks/Sønderbro Skole w. SuperShine (DK) 06.10 ORA School Rocks/Messecenter Aars w. Thee Attacks (DK) 02.10 Skråen, Aalborg (DK) Before this....shit, we can't remember, but sure was good times! :) "We are a fucking popband, and proud to be so" - Dance With Dirt.
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Rock, Popsongs With An Organic Rocksound
Band Members:
Kristoffer Veirum guitar and vocals, Mikkel Frej Eriksen drums, Jonathan Lyby bass and vocals, Magnus Jacobsen vocals and guitar
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