Erik Walters
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About Erik Walters
Erik Walters is an American songwriter and musician. Captivated by music at a young age, Walters began exploring the guitar in high school and became immersed in the school music program. After graduating, Walters relocated to Seattle with his band, The Globes, and signed to Barsuk Records in 2010. The Globes released one record, “Future Self,” and toured with Minus The Bear, The Get Up Kids and more.
Seeking to grow as a songwriter and collaborator, Walters released three records (Heatherfield, Let It Be A Dream, and Bermuda Dunes) as Silver Torches between 2016 and 2020. During this period, Walters’ cut his teeth on the road playing guitar for artists such as Perfume Genius and Telekinesis. In the summer of 2017, Walters joined the David Bazan band on guitar for a west coast run supporting City and Color. Shortly after, Bazan reformed the group as Pedro The Lion. This iteration of the band went on to make “Phoenix,” the first Pedro The Lion record in 20 years.
Walters’ returned home from the Phoenix tour to face the harsh new reality of the Covid-19 pandemic and began work on his first album as a solo artist. Recorded over three days in the winter of 2021, S/T marks a simultaneous return to form and a shift into new sonic territory. It is a record that challenges both the writer and listener to hold on to a sense of self in the face of uncertainty.
Seeking to grow as a songwriter and collaborator, Walters released three records (Heatherfield, Let It Be A Dream, and Bermuda Dunes) as Silver Torches between 2016 and 2020. During this period, Walters’ cut his teeth on the road playing guitar for artists such as Perfume Genius and Telekinesis. In the summer of 2017, Walters joined the David Bazan band on guitar for a west coast run supporting City and Color. Shortly after, Bazan reformed the group as Pedro The Lion. This iteration of the band went on to make “Phoenix,” the first Pedro The Lion record in 20 years.
Walters’ returned home from the Phoenix tour to face the harsh new reality of the Covid-19 pandemic and began work on his first album as a solo artist. Recorded over three days in the winter of 2021, S/T marks a simultaneous return to form and a shift into new sonic territory. It is a record that challenges both the writer and listener to hold on to a sense of self in the face of uncertainty.
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Seattle, Washington
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About Erik Walters
Erik Walters is an American songwriter and musician. Captivated by music at a young age, Walters began exploring the guitar in high school and became immersed in the school music program. After graduating, Walters relocated to Seattle with his band, The Globes, and signed to Barsuk Records in 2010. The Globes released one record, “Future Self,” and toured with Minus The Bear, The Get Up Kids and more.
Seeking to grow as a songwriter and collaborator, Walters released three records (Heatherfield, Let It Be A Dream, and Bermuda Dunes) as Silver Torches between 2016 and 2020. During this period, Walters’ cut his teeth on the road playing guitar for artists such as Perfume Genius and Telekinesis. In the summer of 2017, Walters joined the David Bazan band on guitar for a west coast run supporting City and Color. Shortly after, Bazan reformed the group as Pedro The Lion. This iteration of the band went on to make “Phoenix,” the first Pedro The Lion record in 20 years.
Walters’ returned home from the Phoenix tour to face the harsh new reality of the Covid-19 pandemic and began work on his first album as a solo artist. Recorded over three days in the winter of 2021, S/T marks a simultaneous return to form and a shift into new sonic territory. It is a record that challenges both the writer and listener to hold on to a sense of self in the face of uncertainty.
Seeking to grow as a songwriter and collaborator, Walters released three records (Heatherfield, Let It Be A Dream, and Bermuda Dunes) as Silver Torches between 2016 and 2020. During this period, Walters’ cut his teeth on the road playing guitar for artists such as Perfume Genius and Telekinesis. In the summer of 2017, Walters joined the David Bazan band on guitar for a west coast run supporting City and Color. Shortly after, Bazan reformed the group as Pedro The Lion. This iteration of the band went on to make “Phoenix,” the first Pedro The Lion record in 20 years.
Walters’ returned home from the Phoenix tour to face the harsh new reality of the Covid-19 pandemic and began work on his first album as a solo artist. Recorded over three days in the winter of 2021, S/T marks a simultaneous return to form and a shift into new sonic territory. It is a record that challenges both the writer and listener to hold on to a sense of self in the face of uncertainty.
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Seattle, Washington
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