Fan Reviews
Niall and team is absolutely amazing but the venue is the problem. Beach City International Stadium, which is located in Ancol, is difficult to reach even using private vehicle, especially using public transportation. Talk about the stadium, the sound system is amazing but the screen is too small, and the second floor has huge wall pillars covering the screen. Overall, Niall Horan The Show live on tour made me fall in love, it didn't disappoint at all even though the venue wasn't comfortable. If Niall held another concert soon i will came back again, See you again Niall.
Jakarta, Indonesia@Ancol Beach City International Stadium
The concert was amazing! Niall and the band definitely put on a true show :)
The energy was electric and the stage looked very good too. My sister and I had so much fun! I laughed and cried a lot in the spare of an hour and a half lol memories I'll hold on to forever🥺
The venue was ok, I just thought the outside part where you can go to the bathroom or buy food/merch was a little confusing, it kinda felt like a maze😵💫 and the security made me throw away my Ireland flag I had just bought, which sucked💀
Besides this kinda stuff, my experience was amazing and I wish the show never ended🥲💖 Niall was absolutely incredible the whole night.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil@Rioarena
Ein so so schönes Konzert!! Die Bühnenshow und die Fans waren einfach wow. Ich habe vor dem Konzert mit anderen Fans Armbänder getauscht und es sind sehr interessante und schöne Gespräche entstanden. Außerdem habe ich durch das Konzert eine neue Freundin kennengelernt und wir hatten eine schöne Zeit. Meine Oma, welche meine Begleitung war, fand das Konzert sehr schön und hat es sehr genossen.
Die Fanprojekte waren so schön. Die gespielten Lieder haben mich sehr mitgenommen, sodass ich öfters geweint habe, und die Stimmung war einfach super!
Alles in einem eine sehr schöne Erinnerung, welche ich sehr in Ehre behalten werde.
Berlin, Germany@Uber Arena
I had the best time ever! Staff were nice, venue was good, and Niall was simply AMAZING! He knows how to put on a great show. I like that the stage was more raised than other venues cuz that means more people got to see the artist compared to other places. I wish there were more fans under the roofed part bc it was incredible hot last night and I literally sweated my makeup off. But still 100/10! I would see Niall again anywhere!
Dallas, TX@Dos Equis Pavilion
Best concert ever!! Niall’s stage presence is AMAZING and he is a fantastic artist!! I have followed him my entire life (well minus one year cause I’m 15 but yk) he is my favorite artist ever! The venue was beautiful and outdoors, however, the line to get it was horrible. The artist had nothing to do with it, it was entirely the venue and their poor security. We waited in line for an hour just to have hundreds of people rush in front of us and security did nothing! Hundreds of people were not even in the concert until after the opener, including us. I am extremely happy to have been in to see him come on stage but the venue could have done a better job.
Salt Lake City, UT@USANA Amphitheatre
Maryland Heights, MO@Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre
I’m from a little island called Jamaica so we never get tours or anything and I moved to Canada and made the biggest and by far best decision of my life . I’ve waited since I was seven years old to experience a concert by Niall and the other boys. I can unequivocally without a doubt say that seeing Niall for TSLOT Toronto night 2 was the best experience in my entire existence and I’ve loved him for 14 years and will continue doing so for more. Get those Niall tickets I promise it will be a show of a lifetime, also Del Water Gap?? insane I loved his set. I didn’t know the words to his songs but his energy was so incredible I HAD to check him out, you won’t be disappointed there either.
Toronto, ON@Scotiabank Arena
This show was incredible. It was my first ever Niall show and it will not be the last. The weather was so nice, the crowd was wonderful, Niall was perfect, the music was magical, and I am so grateful for the memories that were made.
I danced, laughed, cried, and sang every song. To hear my favorite songs sung by the artist who has been a source of comfort for me was a surreal experience that I will never forget.
I love Niall and all of his music and I am already looking forward to his next tour. I could see him preform every night and never get bored. 🫶🥰🇮🇪 It was a dream to see him live and I miss it a little more every day.
Charlotte, NC@PNC Music Pavilion
Niall’s show was an incredible experience. The weather was great, the crowd was electric, Niall was a dream, the music was magical, and I am so grateful for the memories that my mom and I made together.
I got to sing every word with him, dance, laugh, cry/sob, and it was better than I could have dreamed of. To hear the songs that mean so much to me, sung by the artist who has been a source of comfort to me especially in a season of pain was a surreal experience that I will never forget.
I even got to step up to the barrier and stand right in front of him to. He looked at me and smiled and and I melted into a puddle. And at the end of the night I even got the set list!
Raleigh, NC@Coastal Credit Union Music Park At Walnut Creek
the show itself was incredible!!! niall was a star and i had so much fun! i really like that you have the option of bringing one water bottle in, but i still bought one at the venue (and it wasn’t outrageously overpriced!). i had an issue with two things. first the bathrooms—the women’s lines were insanely long. i had asked to use the men’s restroom but was turned away because i was told there was one handicapped man earlier that couldn’t use the restroom because other ladies were inside…? if that’s the issue, they should’ve blocked off the handicap restroom separately but still allowed women to go in, just in a measured way. both bathroom lines for the women were long as well, so when i was told to go to the other side, it didn’t make a difference. second, when i got there i spoke to the vip nation people that i had premium vip and they said “that doesn’t mean anything. you basically paid extra money for nothing.” i was shocked. i walked away and got in line for merch. while in line i found the email and walked back and after and very politely assured them that my friend and i were to be included in the vip package based off all the emails i received and the money i paid! she asked for my ID and low and behold—i got my vip package. i was very frustrated with how she dealt with the situation, especially her comment in the beginning, and the fact that she could’ve solved it from the beginning if she had just asked for my ID. in the end i got my vip package, but after already getting into the venue, looking for emails to prove to her that im right, and going through security again to get back to the table. the rest of the staff including the security, the people who checked tickets, the food vendors, and especially the people who were placed by the prime seating to help guide us were very kind!!
Philadelphia, PA@Mann Center for the Performing Arts
Night with Niall was epic!
Stage production is so good, pleasing with the eyes.
Surprise change of songs from the setlist is great.
Niall's voice is so good, even from before up until that night.
What you hear (from studio albums) is what you get (LIVE)!
Been a fan since I was 14, and it was my first time seeing him live even from afar.
Out of concerts I've been to, night with Niall is one of the best. <3 It's more meaningful also together with my friends, whose like me in love with Niall.
Pasay, Philippines@MOA Arena
Show was great and Niall killed it! My only concern was the queueing -- I feel like it may have been done better. There were signs and instructions posted on the facebook page prior the show, but it wasn't followed on the day of the event. There were specific and designated entrances for the LB (Coral Way) and UB (Marina Way) but some ushers were insisting that it didn't matter where we entered -- end result was a crowded Marina Way (since everyone was lining up there and just following the ushers) and a less crowded Coral Way. Maybe my arrival played a factor (I arrived at 7:00 pm) but it's just a thought. Overall, I enjoyed the show very much and I loved how Niall loved the crowd! His production is A+ and I can't wait for him to return!
Pasay, Philippines@MOA Arena
Siapa sih yang engga nungguin niall balik ke jakarta setelah hampir 9tahunn otrat 2015:")
jujur ada sedihnya ada bahagianya jugaaaaa, sedih karena aku plan untuk ambil festival itu biar bisa dapet depan tp ternyata dapet kabar akan seating?! like whattttt:")
aku tuh sengajaaa banget loh bayar lebih buat didepann mau liat niall secara deket.
but itsokay , sepanjang konser aku tetep amazed ada elijah woods sebagai pembuka sebelum niall dan sengaja belum dengerin lagu2nya karna mau dengerin di konser beda feelsnya dan YAA JATUH CINTA KAN SAMA LAGU2NYA:"")
Okey , pas seating cukup gampang nyari nya sih... dan jujur aja agak kesel sama orang di barisan P13 depan aku mereka pasangan dan pacarnya setinggi aku lah ya aku aja nahan diri buat ga egois biar belakang ku bisa ttp enjoy tp iniiiiii mereka udah ngalangin hpnya di miringin udah tau tinggi malah makin naikin itu hapenya jd liatin niall dr screen yg besar aja tp kan mau liat niall asli deh masih kesel sama 2 orang itu.
overall aku seneng ko, untungnya temen2 lovers lainnya tertib dan ga desek2an pas ke tempat konser.
dan yang pasti masih berharap niall mau balik lagi kejakarta dan klo bisa member one direction lainnya jugaaaak <3 thanky soundrythm, pliss jangan dadakan ubah plan fest nya yaaaaaaaaaaaa aku jujur masih nyesek bgt tau gini kan ambil CAT:")
yg udah pasti sama2 duduk dan viewnya pun bisa lebih enak hiks
Jakarta, Indonesia@Ancol Beach City International Stadium
Niall's concert was amazing. The wait for this concert just built up the excitement. When I got there it was just unbelievable. I waited almost just under a year for this show. The atmosphere was comforting knowing that I was with my people. The after party after the show was great too. They played One Direction songs and I screamed so loud I lost my voice. I would not say no to another Niall concert. Can't wait for him to be back in Australia. Thanks Niall!!
Sydney, Australia@Qudos Bank Arena
Niall called it the show for a reason, cause it really was A SHOW. The setlist, the atmosphere, the change to different settings… it was not only a show for your ears but also for your eyes. It was INCREDIBLE and SOO WORTH IT! Niall totally ate !
Sadly the entry was A MESS!! only one queue with one door entry for standing and seating… they only opened more doors when the support act was already supposed to be playing, but they came on stage delayed which was good because otherwise nearly no one could’ve seen them
Düsseldorf, Germany@PSD Bank Dome
The concert was amazing i loved it! But the information about the bag ban was not good. It didn’t say there was a bag ban in english in the mails, so we brought our bags and when we came we were told we would have to go many meters away from where we were to put our bags. This took a lot of our time and we couldn’t even find the place to put them, because there was construction work or something around the bag container, so we had to go all the way back to the venue and hide our bags wherever. Not good!
Stockholm, Sweden@Hovet Ice Hall
One of the best nights of my life. This concert, album and Niall mean so much to me and has meant so much to me. The show itself- firstly the stage setting was so retro to old style rag and bone man style setting which was spectacular and simple and nogdaltic all at the same time. The band was great and even on there own would be worth a watch. The crowd was fantastic and added to the electric atmosphere hugely as did the venue. The venue is also easy to access via train and tram unsure about car parking. The VIP gifts that Niall choice were so stylish and in keeping with his choice of stage setting. However we were further forward with GA standing than many who had paid for early access. Unsure if this was just pure luck. Therefore the view we had with GA standing tickets ending up 2 people in front of us to the barrier meant we got an amazing view feeling at times so close to Niall that it was a dream come true and totally surreal. I wished that the evening could have gone on for longer. The set list was a varied and ingesting choice of his music some dating to one direction days, some to previous albums and his big solo hits as well as newer content from his newest album the show the title of the tour and the album. I found myself laughing, dancing, singing, screaming, swooning, excited, happy, and also crying so much was wailing and shaking to his hard hitting balad science that means so much to me. Loved it all so much doing it again in another 6 months time. If I could go and see him sooner I would.
Manchester, United Kingdom@AO Arena
Great concert! Niall definitely delivered with a mix of selections from all three of his albums as well as two covers. He said it was his first time at the ACL Festival, and it seemed like he really enjoyed himself. In a special moment at the end, he and the band lined up with their backs to the audience and took a picture. Perhaps he always does this- it was my first time seeing him- but I thought it was sweet.
Austin, TX@Zilker Metropolitan Park
best night of my life. i have tried numerous times to see one direction and never got tickets. when i saw my favorite person in the world for the first time, it was amazing. nialls album is the bomb and my dream was to hear it live. he brought the audience along with the story of the album and it was really special. and he sang so long which is one of my favorites ,even though its never been released. and at the end of the concert i waved at him and he waved back which made the night even more special :).
Alpharetta, GA@Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre at Encore Park
September 21st 2018
Maren Morris was a great performer! At first i had no clue who she was (sorry) but turns out i knew a few of her songs! Boy when Niall got out, I was starstruck. He is an absolutely amazing performer and he was super sweet. Fools Gold and Slow Hands and This Town were the best to listen to. I would say it was more of a listening concert then a visual concert, but he sure looked great!
Alpharetta, GA@Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre at Encore Park
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