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About Neuroticos
Neuroticos was formed in 2004. The band consists of Bruno (Vo), his older brother Kleber (Gt), and friends Junpei (Ba) and Henrique (Dr), with three members of Brazilian nationality and one Japanese member. Neuroticos originally started as a band based in Hiroshima. Joining the two powerhouses of the Hiroshima death metal team scene, Baked Bomb and Blind Hate, the three bands jointly organized the massive death metal event “Hiroshima Death Fest”, making waves in the death metal scene. Neuroticos has shared the stage with some of the biggest international acts, such as CANNIBAL CORPSE,NAPALM DEATH,VOMITORY and SUICIDE SILENCE in Japan, and VADER and MASTER in Brazil. In 2014, they released a split album with Deadly Spawn (Tokyo) and Taste (Sendai) titled “Trisected Strangulating Sermons And Black Mastication”. With all this momentum behind them, they are set to release their first full EP, “Hell in the House of God”, on June 6, 2016. Those who have not yet heard the merciless brutal sound of the Brazilian underground scene coming out of Japan are sure to be blown away.
Written by 冥王亭
Neuroticos foi formada em 2004. A banda é formada por Bruno (Vo), seu irmão Kleber (Gt), e os amigos Junpei (Ba) e Henrique (Dr), com três membros de nacionalidade brasileira e um membro japonês. Neuroticos começou suas apresentações em Hiroshima e junto com as duas bandas potências de Hiroshima Baked Bomb e Blind Hate organizam o evento Hiroshima Death Fest.
Neuroticos já dividiu o palco com alguns dos maiores artistas internacionais, como CANNIBAL CORPSE,NAPALM DEATH,VOMITORY e SUICIDE SILENCE no Japão, e VADER e MASTER no Brasil. Em 2014, eles lançaram um álbum split com as bandas Deadly Spawn(Tóquio) e Taste(Sendai) titulado como “Trisected Strangulating Sermons And Black Mastication”
Com toda esta dinâmica por trás deles,são definidos para lançar seu primeiro EP completo “Hell In The House Of God” em 6 de Junho de 2016. Com o som brutal impiedosa da cena underground brasileiro.
Escrito por 冥王亭
NEUROTICOS(ニューロティコス)は2004年に結成。Bruno(Vo)と彼の兄Kleber(Gt),友人のJumpei(Ba)とHenrique(Dr)の3人のブラジル人と1人の日本人によるメンバーで広島を拠点に活動開始する。広島デスメタルの二台巨頭BAKED BOMB, BLIND HATEに並ぶ第3のバンドとして頭角を現し、彼等と共催する最大級のデスメタルイベント「HIROSHIMA DEATH FEST」はデスメタルシーンでも話題になる.
国内ではCANNIBAL CORPSE,NAPALM DEATH,VOMITORYやSUICIDE SILENCE、ブラジルではVADERやMASTERと海外の大物バンドの共演も実現した。2014年に東京のDeadly Spawnと仙台のTasteと共にスプリットアルバム「Trisected Strangulating Sermons And Black Mastication」をリリース。勢いそのままに2016年6月6日、ついにバンド初の本格EP「Hell In The House Of God」をリリースすることになった。ブラジルのアンダーグラウンドシーンをリアルに体現した容赦無きBRUTAL SOUNDは聴く者にとって想像を超える衝撃をもたらすことは間違いない。
By 冥王亭
Neuroticos was formed in 2004. The band consists of Bruno (Vo), his older brother Kleber (Gt), and friends Junpei (Ba) and Henrique (Dr), with three members of Brazilian nationality and one Japanese member. Neuroticos originally started as a band based in Hiroshima. Joining the two powerhouses of the Hiroshima death metal team scene, Baked Bomb and Blind Hate, the three bands jointly organized the massive death metal event “Hiroshima Death Fest”, making waves in the death metal scene. Neuroticos has shared the stage with some of the biggest international acts, such as CANNIBAL CORPSE,NAPALM DEATH,VOMITORY and SUICIDE SILENCE in Japan, and VADER and MASTER in Brazil. In 2014, they released a split album with Deadly Spawn (Tokyo) and Taste (Sendai) titled “Trisected Strangulating Sermons And Black Mastication”. With all this momentum behind them, they are set to release their first full EP, “Hell in the House of God”, on June 6, 2016. Those who have not yet heard the merciless brutal sound of the Brazilian underground scene coming out of Japan are sure to be blown away.
Written by 冥王亭
Neuroticos foi formada em 2004. A banda é formada por Bruno (Vo), seu irmão Kleber (Gt), e os amigos Junpei (Ba) e Henrique (Dr), com três membros de nacionalidade brasileira e um membro japonês. Neuroticos começou suas apresentações em Hiroshima e junto com as duas bandas potências de Hiroshima Baked Bomb e Blind Hate organizam o evento Hiroshima Death Fest.
Neuroticos já dividiu o palco com alguns dos maiores artistas internacionais, como CANNIBAL CORPSE,NAPALM DEATH,VOMITORY e SUICIDE SILENCE no Japão, e VADER e MASTER no Brasil. Em 2014, eles lançaram um álbum split com as bandas Deadly Spawn(Tóquio) e Taste(Sendai) titulado como “Trisected Strangulating Sermons And Black Mastication”
Com toda esta dinâmica por trás deles,são definidos para lançar seu primeiro EP completo “Hell In The House Of God” em 6 de Junho de 2016. Com o som brutal impiedosa da cena underground brasileiro.
Escrito por 冥王亭
NEUROTICOS(ニューロティコス)は2004年に結成。Bruno(Vo)と彼の兄Kleber(Gt),友人のJumpei(Ba)とHenrique(Dr)の3人のブラジル人と1人の日本人によるメンバーで広島を拠点に活動開始する。広島デスメタルの二台巨頭BAKED BOMB, BLIND HATEに並ぶ第3のバンドとして頭角を現し、彼等と共催する最大級のデスメタルイベント「HIROSHIMA DEATH FEST」はデスメタルシーンでも話題になる.
国内ではCANNIBAL CORPSE,NAPALM DEATH,VOMITORYやSUICIDE SILENCE、ブラジルではVADERやMASTERと海外の大物バンドの共演も実現した。2014年に東京のDeadly Spawnと仙台のTasteと共にスプリットアルバム「Trisected Strangulating Sermons And Black Mastication」をリリース。勢いそのままに2016年6月6日、ついにバンド初の本格EP「Hell In The House Of God」をリリースすることになった。ブラジルのアンダーグラウンドシーンをリアルに体現した容赦無きBRUTAL SOUNDは聴く者にとって想像を超える衝撃をもたらすことは間違いない。
By 冥王亭
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Band Members:
Kleber Dias Matsuda [Guitar], Junpei Nakamura [Bass], Carlos Henrique Tomi [Drums], Bruno Dias Matsuda [Vocal]
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About Neuroticos
Neuroticos was formed in 2004. The band consists of Bruno (Vo), his older brother Kleber (Gt), and friends Junpei (Ba) and Henrique (Dr), with three members of Brazilian nationality and one Japanese member. Neuroticos originally started as a band based in Hiroshima. Joining the two powerhouses of the Hiroshima death metal team scene, Baked Bomb and Blind Hate, the three bands jointly organized the massive death metal event “Hiroshima Death Fest”, making waves in the death metal scene. Neuroticos has shared the stage with some of the biggest international acts, such as CANNIBAL CORPSE,NAPALM DEATH,VOMITORY and SUICIDE SILENCE in Japan, and VADER and MASTER in Brazil. In 2014, they released a split album with Deadly Spawn (Tokyo) and Taste (Sendai) titled “Trisected Strangulating Sermons And Black Mastication”. With all this momentum behind them, they are set to release their first full EP, “Hell in the House of God”, on June 6, 2016. Those who have not yet heard the merciless brutal sound of the Brazilian underground scene coming out of Japan are sure to be blown away.
Written by 冥王亭
Neuroticos foi formada em 2004. A banda é formada por Bruno (Vo), seu irmão Kleber (Gt), e os amigos Junpei (Ba) e Henrique (Dr), com três membros de nacionalidade brasileira e um membro japonês. Neuroticos começou suas apresentações em Hiroshima e junto com as duas bandas potências de Hiroshima Baked Bomb e Blind Hate organizam o evento Hiroshima Death Fest.
Neuroticos já dividiu o palco com alguns dos maiores artistas internacionais, como CANNIBAL CORPSE,NAPALM DEATH,VOMITORY e SUICIDE SILENCE no Japão, e VADER e MASTER no Brasil. Em 2014, eles lançaram um álbum split com as bandas Deadly Spawn(Tóquio) e Taste(Sendai) titulado como “Trisected Strangulating Sermons And Black Mastication”
Com toda esta dinâmica por trás deles,são definidos para lançar seu primeiro EP completo “Hell In The House Of God” em 6 de Junho de 2016. Com o som brutal impiedosa da cena underground brasileiro.
Escrito por 冥王亭
NEUROTICOS(ニューロティコス)は2004年に結成。Bruno(Vo)と彼の兄Kleber(Gt),友人のJumpei(Ba)とHenrique(Dr)の3人のブラジル人と1人の日本人によるメンバーで広島を拠点に活動開始する。広島デスメタルの二台巨頭BAKED BOMB, BLIND HATEに並ぶ第3のバンドとして頭角を現し、彼等と共催する最大級のデスメタルイベント「HIROSHIMA DEATH FEST」はデスメタルシーンでも話題になる.
国内ではCANNIBAL CORPSE,NAPALM DEATH,VOMITORYやSUICIDE SILENCE、ブラジルではVADERやMASTERと海外の大物バンドの共演も実現した。2014年に東京のDeadly Spawnと仙台のTasteと共にスプリットアルバム「Trisected Strangulating Sermons And Black Mastication」をリリース。勢いそのままに2016年6月6日、ついにバンド初の本格EP「Hell In The House Of God」をリリースすることになった。ブラジルのアンダーグラウンドシーンをリアルに体現した容赦無きBRUTAL SOUNDは聴く者にとって想像を超える衝撃をもたらすことは間違いない。
By 冥王亭
Neuroticos was formed in 2004. The band consists of Bruno (Vo), his older brother Kleber (Gt), and friends Junpei (Ba) and Henrique (Dr), with three members of Brazilian nationality and one Japanese member. Neuroticos originally started as a band based in Hiroshima. Joining the two powerhouses of the Hiroshima death metal team scene, Baked Bomb and Blind Hate, the three bands jointly organized the massive death metal event “Hiroshima Death Fest”, making waves in the death metal scene. Neuroticos has shared the stage with some of the biggest international acts, such as CANNIBAL CORPSE,NAPALM DEATH,VOMITORY and SUICIDE SILENCE in Japan, and VADER and MASTER in Brazil. In 2014, they released a split album with Deadly Spawn (Tokyo) and Taste (Sendai) titled “Trisected Strangulating Sermons And Black Mastication”. With all this momentum behind them, they are set to release their first full EP, “Hell in the House of God”, on June 6, 2016. Those who have not yet heard the merciless brutal sound of the Brazilian underground scene coming out of Japan are sure to be blown away.
Written by 冥王亭
Neuroticos foi formada em 2004. A banda é formada por Bruno (Vo), seu irmão Kleber (Gt), e os amigos Junpei (Ba) e Henrique (Dr), com três membros de nacionalidade brasileira e um membro japonês. Neuroticos começou suas apresentações em Hiroshima e junto com as duas bandas potências de Hiroshima Baked Bomb e Blind Hate organizam o evento Hiroshima Death Fest.
Neuroticos já dividiu o palco com alguns dos maiores artistas internacionais, como CANNIBAL CORPSE,NAPALM DEATH,VOMITORY e SUICIDE SILENCE no Japão, e VADER e MASTER no Brasil. Em 2014, eles lançaram um álbum split com as bandas Deadly Spawn(Tóquio) e Taste(Sendai) titulado como “Trisected Strangulating Sermons And Black Mastication”
Com toda esta dinâmica por trás deles,são definidos para lançar seu primeiro EP completo “Hell In The House Of God” em 6 de Junho de 2016. Com o som brutal impiedosa da cena underground brasileiro.
Escrito por 冥王亭
NEUROTICOS(ニューロティコス)は2004年に結成。Bruno(Vo)と彼の兄Kleber(Gt),友人のJumpei(Ba)とHenrique(Dr)の3人のブラジル人と1人の日本人によるメンバーで広島を拠点に活動開始する。広島デスメタルの二台巨頭BAKED BOMB, BLIND HATEに並ぶ第3のバンドとして頭角を現し、彼等と共催する最大級のデスメタルイベント「HIROSHIMA DEATH FEST」はデスメタルシーンでも話題になる.
国内ではCANNIBAL CORPSE,NAPALM DEATH,VOMITORYやSUICIDE SILENCE、ブラジルではVADERやMASTERと海外の大物バンドの共演も実現した。2014年に東京のDeadly Spawnと仙台のTasteと共にスプリットアルバム「Trisected Strangulating Sermons And Black Mastication」をリリース。勢いそのままに2016年6月6日、ついにバンド初の本格EP「Hell In The House Of God」をリリースすることになった。ブラジルのアンダーグラウンドシーンをリアルに体現した容赦無きBRUTAL SOUNDは聴く者にとって想像を超える衝撃をもたらすことは間違いない。
By 冥王亭
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Band Members:
Kleber Dias Matsuda [Guitar], Junpei Nakamura [Bass], Carlos Henrique Tomi [Drums], Bruno Dias Matsuda [Vocal]
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