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Radium Tickets, Tour Dates and %{concertOrShowText}


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About Radium

FRENCH BIOGRAPHY DJ membre depuis 1992 du mythique groupe MICROPOINT, qu’il fonde en collaboration avec Al Core, il a participé à la création de la scène électronique française dans son versant le plus extrême. Ce groupe a posé au cours de la dernière décennie du 20eme siècle; les bases d’un style de hardcore français tout à fait spécifique : le Frenchcore. Ils sortiront par la suite de nombreux maxis. À partir de 1995, et en parallèle de sa collaboration avec Micropoint, Radium développe ses productions solo: de nombreuses sorties vinyles voient ainsi le jour sous ce pseudonyme. Il collabore en 1996 à la création des labels Dead End et Psychik Genocide, dans le but de produire et de promouvoir sa musique de prédilection : le hardcore (selon lui, la branche musicale la plus ouverte à l’expérimentation). L’année 1998 est marquée par la sortie du 1er album de Micropoint, baptisé ''Neurophonie'', et classé aujourd’hui parmi les réalisations pionnières du genre en France. L’engouement du public pour ce style à contre-courant prend ainsi de l’ampleur et, la même année, le duo se produit en live à la première Techno Parade devant plus de 100 000 personnes. Le deuxième album de Micropoint, ''Anesthesie International'' (2000), marque un tournant musical, à partir duquel la Techno Hardcore viendra côtoyer d’autres musiques parallèles. Cet album, un gigantesque succès, leur apporte la reconnaissance de la scène électronique internationale. La même année, Radium réalise son premier mix-CD ''Inhuman'' : un mix fin et varié qui assoit définitivement la réputation qu’il a acquis sous ce pseudonyme. Il devient alors co-manager du label Audiogenic, qui obtient en très peu de temps une reconnaissance nationale aussi bien qu’ internationale grâce à la qualité de ses productions. En 2001, Radium sort son premier album solo : ''Paranoia Performance'', qui est accueilli comme une réussite, et salué pour la qualité de sa production ainsi que l’originalité de ses compositions. De nombreux morceaux de cet album seront d’ailleurs remixés par des artistes tels que Tieum, The Speed Freak, Marc Acardipane ou encore Hellfish. Le succès de sa discographie l’amène à effectuer des prestations live avec Micropoint aussi bien qu’en tant que DJ sous le pseudonyme de Radium. Il écume alors les salles de concerts aux quatre coins de la France, agrémentant parfois ses shows d’un batteur et d’un MC. Il revient en 2003 avec un deuxième album intitulé ''inExtremist'', poussant alors davantage son exploration de l’univers extrême! Il débute ainsi ses prestations ''live'' en solo, qui ravissent tous les nostalgiques des performances de Micropoint. 2004 : La sortie d’un mix-CD ''Darkcore 7'' sur le label hollandais, Master of Hardcore, démontre une fois encore l’habilité de cet artiste, qui travail sur des sons noisy et industriels pour composer des morceaux excessivement dancefloor ! C’est en 2006 que Radium signe son troisième album solo ''Terminal Trauma'', basé sur des titres plus mid tempo et sur lequel il accueille deux DJ pour faire les vocaux : Lenny Dee, mythe vivant de la scène électro internationale sur le titre "Free Party Animal", ainsi que la jeune et prometteuse Daisy pour "Trust or Die". À ce jour, Radium a participé aux plus importants évènements ou festivals français (Boréalis, Astropolis, Electromind, Nordik Impakt..) et se produit régulièrement à l’étranger : Angleterre, Suisse, Italie, Allemagne, Tchécoslovaquie, Belgique, Hollande, Canada, USA... Après une longue période de séparation, Micropoint marque son retour en sortant l’album ''Overdose United'' (2008), un album très attendu par le public, dans un style incisif, énergique, futuriste et référencé, comprenant à nouveau de nombreux featuring : Lenny Dee, The Horrorist, Punish Yourself... Radium revient en 2009 avec un nouvel album solo sur CD et vinyl : ''MasterPiss''. Sorti sur Audiogenic, il attire autant les fans de la première heure que les plus jeunes recrues. ''MasterPiss'', un titre au jeu de mot explicite et politiquement incorrect. Actualité 2012 : ''Le Fake'' Puisque le hardcore est avant tout une musique festive, radium a conçu ''Le Fake'', un album en forme de récréation musicale, dont les compositions viennent chatouiller le rock, la pop et le hip-hop et font se rencontrer des tubes de ces 20 dernières années avec ses tricks les plus innovants. Une fois de plus, Radium montre que le hardcore n'est pas un courant sombre et confidentiel mais bien la musique qui accompagne la marche des danseurs sur le dancefloor de la bonne humeur assumée. ENGLISH BIOGRAPHY Radium: a multifaceted artist. Dj and founder member, in partnership with Al Core, of the mythic MICROPOINT duo since 1992, he ought to be considered as a major contributor to the creation of the Electronic scene in France. During the last decade of the 20th century, Micropoint has set the standards of french Hardcore Techno: “Frenchcore”. Since then, they have been releasing numerous EPs which were met with tremendous success within the scene. In 1995, while still working with Al Core for Micropoint, Radium began to produce numerous solo albums under the stage name which is now so famous within the Hardcore scene. He contributed in 1996 to the creation of the labels Dead End and Psychik Genocide in order to produce and promote the music he loved : Hardcore.(to him, the style of music that most permits experimentation). 1998 marks the release of Micropoint’s first LP: "Neurophonie", a never-before-seen in France. The popularity of this revolutionary style began to catch on quick and Micropoint shooted to fame bringing Frenchcore into a wider circuit. The same year, the duo was invited to appear to a public of over 100,000 people for a live session at the first Techno Parade in France. Micropoint’s 2nd LP, "Anesthesie International" (2000), meant the beginning of an important evolution in the electro scene : Hardcore Techno was beginning to mix with other similiar musical styles. The album was well received and brought the duo wide recognition on the international Electronic music scene. This same year, Radium released his first solo Mix CD entitled “Inhuman”: a mix which is both clever and varied. This release put Radium on the map as one of the leading DJs in Frenchcore. At that time, he became co-manager of the label Audiogenic, which quickly rose to both national and international success thanks to the quality of their productions. In 2001, Radium released his first solo LP, "Paranoia Performance", which was met with great acclaim for both the quality of the production and the originality of his work. For that matter, many tracks of this album have been remixed by notables artists such as Tieum, The Speed Freak, Marc Acardipane, and Hellfish. The overall success of his records led him to perform live shows both with Micropoint and as a solo Dj under the name of Radium. His shows, in which he often added a live drummer or MC, were packed all over France. He returned in 2003 with a 2nd album called "inExtremist" which lived up to its name and pushed back our definition of Frenchcore to the extremes. He continued over and over again with his solo live performances which ravished those who were nostalgic for his lives together with Micropoint. The release of the Mix CD "Darkcore 7"(2004) - in which he used noise and industrial sounds to create totally dancefllor tracks - under the Dutch label Master of Hardcore, demonstrated once more the capacities of this artist. 2006: Radium delivered his 3rd solo LP, "Terminal Trauma", where he generally slowed down his usual rythm, producing more mid-tempo tracks. This release featured two additional DJs for the vocals : Lenny Dee, a living myth on the international Electro scene, (on "Free Party Animal"), and the up-and-coming Daisy (on "Trust or Die"). From this year on, Radium has performed live for some of the biggest events and festivals in France (Boréalis, Astropolis, Electromind, Nordik Impakt..) and has made appearances regularly on the international circuit in countries such as England, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Republic Czech, Belgium, Holland, Canada, and the USA. After a long separation, Micropoint made a comeback in 2008 with their long-awaited album: "Overdose United". This album, caracterised by its sharp, energetic style and futuristic approach, was extremely well received and became a reference in Frenchcore music. Besides, it included some collaborations with Lenny Dee, The Horrorist and Punish Yourself. The title of the track "Hardcore No More" shall not be taken seriously: Al Core et Radium have not finished with us yet and they will continue playing with our minds and bodies until we can’t take no more… No risk of overdose in sight yet! In 2009, Radium has returned with his new solo album ( on CDs and vinyls) : "MasterPiss" (Audiogenic), which will delight his most loyal fans as well as his new recruits. The title , "MasterPiss" is not by accident. It’s a politically incorrect pun letting us know that despite the ever-growing competition, the Master still remains at the wheel driving of this great ship that we know as French Hardcore. 2012: "LE FAKE" The creator of Frenchcore shows us once again his creativity and mastery of music production techniques. Here , using his most innovative cards, he pulls all the tricks, spinning together all the major hits from the last 20 years. "Le Fake" will call everyone to the dancefloor-- clubbers and ravers alike. With « Le Fake », once again, Radium has proved that Hardcore is not only reserved for the underground scene but the music that invites everyone to the floor and puts everyone in a good party mood. "Le Fake" will unite different music lovers and transmit its good vibrations to all! BOOKER : [Worldwide]
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Punk, Hardcore

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February 19th 2016
radium au top comme d habitude
Luxembourg City, Luxembourg@
May 27th 2015
dj radium is always excellent
Mondercange, Luxembourg@
Factory 12

About Radium

FRENCH BIOGRAPHY DJ membre depuis 1992 du mythique groupe MICROPOINT, qu’il fonde en collaboration avec Al Core, il a participé à la création de la scène électronique française dans son versant le plus extrême. Ce groupe a posé au cours de la dernière décennie du 20eme siècle; les bases d’un style de hardcore français tout à fait spécifique : le Frenchcore. Ils sortiront par la suite de nombreux maxis. À partir de 1995, et en parallèle de sa collaboration avec Micropoint, Radium développe ses productions solo: de nombreuses sorties vinyles voient ainsi le jour sous ce pseudonyme. Il collabore en 1996 à la création des labels Dead End et Psychik Genocide, dans le but de produire et de promouvoir sa musique de prédilection : le hardcore (selon lui, la branche musicale la plus ouverte à l’expérimentation). L’année 1998 est marquée par la sortie du 1er album de Micropoint, baptisé ''Neurophonie'', et classé aujourd’hui parmi les réalisations pionnières du genre en France. L’engouement du public pour ce style à contre-courant prend ainsi de l’ampleur et, la même année, le duo se produit en live à la première Techno Parade devant plus de 100 000 personnes. Le deuxième album de Micropoint, ''Anesthesie International'' (2000), marque un tournant musical, à partir duquel la Techno Hardcore viendra côtoyer d’autres musiques parallèles. Cet album, un gigantesque succès, leur apporte la reconnaissance de la scène électronique internationale. La même année, Radium réalise son premier mix-CD ''Inhuman'' : un mix fin et varié qui assoit définitivement la réputation qu’il a acquis sous ce pseudonyme. Il devient alors co-manager du label Audiogenic, qui obtient en très peu de temps une reconnaissance nationale aussi bien qu’ internationale grâce à la qualité de ses productions. En 2001, Radium sort son premier album solo : ''Paranoia Performance'', qui est accueilli comme une réussite, et salué pour la qualité de sa production ainsi que l’originalité de ses compositions. De nombreux morceaux de cet album seront d’ailleurs remixés par des artistes tels que Tieum, The Speed Freak, Marc Acardipane ou encore Hellfish. Le succès de sa discographie l’amène à effectuer des prestations live avec Micropoint aussi bien qu’en tant que DJ sous le pseudonyme de Radium. Il écume alors les salles de concerts aux quatre coins de la France, agrémentant parfois ses shows d’un batteur et d’un MC. Il revient en 2003 avec un deuxième album intitulé ''inExtremist'', poussant alors davantage son exploration de l’univers extrême! Il débute ainsi ses prestations ''live'' en solo, qui ravissent tous les nostalgiques des performances de Micropoint. 2004 : La sortie d’un mix-CD ''Darkcore 7'' sur le label hollandais, Master of Hardcore, démontre une fois encore l’habilité de cet artiste, qui travail sur des sons noisy et industriels pour composer des morceaux excessivement dancefloor ! C’est en 2006 que Radium signe son troisième album solo ''Terminal Trauma'', basé sur des titres plus mid tempo et sur lequel il accueille deux DJ pour faire les vocaux : Lenny Dee, mythe vivant de la scène électro internationale sur le titre "Free Party Animal", ainsi que la jeune et prometteuse Daisy pour "Trust or Die". À ce jour, Radium a participé aux plus importants évènements ou festivals français (Boréalis, Astropolis, Electromind, Nordik Impakt..) et se produit régulièrement à l’étranger : Angleterre, Suisse, Italie, Allemagne, Tchécoslovaquie, Belgique, Hollande, Canada, USA... Après une longue période de séparation, Micropoint marque son retour en sortant l’album ''Overdose United'' (2008), un album très attendu par le public, dans un style incisif, énergique, futuriste et référencé, comprenant à nouveau de nombreux featuring : Lenny Dee, The Horrorist, Punish Yourself... Radium revient en 2009 avec un nouvel album solo sur CD et vinyl : ''MasterPiss''. Sorti sur Audiogenic, il attire autant les fans de la première heure que les plus jeunes recrues. ''MasterPiss'', un titre au jeu de mot explicite et politiquement incorrect. Actualité 2012 : ''Le Fake'' Puisque le hardcore est avant tout une musique festive, radium a conçu ''Le Fake'', un album en forme de récréation musicale, dont les compositions viennent chatouiller le rock, la pop et le hip-hop et font se rencontrer des tubes de ces 20 dernières années avec ses tricks les plus innovants. Une fois de plus, Radium montre que le hardcore n'est pas un courant sombre et confidentiel mais bien la musique qui accompagne la marche des danseurs sur le dancefloor de la bonne humeur assumée. ENGLISH BIOGRAPHY Radium: a multifaceted artist. Dj and founder member, in partnership with Al Core, of the mythic MICROPOINT duo since 1992, he ought to be considered as a major contributor to the creation of the Electronic scene in France. During the last decade of the 20th century, Micropoint has set the standards of french Hardcore Techno: “Frenchcore”. Since then, they have been releasing numerous EPs which were met with tremendous success within the scene. In 1995, while still working with Al Core for Micropoint, Radium began to produce numerous solo albums under the stage name which is now so famous within the Hardcore scene. He contributed in 1996 to the creation of the labels Dead End and Psychik Genocide in order to produce and promote the music he loved : Hardcore.(to him, the style of music that most permits experimentation). 1998 marks the release of Micropoint’s first LP: "Neurophonie", a never-before-seen in France. The popularity of this revolutionary style began to catch on quick and Micropoint shooted to fame bringing Frenchcore into a wider circuit. The same year, the duo was invited to appear to a public of over 100,000 people for a live session at the first Techno Parade in France. Micropoint’s 2nd LP, "Anesthesie International" (2000), meant the beginning of an important evolution in the electro scene : Hardcore Techno was beginning to mix with other similiar musical styles. The album was well received and brought the duo wide recognition on the international Electronic music scene. This same year, Radium released his first solo Mix CD entitled “Inhuman”: a mix which is both clever and varied. This release put Radium on the map as one of the leading DJs in Frenchcore. At that time, he became co-manager of the label Audiogenic, which quickly rose to both national and international success thanks to the quality of their productions. In 2001, Radium released his first solo LP, "Paranoia Performance", which was met with great acclaim for both the quality of the production and the originality of his work. For that matter, many tracks of this album have been remixed by notables artists such as Tieum, The Speed Freak, Marc Acardipane, and Hellfish. The overall success of his records led him to perform live shows both with Micropoint and as a solo Dj under the name of Radium. His shows, in which he often added a live drummer or MC, were packed all over France. He returned in 2003 with a 2nd album called "inExtremist" which lived up to its name and pushed back our definition of Frenchcore to the extremes. He continued over and over again with his solo live performances which ravished those who were nostalgic for his lives together with Micropoint. The release of the Mix CD "Darkcore 7"(2004) - in which he used noise and industrial sounds to create totally dancefllor tracks - under the Dutch label Master of Hardcore, demonstrated once more the capacities of this artist. 2006: Radium delivered his 3rd solo LP, "Terminal Trauma", where he generally slowed down his usual rythm, producing more mid-tempo tracks. This release featured two additional DJs for the vocals : Lenny Dee, a living myth on the international Electro scene, (on "Free Party Animal"), and the up-and-coming Daisy (on "Trust or Die"). From this year on, Radium has performed live for some of the biggest events and festivals in France (Boréalis, Astropolis, Electromind, Nordik Impakt..) and has made appearances regularly on the international circuit in countries such as England, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Republic Czech, Belgium, Holland, Canada, and the USA. After a long separation, Micropoint made a comeback in 2008 with their long-awaited album: "Overdose United". This album, caracterised by its sharp, energetic style and futuristic approach, was extremely well received and became a reference in Frenchcore music. Besides, it included some collaborations with Lenny Dee, The Horrorist and Punish Yourself. The title of the track "Hardcore No More" shall not be taken seriously: Al Core et Radium have not finished with us yet and they will continue playing with our minds and bodies until we can’t take no more… No risk of overdose in sight yet! In 2009, Radium has returned with his new solo album ( on CDs and vinyls) : "MasterPiss" (Audiogenic), which will delight his most loyal fans as well as his new recruits. The title , "MasterPiss" is not by accident. It’s a politically incorrect pun letting us know that despite the ever-growing competition, the Master still remains at the wheel driving of this great ship that we know as French Hardcore. 2012: "LE FAKE" The creator of Frenchcore shows us once again his creativity and mastery of music production techniques. Here , using his most innovative cards, he pulls all the tricks, spinning together all the major hits from the last 20 years. "Le Fake" will call everyone to the dancefloor-- clubbers and ravers alike. With « Le Fake », once again, Radium has proved that Hardcore is not only reserved for the underground scene but the music that invites everyone to the floor and puts everyone in a good party mood. "Le Fake" will unite different music lovers and transmit its good vibrations to all! BOOKER : [Worldwide]
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Punk, Hardcore

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