Fan Reviews
One of the few bands that kept me going through childhood. Came from Croatia to see them live for the first time. It was one of the best shows I’ve been to. Great performance and whoever did their sound / light was amazing! Always fighting for mental health awareness, I’m glad they’re donating to local organizations for suicide prevention. I hope I’ll be able to see them live again.
Vienna, Austria@Wiener Stadthalle
Leider habe ich diese Show mit sehr gemischten Gefühlen verlassen.
Ich hab mich seit einigen Monaten auf das Konzert gefreut, die Erfahrung war im Großen und Ganzen dann doch sehr enttäuschend.
Die Location selbst ist super schön, die Organisation während dem Konzert war jedoch nicht so toll. Preise für Getränke sind auch im Vergleich zu anderen Locations viel zu hoch.
Papa Roach war musikalisch gesehen gut, was auch nicht anders zu erwarten war.
Was mich aber massivst gestört hat war, dass die Moshpits usw so ausgeartet sind, dass im vorderen Bereich die Leute regelrecht zerquetscht wurden. Hierauf wurde weder von der Band noch von der Security reagiert.
Es sind dauernd Leute umgekippt und auch die Sanis waren regelmäßig im Einsatz.
Ich bin regelmäßiger Konzertgänger und habe jetzt schon etliche Shows gesehen, aber so etwas wie hier, habe ich noch nicht erlebt.
So viel Haltlosigkeit und fehlende Rücksichtnahme.
Das Positivste am ganzen Abend war das Personal an den Gardaroben und beim Getränkeverkauf. Dieses war sehr freundlich und effizient in ihrer Arbeitsweise.
Frankfurt Am Main, Germany@Jahrhunderthalle
This was my first concert experience ever. I was fortunate enough to get a pit pass and was mere feet from jacoby when he jumped off the stage to interact with the crowd, and i was absolutely beside myself I simply xould not belive i was in arms length of one of my favorite band of all time, lead singer. I had the upmost and absolutely best time of my life!!!!!!
Bangor, ME@Maine Savings Amphitheater
Shinedown/Papa Roach: 9/26/23 “With the Summer outdoor concert season winding down to its conclusion my final show at CCNB’s Heritage Park Amphitheater was sure to end in a blaze! It was my second time seeing the band from Jacksonville Florida in 508 days and my first time seeing Papa Roach LIVE. I bought my ticket the day prior to the show as the band ran a flash $25 all in sale to fill in any unsold gaps in the reserved sections. Guessing on the code I landed 20 rows back from center stage, a seat that would have cost $98 if I had completed my transaction at any other time. About a week prior to the event the venue which has been facing tough criticism lately made an announcement that lawn chairs and blankets would not be allowed. Seeing their prior LIVE performance at the Bilo Center, I suspected that part of the reasoning might have to do with ‘1-2-3 Jump’ —the lead into to ‘Enemies’. Bon Secours had posted a public service announcement on social media immediately prior to the performance for everyone to watch out for one another in the pit, anticipating that things could tend to get a bit animated. Tuesday evening was a different leg of the same ‘Revolutions Live Tour’ I had seen, however it turned out vastly different to my surprise, particularly with the song selections, a half dozen or so titles being swapped in and out. Simpsonville was exactly the halfway point of the band’s Sept/Oct leg, positioned in between their Newark and Atlanta dates, and the band was two days rested. This event was also outdoors verses my prior indoor experience leaving the question, what would become of the flames, explosions, strobes, light bars, video walls, piano riser, and 45 degree angle pivoting lighting rigs which were raised and lowered by cables? Simpsonville does not come equipped for big productions and it was the first venue of this leg that was basically uncovered and bare bones. Trusting the band would not let down I proceeded with confidence! My view of the stage this time revealed the same lighting rigs and illuminated backdrop with the Planet Zero logo partially hidden behind the opener’s set, a 3 step riser with the drum kit positioned in the center with dual drumheads with bear head images, their mouths wide open and teeth exposed. The eye catcher from the get go was a piano suspended near the top of the amphitheater ceiling stage right. The band formed in 2001 still features Brent Smith 45 (vocals) and Barry Kerch (drums) since the very beginning, with Zach Myers (guitar) and Eric Bass (a Charleston native and resident on bass) since ’08. With 7 studio albums, 31 charted singles including 18 number ones and with all of their singles reaching at least number five on Billboard’s Mainstream Rock Chart the set was sure to include a number of the big ones. Choosing much better support on this leg than the former, the Canadian heavy metal band Spiritbox from Victoria British Columbia took the stage at 6:40 p.m. We early birders all got our proverbial worms enjoying a 30 minute / 7 song set featuring some of the most unique vocals in rock and roll from Courtney LaPlante and her death growl. Thanking the early attenders and likening themselves to a hot dog band (i.e. the band you go to the concession stand while they open), the four person’s band performance was anything but. After a quick twenty minute stage turn Papa Roach formed in 1993 from Vacaville California took the stage at precisely 7:29 p.m. to an audio recording of Hank William’s ‘Hey Good Lookin’. Beginning their 1 hour long / 13 song set with 2001’s #16 ‘Between Angels And Insects’ the alternative metal band drew from their entire 11 studio album career with the exception of ‘Old Friends From Young Years’. All my fears concerning a sub-par visual production were abated quickly after seeing Papa Roach’s stage set with a large LED screen covering the entire riser in the background. The screen displayed various visuals during the performance but the one of note was a giant silhouette of a black roach lying on his back over a white background prior to the band taking the stage. Coby Dick (aka Jacoby Shaddix) led the charge with a shout out, ‘South Carolina, let’s f****n do this’. Wasting no time, ‘Kill The Noise’ a 2021 US Main #1 was next in line. ‘Let me see you bang your heads’ Coby cried prior to the opening notes of ‘Getting Away With Murder’. Coby continued, ‘Thanks for showing out to this rock and roll show, this connection right here it feels good you know, what we got going on right now you know, I live for that right there for real’. ‘Cut The Line’ a song from their newest album made its way into the set list unexpectedly. ‘Where’s the mosh pit?’, Coby looked around as he prepared to run through the crowd up the right side isle during ‘To Be Loved’. ‘You wanna get this place jumping?… now South Cackalacky do not talk about it you gotta be about it, this one right here’s called “Firestarter”’, it was a real crowd rouser. With the message ‘SUICIDE CAN BE PREVENTED’ displayed on the screen ‘Leave The Light On’ from 2022’s ‘Ego Trip’ was preceded by a mental health public service announcement. A portion of concert proceeds were to be donated to the ‘Talk Away The Dark’ campaign and the song was dedicated to Jacoby’s dad, a Vietnam Vet who left home when he was eight. After years, the frontman of the band finally made peace with him. Roach showed no signs of letting down energy-wise the entire hour as they moved all across the stage, jumping up and down and communicating visually with the audience. Shaddix did however pause briefly for a self ‘gratitude check’. With an organ playing in the background prior to 2004’s #4 ‘Scars’. he began his list. ’I’m grateful… to authentically connect with people through music’; ‘our music is a hand reaching into the darkness to drag em out of it’; ’I got a relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ’; ‘I ain’t afraid to say that’; ‘I stand on this stage sober from alcohol for almost twelve years’; ‘that I got men and women that got my back through that sobriety’; ’we got some of the most awesome f*****g fans in the world right here in Simpsonville’! ‘Help’ and ‘Last Resort’ ended the set as the band left the stage to a chant of ‘Papa Roach, Papa Roach, Papa Roach….’ It was another rather quick stage turn, as all that had to be done was to remove Papa Roach’s set from the forefront of Shinedown’s. During the half hour break I took a quick walk all the way to the back corners of the lawn section, the amphitheater grounds were completely packed! The lights went down at precisely 9 p.m. to a recording of ‘2184’ the opening instrumental from the album ‘Planet Zero’. The illuminated double video panels parted from the center as the band in silhouette emerged, first Brent, then the others, Brent shouting ‘Let’s Go’. ‘Diamond Eyes’ a 2020 US Main #1 opened the 19 song / hour and fifty minute set beginning and ending with an explosion of sparklers. Turns out it WAS a big production, getting in early gave the band opportunity for a FULL set up! ‘Dead Don't Die’ a 2023 release followed. The piano lowered from the ceiling on cables the first of three times for 2013’s ‘I'll Follow You’.‘ ‘Ladies and Gentlemen we know you coulda done anything you wanted to tonight. We’re in your house, we’re in your city, we’re in your town. Ladies and Gentlemen it is a privilege and a pleasure to be here tonight thank you all so very much for showing up.’ Next I experienced only my second ever artist led full audience meet-and-greet, turning left, then right, all over the crowd were handshakes, fist bumps and knuckles, Brent leading the charge from the stage by example. It was about to get heavy as ‘State Of My Head’ and ‘Devil’ followed, the stage illuminated amidst flames of fire! ‘I’m gonna be honest with you, there’s been a lot of great audiences on this tour, a lot of good ones, but they haven’t been South Carolina so I’m gonna ask you, did you bring your sing voice with you tonight?’ While the entire set of lighting rigs lowered to just above the band members heads the audience (who stood on their feet for both bands entire sets) all sang along to 2003’s #3 ‘45’. The time came for ‘Enemies’ 1-2-3 jump. ‘We didn’t go all the way into the South town to not make this a monumental evening, Ladies and Gentlemen I think we should make a moment, don’t you?’ Brent brought out the band’s video creator Sanjay to film the experience as everyone young and old jumped on cue in unison! ‘Ladies and Gentlemen make a fist, raise em up… hold, hold, GO’ intro’d 2009’s #1 ‘Sound Of Madness’ with every light on stage moving about every which way but loose. Brent introduced Eric Bass on piano prior to ‘A Symptom Of Being Human’. ‘Ladies and Gentlemen one of your own born and raised in Charleston South Carolina.’ ‘He is an extraordinary human being on so many levels… the day that Eric came into my, Zach’s, and Barry’s life, and this band, was one of the most great, wonderful and monumental moments of all time for Shinedown.’ He informed us how Eric had engineered, mixed and produced their last two albums then gave a shout out to Eric’s wife, mother, sisters, and whole family which were present in attendance. Every cell phone flashlight and lighter in the audience came out at the intro of the 2023 release. An audio clip of Casey Kasem on radio announcing the number one song in all the land for three weeks in a row back in 2008 preceded ‘Second Chance’. Brent who had performed with bronchitis last time he was in the Upstate and struggled during the song proved himself at the top of his vocal game tonight. Brent took a backseat giving Zach the floor, Zach commenting, ‘This is the best South Carolina show we’ve ever done, ever, in the history of ever.’ An acoustic cover of Jimmy Eat World’s ‘The Middle’ preceded featuring Zach Myers & Eric Bass on main vocals and acoustic guitar. How strange it was for me to hear the song knowing my next show was the following evening was Jimmy Eat World performing the number one themselves. ‘Daylight / Get Up’ a 2018 #1 followed and ‘Planet Zero was also thrown in the mix. Their cover of Lynyrd Skynyrd’s ‘Simple Man was performed intimately with Smith and Myers’s together on the walkway. Mid-song Smith turned the microphone over to us to fill in the vocals challenging us with, ‘It’s all yours’. Then one more time the stage illuminated all in flames for 2019’s #1 ‘Monsters’. Closing in on the 11 p.m. curfew Smith shouted, ‘What do you say South Carolina, one more for the road?’ as ‘Cut The Cord’ completed the set without encore. The song ended in a sonic six explosion blaze that Im sure shook all of the condominiums nearby. Drummer Barry Kerch who has disagreed with more specialized genres being ascribed to the band has gone on record stating, ‘We're just a rock 'n' roll band’, and they proved that this evening. Folks this WAS rock and roll, but it wasn’t just rock and roll, it was rock and roll with a message, a message of hope by both headliners —a hope to be experienced!” Review and photo by DAve (Concert #822-824)
Simpsonville, SC@CCNB Amphitheatre at Heritage Park
Papa Roach is phenomenal. Jacoby is a true showman. This is our 5th time seeing Papa Roach and we were in the 4th row this time giving us a different perspective. A great perspective. I will go see this band every chance I get. If you haven’t seen Papa Roach, please do. You will not be disappointed. They are one of the best live bands on tour.
Burgettstown, PA@The Pavilion at Star Lake
I think I can speak for more than half of the people who went to this show that it was poorly planned from security to having only one door to get people through. I only managed to see 2 out of 4 bands that played. Although they were amazing! I would have liked to see everyone especially having paid that much money.
Not to mention having a hockey game the same night as a concert.. common Calgary..
Calgary, AB@The Big Four Roadhouse
Brutal! Els vaig veure per primera vegada i el concert va ser una bogeria.
Si tornen a venir a Barcelona els tornaré a veure.
Van cantar les mítiques cançons conegudes: Help, Between Angels and Insects, Last Resort, etc. i també del nou àlbum que van treure al 2019: Who Do You Trust?
Van tocar abans Ice Nine Kills i Hollywood Undead, no diré molt per aquí perquè la ressenya és de Papa Roch, però també van estar brutals.
Barcelona, Spain@Razzmatazz
Lets just say i paid too see 4 band onlynsaw 2 due to the weather but we did get too see papa roach but not happy that i didnt get too buy a t shirt because they closed it up due to weather and they said it was cancelled so everyone left and then at 8pm they said show is back on come back so not happy about paying a shit ton for only half of the concert
Pocatello, ID@Portneuf Health Trust Amphitheatre
Coca-Cola Roxy was an easy to access venue from the Nashville side. We had no issues getting to park and the line into the building was very quick.
Bad Wolves played for about 45 minutes, Hollywood Undead played for about 1 hour, and Papa Roach played for 1 hour and 30 minutes.
This was my first concert so I got seating instead of General Admission. The view from there was great. We had no issues seeing most of the stage. Everything about each show went as it was supposed to. There was a small mosh group in the crowd below and crowd surfing happened constantly during Papa Roach. Each Band played something new that they've been working on.
Atlanta, GA@Coca-Cola Roxy
Papa Roach is always a great show. Have seen at least twenty shows since 2005. Ran out of big size T-shirts. I waited for more as person was unloading them. He still gave me the wrong size. My fault for not checking. But the person just made comments 🙄 Like I was a jerk for waiting. Don't like selling merch get a new job. The green tie dye shirts were killer. Maybe Ill find one that fits.
Gary, IN@Hard Rock Casino Northern Indiana
Papa Roach performance was phenomenal as usual. Only complaint is we were right up front and had vip and some other concert goers were severely disrespectful. Our vip merch we paid extra to get the vip for got destroyed. We have a scuffed cracked water bottle cuz some people threw out stuff and it got trampled. And our posters almost got stolen cuz somebody knocked them away from us and grabbed them. They also got trampled and dented, ended up find inf and identifying cus the guy wasn’t vip yet had our vip stuff and I had a specific nylon hair tie with it that my husband had the match to in his hair. So pretty upset about our destroyed water bottles and posters, but we do have our coins and vip laminmant passes... curious when or how we will get the free digital copy for the new album that came with it. The guys put on a phenomenal show as always though. Our favorite band ever. No one has quite the energy that papa roach has. Every band member is great (Jerry Tobin Tony & friends) and Jacoby is the best front man and lyricist ever.
Gary, IN@Hard Rock Casino Northern Indiana
The show was amazing. The venue, not so much. While a certain few individuals were as ADA compliant as they could be, many more were not. They were rude, accusatory, and pushy. Having Parkinson's at 40 is hard enough, please listen to people when they tell you they have a disability. And btw, even if I was super drunk or on drugs like y'all assumed I was, I shouldn't have been treated the way I was. I was forced to leave the stage area and miss the band that was currently playing because I have a movement disorder. Lack of handicapped parking and a safe way to get up and down stairs was also a problem.
Magna, UT@The Great Saltair
Papa Roach, Bad Wolves & Asking Alexandria were all amazing bands to hear and I had a good time at the front with VIP passes. High Five from Jacoby and almost caught a drumstick. There were some technical issues towards the end which resulted in Papa Roach finishing earlier then expected. It had to be the bands equipment and not the Venue itself. The staff and security were really cool and laid back. Also another down side, the water at the front of the pit ran out and people were stuck in extremely hot conditions that resulted in some people passing out or getting sick. More water would have been nice, seemed a little unprepared but also not entirely a Venue issue.
San Antonio, TX@Vibes Event Center
As usual papa roach was was my youngest boys first concert and Jacobi took the time to acknowledge this to remember for him for sure...for his brother as papa roach was his first.concert over 10 years before this and it made a huge .memory as a dad being able to share the love of your music with my kids and have it a part of our lives...thank you for the amazing music and memories
Abbotsford, Canada@Abbotsford Centre
Papa Roach, Bad Wolves & Asking Alexandria were all amazing bands to hear and I had a good time at the front with VIP passes. High Five from Jacoby and almost caught a drumstick. There were some technical issues towards the end which resulted in Papa Roach finishing earlier then expected. It had to be the bands equipment and not the Venue itself. The staff and security were really cool and laid back. Also another down side, the water at the front of the pit ran out and people were stuck in extremely hot conditions that resulted in some people passing out or getting sick. More water would have been nice, seemed a little unprepared but also not entirely a Venue issue.
San Antonio, TX@Vibes Event Center
Always amazing live. I get super sad after every show and try to figure out ways to see you again in the following days after in another city, but it’s not realistic for me. Then I slip into a deep depression and I beg the music gods to bless us with another show in the not so distant future. Please come back soon. I need more Papa Roach shows in my life to keep my sanity intact. Thanks for putting on the perfect rock show. It’s a blast every time that I have the privilege of seeing you guys. Much love.
Sugar Land, TX@Smart Financial Centre at Sugar Land
I can’t even remember how times I’ve seen these guys since the first time 19 years ago 😮 but once again they didn’t disappoint. Jacoby and the rest of the lads always put in a great show and this had just the right mix of old and new. Small venue and decent sound was a plus, location of the venue miles out of town not so great and we also found the crowd unusually “aggy” for a rock gig. Overall a wicked night and already looking for to seeing them again next time they’re back in the U.K.
Norwich, United Kingdom@UEA LCR Norwich
This was a great concert. Asking Alexandria, Papa Roach and Shinedown. Everyone played great, high energy with great lighting and performance. The sounds was good and loud but there was something off with the surround sound like the speakers weren’t in the right place. I will say this venue was terrible, it’s at a college in Dayton and the parking was uncoordinated, uncoordinated shuttles and security who were directing traffic. They definitely were not prepared for this type of audience and amount of people. It would have to be a really good concert for me to attend this again. But nonetheless, I have always enjoyed Shinedown and Papa Roach performances.
Fairborn, OH@WSU Nutter Center
I saw Papa Roach about 8 years ago. At the time they put on a good show, but the sound sucked. This time was awesome! They sounded great and their sound engineer did a fantastic job. Have been to a lot of shows at teco/germain/hertz and usually the volume is too loud and just sounds aweful. This time everything came together perfectly. Great show by Papa Roach, very energetic, loved Jacoby getting out in the audiance and like i said, they sounded awesome. Plus i love their new album, these old guys have been able to stay fresh. Only negative is PR should have been headliner. I posted a few videos at:
Estero, FL@Hertz Arena, formerly the Germain Arena
Everything about this show was excellent! I cannot express adequately just how fantastic Papa Roach sounded. This was my third show of theirs and they just keep getting better with age (I can say that because they’re my contemporaries). Their last three albums have been progressively more mature, solid, heart-felt and the perfect mix of attitude and awareness. I loved hearing the new songs, some mid-career highlights, and the classics. I’m already wishing to see them again! Thank you guys!
San Francisco, CA@San Francisco Armory
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