Jae Druitt
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About Jae Druitt
'Work Hard Live Well' is the motto used by young Mount Druitt rapper Jae Druitt. Born in 1988 to a Scottish mother and Australian father things weren't easy for this young man 'I seen my mother get physical abused everyday for 7 years before she decided to leave him' And at that time that's when all the running began 'My mum, my brother and my sister ran for years to get away from my dad cause she didnt want us to grow up in that lifestyle any further' In 1995 all the running stopped 'My mum stopped running and we founda nice place in a town called Lismore' This is where Jae and family stayed for the next 13 years. In the year 2000 Jae decided to start rapping 'I felt I needed to express myself to release some of the pain and rapping was the only way I knew how. I called myself back then' Loose cannons was his first rap name but he had to change this name due to a rapper in amercia with the same name who was signed to DMX's Bloodline Records 'I had to change the name cause he got a little pissed off' In the year 2003 with a name change Jae got fully focused on his rap carrer 'I was working hard for 3 years until death came and showed up' In 2006 Jae had one of the worst experiences in his life 'On October 22nd I lost 4 of my best friends in a car accident' After the accident Jae wrote a song for them called 'The Good Die Young' with his brother Kron Priest 'The song was just so I could express my hurt and sadnesas in a way I knew how. I wrote the song the day they passed away so it was a very difficult song to record but i knew it had to be done for the healing process' The year is now 2011 and Jae believes he can make something out of nothing 'I'am fully focused on making the rap thing a full time job' This man is stronger and wiser then man twice his age 'The shit I have seen and been threw in my life time I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, now its time to put all this pain into my music' With that said Jae Druitt is someone to watch this year and beyond. B2Fresh. NEVER CHANGED STAYED THE SAME COMING SOON For booking & features: jaedruitt@gmail.com
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Aussie Hip Hop
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About Jae Druitt
'Work Hard Live Well' is the motto used by young Mount Druitt rapper Jae Druitt. Born in 1988 to a Scottish mother and Australian father things weren't easy for this young man 'I seen my mother get physical abused everyday for 7 years before she decided to leave him' And at that time that's when all the running began 'My mum, my brother and my sister ran for years to get away from my dad cause she didnt want us to grow up in that lifestyle any further' In 1995 all the running stopped 'My mum stopped running and we founda nice place in a town called Lismore' This is where Jae and family stayed for the next 13 years. In the year 2000 Jae decided to start rapping 'I felt I needed to express myself to release some of the pain and rapping was the only way I knew how. I called myself back then' Loose cannons was his first rap name but he had to change this name due to a rapper in amercia with the same name who was signed to DMX's Bloodline Records 'I had to change the name cause he got a little pissed off' In the year 2003 with a name change Jae got fully focused on his rap carrer 'I was working hard for 3 years until death came and showed up' In 2006 Jae had one of the worst experiences in his life 'On October 22nd I lost 4 of my best friends in a car accident' After the accident Jae wrote a song for them called 'The Good Die Young' with his brother Kron Priest 'The song was just so I could express my hurt and sadnesas in a way I knew how. I wrote the song the day they passed away so it was a very difficult song to record but i knew it had to be done for the healing process' The year is now 2011 and Jae believes he can make something out of nothing 'I'am fully focused on making the rap thing a full time job' This man is stronger and wiser then man twice his age 'The shit I have seen and been threw in my life time I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, now its time to put all this pain into my music' With that said Jae Druitt is someone to watch this year and beyond. B2Fresh. NEVER CHANGED STAYED THE SAME COMING SOON For booking & features: jaedruitt@gmail.com
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Aussie Hip Hop
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